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Society & Culture - 17 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Go to google put in jail webcam and go to the second site

2006-10-17 09:06:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Im a Middle Eastern muslim and actually i do have many non-muslim friends 9western and eastern) whom they like me very much. Id like to know why is it like in the west a lot of people have too much hatred for Islam? Share your ideas..Enlighten me.. and What do you think the solution for this problem is? I mean whom do you blame? Muslims or westerners? or both? What should be done?

2006-10-17 09:06:19 · 29 answers · asked by Moh'd K 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If indeed Noah's flood was worldwide, then God's word is null and void. Carefull reading of Pslams 104:1-9, details a event that happened long before Noah's flood. The subject is "creation"...verse 5 "Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed forever."..Verse 6 "Thou coveredth it,[the earth], with the deep, [water] as with a garment: the WATERS stood above the mountains. ...verse 7 ""At thy rebuke they [waters] fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away". verse 8..""they go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou has founded for them". verse 9.."Thou hast set a bound that they, [waters], may not pass over, that they turn NOT AGAIN TO COVER THE EARTH".
Now, we read that the waters in the flood of Noah, [genesis 8:3]; "And the waters returned from the earth continually; and after the end of 150 days the waters were abated". That's 5 months!! in Pslams the waters abated IMMEDIATLY.
Was Noah's flood wordwide?

2006-10-17 09:06:03 · 20 answers · asked by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7 in Religion & Spirituality

In todays world let me know what's getting you down, anything goes

2006-10-17 09:05:06 · 12 answers · asked by timone 5 in Other - Society & Culture

Do the bride and grooms rings have to match? Mine has black diamonds with white gold, and my fiance wants titanium with silver inlays. Both are very nice rings and we have already purchased mine. Should I get him the ring he wants, or should his ring be of white gold to match mine

2006-10-17 09:03:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Ok, first off, I know I'll get comments from bashers, but at this point I could care less what you all have to say or what you think.

I told my mom today over lunch that I'm gay. At first she didn't say anything and just kept staring at me, so I started freaking out, because I could see it turning bad real quick. So I asked, "what are you thinking" and she said "I love you no matter what, you know that" and gave me a hug. Then we just talked about it for about 10 minutes or so and the only thing I feel bad about was her crying because she wanted grandchildren (really bad). I'm glad I finally worked up the courage to tell her and she wants me to tell dad (I'd rather not), but I kind of feel bad about the grandchildren thing. She did make a joke that she'd have to get on my brother to step up to the plate and make some babies...but I don't think it's sitting with her too well, at least not right now.

Any advice? Or do you all think it will work itself out?

2006-10-17 09:03:45 · 25 answers · asked by JR 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I used to live in an old (turn of the century) house, and experienced a lot of paranormal activity there. The current residents are experiencing a lot of the same things as I did..We cant figure out who built, or owned the home. where would we find some records of tenants? the owners now dont have anything. I heard it used to be a doctors office at some point in time, but there isnt anything to prove it.

2006-10-17 09:02:54 · 19 answers · asked by Julie N 2 in Mythology & Folklore

Albert Schweitzer once said, "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."

I think my inner fire has gone out. I am normally a pretty out going, giving, strong, open minded and kind spirit. Lately I find I just feel tired and weary with people, the ways of the world and my own life. I have done some great things, experienced great love and great loss and sacrificed much for the greater good. Now I just feel numb. Has this happened to you? How did you find a spark to rekindle your "inner fire"? Did it just happen or did you have to seek it out? What might I try to find it again?

PS: I am not talking about depression or other mental health issues and not seeking religious advice either, please; I am talking about inner drive, passion and those things that compel us to do certain things or follow certain paths in our lives.

2006-10-17 09:02:31 · 4 answers · asked by hrh_gracee 5 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-10-17 09:02:28 · 1 answers · asked by michael b 5 in Religion & Spirituality

ok...a while back i told my mom that i'm bi...she just looked at me..evil kind a look..and said "why do you think you are bi?" lol..wow what a hard answer to answer to your parents.. so i explained to her about my gf and how i was attracted to girls and i like girls basicaly...well she said , "just cuz you mess around with girls and have gfs u r bi??" ... ok by this time i'm lost... uh...yeah!!! lol...so my bro the other day likes to call me bisexual (as if it bothers me) and my mom said she would dis own me and all this crap if i was... do u think she is in denial?? Does she hate me?? what should i do??
so...i am bi...right? lol
i know i seem stupid but please answer and be kind... :)

2006-10-17 09:01:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

is it really difficult to learn chinese while you are Greek? i mean it is a totally different language from mine. will i find it impossible to achieve? I was offered to learn the language free by my cousin who has a language school. what should i do?

2006-10-17 09:01:01 · 13 answers · asked by ♥ksotikouli♥™ 3 in Languages

2006-10-17 09:01:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Which is your least?

