definitely not in the Da Vinci Code,
It’s definitely not in the Dead Sea Scrolls,
It’s definitely not in the Old Testament,
It’s definitely not in the New Testament,
It’s definitely not in the Gospel according to Judas.
You will not find these Truths in Conspiracy Theories, block busting novels, movies or unsubstantiated Secret Documents enshrouded in mystery requiring secret codes to unravel.
This and all other Truths is to be found in the only Testament that has passed the Biblical test as mentioned in Matt in that it has remained unchanged even to the extent of ‘one jot or one tittle’ for the last 1400 years. A Testament that has remained in its original text and language free of human manipulations or conspiracies since its earthly manifestation 1400 years ago. A Testament that can never be destroyed as it is preserved literally in the hearts and minds of millions of people on planet earth, and in a preserved Tablet in heaven. A Testament that was written not ‘behind closed doors’ by people with ‘hidden agendas’, but written in the broad daylight of recorded history. A Testament that exposes the ‘cover ups, intrigues and lies’ of the past, present & future.
You have read the rest, but you owe it to yourself, your family and the world to now read, analyze and study the best.
READ Al Qur’an the Last & Final Testament to all of humanity.
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Religion & Spirituality