From the beginning of creation when we used to be atoms, we have taken birth millions of times since then, with the intention of producing superior than us, we went on changing our form. This human form is an latest stage of atomic developments. There are few stages, some have developed beyond their material existence to attain sukshma (minute) body, even remaining in the universe.
Right from when human being has developed the thinking power, he has started getting the feelings of sorrows in a more way. When searched for its reason, he found that life is the all cause of miseries. For that reason, for the prevention of it, he started torturing himself and came to the conclusion that, ‘salvation’ i.e. the great destruction existence of own only can save him from the wheels of life and death resulting in eradication of his own miseries. And, he will come back to his original form, from which the creation was crated. Jainis acknowledge that- the human being suffers from all types of miseries in this world. There is no happiness in the life of human being. The total life is full of desire, expectations and miseries, and those can never be satisfied. Therefore, there is a regular stream unhappiness in human life. Buddhists have also this type of opinions. Birth, old age, diseases, death, sorrows, ill coincidences, separation of loved ones, non – attainment of desired substances; are the miseries. No creature in this world is free from grief. There are several causes for miseries and sufferings. Desire for enjoying materialistic things, adultery, desire for rebirth, satisfying ego of own etc. are the important of them. With the possession of appearance, smell mental arrangements and thinking power, man get trapped with pride, affection, anger, alteration, disturbances and dissatisfaction. Therefore, one should destroy those mirages and avoid the miseries produced by them.
It is easy to discard miseries after knowing the cause of them. Illiteracy, lack of intelligence and desires are the causes of miseries, sufferings and the restriction of birth – death can be avoided by man. For this lord Buddha has suggested that of the eight ways, 1. Right vision, 2. Right commitment, 3. Right speech, 4. Right duty, 5. Right occupation, 6. Right exercise, 7. Right memories (mind that, this world is destructible), 8. Right Samadhi (concentration of mind should be on the destination) Here, samyak means truth. Further it is also stated that, for functioning of this ‘Eight bodied path’, observation of ten amendments is a must. 1. Non – violence, 2. Truthfulness, 3. Acting restraint from stealing, 4. Abdication of properties and its collections, 5. Adaptation of celibacy, 6. Abdication of dance and songs, 7. Taking food in proper time, 8. Abdication of soft mattresses, 7. Abdication of KAMINI KANCHAN. 10. Abdication of immoral deeds from the mind and body.
The meaning is to lead a life of good conduct and a moral one. Regarding prevention of miseries and salvation Mahavir gives the option as “From desires and mirages subjective to domestic life, the kind of deeds the man does, his soul gets trapped in those deeds. Not only this birth, but also the deeds of previous birth puts the load on the soul. Due to those deeds only, a creature undergoes repeated birth and death.
When man don’t perceive any result of the deeds in the present birth, and with virtuous deeds destroys the result of deeds of the previous birth, he gets relieved from the wheel of birth and death. The main problem of life, is the domestic life. Therefore, by giving up domestic life, becoming a beggar ignoring all senses, and with deep penance, one can achieve the wisdom of truths, so that there will be no any rebirth of him in this world of miseries. The end comes for ever. The duties carried out by a domestic person should not be carried out, i.e. going in an opposite direction. So that, the ‘plant of life’ is destroyed in such a manner that it should not get germinated again after getting destroyed. Its existence should get merged with other element. It is like destroying a bamboo plant to avoid a flute.
The theme is, this creation didn’t suit the man. He can’t cope up with the hurdles of life. In spite of all the attempts, he is sad. Selfish people are unable to listen to the pains of heart and to the call of soul to each other. That is why man wants to turn back from this journey of life. In crores of years, what ever development he has achieved, he is unable to tie that up with his life. And out of frustration, he decides that he should achieve salvation. He is tired, ripe and got defeated by the life. He doesn’t see the ray of hope from even far – off. No body is here to understand his pain. Scientist talk about the destruction of the material world by atomic bomb and the high spirited are thinking of destroying their own souls by atomic bomb or by hard ‘UPASNA’. Every one has one ambition – the great destruction of his own existence. Is this a salvation ?
Getting the purest form of soul, and then getting merged with the prime soul (ISHWAR) is called salvation; where the chance of getting a new life comes to an end. The purest form of soul is achieved after the soul get released form ‘Sanskar’ (Explained before). The ‘Brahman’ and the ‘Sanskar’ are combined with the soul in a manner how the oxygen and hydrogen an found in water. As hydrogen (H2) + Oxygen (O2) = Water, like that Brahman + Sanskar + Desire (Manas) + Pran = Jivatma (life soul). Brahman is super energy. If it is separated from others, or total of them is converted into Brahman, then every substance can achieve its actual capabilities.
Energy is the cause of all substances found in this universe and the prime energy is the cause of energy. The meaning is – prime energy is the cause of every cause.
As per the sages of India, get it drilled what ever can be drilled and burn it down which ever can be burnt, then you will remain with the left over-which is the purest form. That is the ‘Brahman’ of ‘Veda’. KEIVALYA of Mahavir, Salvation of Buddha, absolution of ‘KAPIL and KANNAD’. The word salvation is a synonym of the great destruction of self existence. The meaning of salvation is to extinguish the flame by blowing out the lamp. You blew out the flame extinguishing it, but you are not asking where the flame gone. This is what salvation is. As according to Buddha- what ever is seen as a flame is the oxygen, is your mental body (Pran). The liberation of life soul from desire and arrogance, is the stage of absolution or salvation.
The flame gets extinguished by blowing the lamp off, it remains in the air in the form of the odor of fuel and as a smoke. The smoke can be re-burnt further, and the remaining part after this, is the purest form of it. For it, atomic fire is required to be ignited in the soul. With its fierce blaze, the soul being heated up and being separated from ‘Sanskar’ will come out of the boundary of birth-death.
Salvation is achieved by the above process, and by achieving divine knowledge also in which Sanskar is brought into an end. The ‘minute one’ loses its existence to combine with the great one, but it doesn’t turn into a great one- because the existence of it is too negligible in comparison to that ‘great one’. We can tell only this much that ‘Brahman’ got merged with the prime ‘Brahma’. Now don’t ask where the ‘Prime Brahma’ is situated. The prime Brahma is spread in the world of all inert and conscious soul, like an witness. The ‘space’ inside every atom is that one only, which is its body in a salvation stage and of yours as well. To become Buddha, to become Mahavir, to become a sage, you have to become a king first, to enjoy all the luxuries, so that you get fed off with life. The life will seem to be worthless, and utmost pleasure will be felt from ‘self torture’. The path of ‘Buddha’ and the path of Mahavir is applicable to those persons who have gone through all the luxuries of life. A little expectation in the life will never let you succeed in that. For that reason, before wishing for salvation it is necessary to get bored with life first. The persons bored with life are suitable for choosing the path of Buddha and Mahavir.
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Religion & Spirituality