2006-10-17 09:00:28 · 9 answers · asked by frankeinc 1 in Halloween

Muslim teaching assistant wants to work in Britain but how can a child build a trusting relationship with her when she has her face completly covered by a veil? Ms azmi is living in Britain and, while she has every right to her religious beliefs, she is not living in a Muslim country. It seems abundantly clear she is disrespectful to us.
When we visit or go and live in other countries, we are taought to respect there way of life and there beliefs. Understandably they would be upset if visitors didnt do this. So why is it that we are being made to feel uncomfortable for speaking out and wanting our way of life and beliefs respected? If a Muslim wants to come and live in Britain i have no objection to it but what i do not appreciate is having there rights rammed down my throat.
If a muslim country had an influx of Christain foreigners, would they allow churches to be built and permit there laws to be changed to accommodate them? I think not. So why should we?

2006-10-17 08:59:34 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Not to mention the most difficult to treat, since its victims are firmly convinced of the truth of their beliefs.

2006-10-17 08:59:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 08:58:47 · 16 answers · asked by becka 1 in Thanksgiving

Ok i'll re-frase that. why is the English mentality sill so obsessed with keeping its heratidge{ie the sewage systems ect} and not moving with the times?

2006-10-17 08:58:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I wanted to test the credibility of the church and its interpreters. I just made up a bunch of jibberish and the interpreter said that I was saying all kinds things. He tried to read me EXACTLY like fake psychic would. It is discusting that you christians allow such brainwashing in your holy place.

2006-10-17 08:58:10 · 10 answers · asked by Jimmy S 1 in Religion & Spirituality

The key steps of life:

Comet, or primordial soup, or clay=?
Organic Goo=Miller experiment has been discounted as wrong
RNA replicator occurs=how did this happen?
Cell occurs=very complex step, how?
Many new single celled organisms
Mitochondria and chloroplast join cell=how?
Multicellular organisms
Many many multicellular organisms
Vertebrate occurs=how and why?
Lungfish occurs=how?
Land Lungfish
Various obscure animals occur
Mammals occur=how?
Primates occur=how?
Ancestor of monkeys and apes occurs=how?
Ancestral apes occur=how?
Ancestral humans occur=how?
Human occur=how?

This is a progession of increasing complexity and information. If there is a natural force capable of all this, it should be very pervasive and apparent. Natural selection is known to be able to possibly explain a very small fraction of this process.

It takes great faith to believe that someday, maybe there will be a natural explanation.

Maybe, faith in a creator makes more sense.

2006-10-17 08:57:35 · 6 answers · asked by Cogito Sum 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 08:57:08 · 5 answers · asked by zaphiro z 1 in Mythology & Folklore

In the Customer Care section dedicated to this paticular user site (http://messages.next.yahoo.com/next/forumview?rt=1&bn=SEA-YahooAnswers&so=L)
there have been several suggestions to initiate User Moderators to help police this catagory, as well as others rife with Repeat Abusers, Clones, Bots and ROMA's.

What other suggestions might anyone have?

Replies from Bots, Repeat Abusers and Clones will immediately be reported...so don't bother...thanks.

2006-10-17 08:57:05 · 15 answers · asked by DEATH 7 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Just because it's quick and easier not to explain problems or depression, illness, etc.?

2006-10-17 08:56:43 · 33 answers · asked by Unknown 3 in Etiquette

Have the reg. posters of Religion and Spirtuality thought about not signing back on to Yahoo Answers? If so, why? and why did you come back?

2006-10-17 08:56:42 · 20 answers · asked by 2ndchhapteracts 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Don´t call me a racist or something, because King Abdullah´s mother is "white" born in Great Britain.

Source: Nostradamus Books

2006-10-17 08:56:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My boyfriend recieved a note from some other girl that started out "Salut beau Bonhomme". What does this mean exactly and is it a phrase someone uses when they are just friends or when they are flirting?
The rest of the note was nothing important but hes in Afghanistan right now and so is she,so I just would like to know if I should be worried.

2006-10-17 08:55:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

...before/after tower of Babel? Can someone give me a rundown of the chronology of the Bible?

2006-10-17 08:54:59 · 25 answers · asked by bc_munkee 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I am wondering why I never hear any atheists attacking Islam, or Buddhism, or whatever else but everyone seems to have this hatred for Christianity? My theory is that you know that the God of the bible is the one true God in your hearts, but you choose to rebel against Him.
If my theory is incorrect, what is your reason?

2006-10-17 08:54:34 · 37 answers · asked by Daddy of 5 4 in Religion & Spirituality

whos thoughts are just so bizarre and perverted and gross. He is an evil man. All my life i told myself i would never become him, and now today i choose the wrong path, and I AM MY DAD. I know you will say that's not possible, but i have become this person that does not deserve life, that does evil and is not good for the planet. i dont want to just kill myself because i dont know how that would affect everyone else who has been supportive to me through out my years. But I think that It would be selfish to live just as another person taking up more of the earths resources and giving nothing good back to the planet. MY dad does bullshit charity work, which is just to make money for himself. So I know i dont want to do volunteer work to 'appear' to be an angel or a good person. I want to do what is right and not commit evil, to people , to the earth, and mess up anything else. please give advice.

2006-10-17 08:53:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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