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[Selected]: All categories Social Science Sociology

Is it the system that enables the people to become perfect, or is it the people who make the system work perfectly?

Could perfect people make any system work perfectly?

Could the perfect system make any people perfect?

Are peace, love, happiness and success better achieved by implementing external systems (Laws, incentives, consequences, etc.) to push people in the right direction, or are they better achieved by helping people to become internally motivated by love, kindness, consideration, etc.

By "System" I mean external structures like government, economics, religion (in some cases), ect.

By "Perfect" I mean hypothetically the best possible system or the best that people can be.

2007-12-17 17:03:49 · 8 answers · asked by atomzer0 6

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white

I'm a convict
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my time

Guilty of being white

2007-12-17 16:20:37 · 16 answers · asked by Bernie H 2

And if they went to the same schools as me, then why don't they talk proper english?

2007-12-17 15:17:20 · 13 answers · asked by Bernie H 2

My now ex g/f told me that she needs to get better mentally b/c of an autoimmune disorder. We started to be just friends and that lasted about a week after I found from a friends roommate that she was on match.com lookin for love. After I confronted her about this she told me to move on through a text message. Fine, I have plenty of girls as friends that want something long term. She told me one day before that I am very handsome, sweet, and great. She says that I'm a great kisser and I'm a 12 out of 10 in bed, without even asking her. I don't need her, but I wanted to be with her. If she wants to get better by having time alone and she calls me perfect, why is she going on line looking for something else?

2007-12-17 10:03:21 · 10 answers · asked by cappatown23 3

Pornography, or the legalization there of, has only been around since about 1960.
Do you think pornography effects society in a negative way? If so, why.. elaborate.
Do you think pornography has had positive effects on society (since it has been legalized).

Any information you way to share, please do. I'm studying this topic, and it's not easy!

2007-12-17 06:36:35 · 9 answers · asked by thankgodformaryjane 4

Psychology, sociology, history, speech, biology, or political science.

2007-12-17 03:59:58 · 14 answers · asked by candace a 1

I'm not a member but welcome to the club, anyway.

2007-12-17 01:57:36 · 6 answers · asked by FRANsuFU 3

If the world was to end in 7 days what would you do? Spend it with friends and family, do all the things youve never gotten a chance to do, or give into the anarchy?

2007-12-17 01:10:16 · 5 answers · asked by Locke 3

I noticed many hispanics, specifically some proud Mexican-Americans living in the USA as well as other latinos, see themselves as their own "race".

Now I know hispanic is a cultural term for somebody FROM a spanish-speaking country or of that origin/heritage, but why don't most of them seem to realize that SOME of their roots are european in origin (spaniard blood) as well as their language which originated from europe/latin dialect.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be proud of their skin and native heritage (they should), but rather than hold an animosity towards white hispanics, spain spanish (which i heard they can be bad too so i'm not taking sides) and white people in general, why can't they learn to open up and get along with them a little more?

I know some white people are hostile, but i see more of it come from latins here in America, including from white-hispanics who think because they have the hispanic label that doesn't make them caucasian?

2007-12-16 08:03:58 · 7 answers · asked by Dusk 6

I just found the website listed below. It is really suprising to me the facts that I have learned. Can I get your first impressions on the facts and numbers below.

In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in a relatively few hands. As of 2001, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 33.4% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 51%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 84%, leaving only 16% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers). Basically the rich are getting richer. My question is...

(Facts from http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html)

1) Do you feel that this is just the American way or does the bottom 80% need to rise up and take back a portion of the wealth.
2) Who's fault is it?
3) If we did rise up...what do we need to do? Demand higher pay? Demand better benefits?

2007-12-16 04:06:17 · 6 answers · asked by Shelby R 3

2007-12-16 02:37:19 · 17 answers · asked by bearlyhere_2000 1

2007-12-16 01:22:58 · 4 answers · asked by benny 1

A Totem (For this Excercise) is an animal that represents your family, clan, tribe, group, or even nation. If you had a totem that best represented your group what would it be (and what type of group)?

2007-12-15 15:45:54 · 3 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-12-15 13:25:08 · 15 answers · asked by P 1

I've seen so many, Bush quotes, could he be in an early stage of alzheimers? Or is he just thick as pig s hit? Are you American and find him embarrasing? or are you ok with his level of intelligence as it reflects Americas level of intelligence?

2007-12-15 13:00:25 · 6 answers · asked by August M 1

Scientists fear that overpopulation and environmental destruction could lead to a massive human die-off between 2050 and 2080.

2007-12-15 11:15:58 · 6 answers · asked by Lina 2

how much is the average welfare check for a single person (male or female) with two kids.
Single parent family..
Doing research...
Also, any info on subsideized housing would be appreciated.
Food stamps too.

2007-12-15 05:15:31 · 5 answers · asked by S i r i 1

Did you know too many people use "did you know" to make a statement a question.

People are dumb...

Now apply "did you know"

Did you know people are dumb...?

2007-12-15 01:26:41 · 15 answers · asked by Allan Strange 3

This guy and girl (they go out together)at my gym suddenly want to invite me out with them.We're just decent/good acquiantances.I don't know what the reasoning is.We share common interest such as we are all in shape,but what could they possibly want?All the guy said is that me and my girl were talking about you the other day and we'd like to invite you out with us.Did i do something wrong?I'm one of the only ones there who knows they are a couple,but i know that is not the reason.I what's the deal?I said i would exchange numbers with them,but that would be down the road.Why would they be anxious to invite me out?

2007-12-14 20:53:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is that really all it is too or it or is there somthing else you need to get respect.

2007-12-14 16:34:20 · 11 answers · asked by Branden F 1

prays on bended knee OH THANK YOU THANK YOU
who whats to join me in some cheerful praise
at least for now ??? to the GURU's

2007-12-14 10:02:55 · 4 answers · asked by NIFman 5

He can't be educated because he can't learn
He can't learn because he won't listen
He won't listen because he's too busy ranting

What can we do to help him learn?

2007-12-14 01:03:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What i really want someone to answer is being an introvert unreversable or can i be more extroverted im sick not telling anyone my opinion but can I change. My health teacher said "you can't change if your introverted or extroverted". Is this trure or can i make a giant difference in how i live.Because going to a new school really sucks and I really want to have a girlfirend this year and i really need one answer to change this if there are any suggestions please type away

2007-12-13 14:38:12 · 3 answers · asked by Tariq 1

Me and this married man were messing around/talking to each other for about 2 weeks. I have a b/f and he has a wife. Yes I know it was wrong and everything but I learned. Please just answer the question I am asking. Ok we met at the gym cuz we both play racquetball. Well we stopped talking a coule of weeks ago b/c his wife was finding out and going w/him everywhere including the gym. Tonight I was up there playing with my b/f and the other guy was also there playing his friend. One time, when my b/f walked by the court he and his friend were in, my b/f told me that that guy looked at him and kinda smiled/laughed..then I got up and walked by him and he smiled at me.Then later he walked passed me and banged his racquet right by my leg up against the bleacher thing I was sitting on and kinda looked at me and smiled and asked me if my b/f was mad cuz of him. I catch him looking at me when he is playing w/ his friends. I just want to know from a guy what all this means? I am 21 and hes 35.

2007-12-13 14:02:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Having two profiles, male and female, and asking exactly the same questions. I've noticed people are ruder to me when I use a male profile and don't want to add me as a contact as much, but then this might just be coincidence.

2007-12-13 12:47:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really hate receiving these compliments about the way I look. I become confident and boom I get crushed. Totally rebuffed.
Are the girls lying to me to just seem nice; am I lying to myself with my confidence?
Or are guys too picky? I've noticed even the ugly guys think they can do better than me.

2007-12-13 10:14:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When someone gives them a good facial, do they take it off or do they let it go all over their burkha?

2007-12-13 09:37:45 · 6 answers · asked by August M 1

I'm curious why people seem to constantly want to know if their desires, fantasies and/or sexual needs are "okay" or "bad"? what is it about people that feel a need for justification in their desires?

I have looked back at some of my own questions and noticed a strong sentiment of a need for justification? why do you think that is? How do you relate such feelings to today's society?

2007-12-13 07:36:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous