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Psychology - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

What do you look forward to doing everyday? What makes you happy and keep going. What YOUR indulgence?? hmm?

2007-10-17 19:53:23 · 17 answers · asked by pinkcars20 1

when you lose something that ..sort of...marks your identity?...like something you can't replace...or put a substitute to it to make yourself feel better about the lose?....what do you do when there is no way to console yourself.??

2007-10-17 19:53:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

This person has been extremely hurtful and is very distrustworthy. They consistently break promises. They have never apologized for things or tried to make it right. I feel so hurt around them and horrible memories flood my mind. I have no choice but to see them. In other bad situations, I have been able to move on by pretty much forgetting and having no further contact with hurtful people. This has been over 12 years of hurt-if I try to give them another chance, I just get hurt over and over. I want to trust but can't. Also, I know I need to forgive for myself as they probably don't care and I know it is hurting me the most. How can I get rid of these bad feelings? I want to make peace but also be safe.

2007-10-17 19:49:22 · 6 answers · asked by itry 2

2007-10-17 19:48:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

We see most of the women r enemy to their own species and normally do not get along with each other. Eg. Saas Bahu relationship. No matter how nicely they behave with each other and adjust with each other or say they r like maa beti...but hv grude deep inside...baki sab adjustment...similary v c in mumbai local trains - its the ladies compartment where mostly females hv fights with each other for small small matters like why you touched my dress, hair...i getting disturbed by your hair etc etc. Then there is envy between two sisters, grudges between bhabhi nanand, competition between jethani-devarani and so on.....

2007-10-17 19:48:17 · 14 answers · asked by Indira Menon 1

2007-10-17 19:36:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I daydream the whole day until going to sleep.

I started daydreaming when I was about 8 years old. Back than, I use to live with my step family, we didn't had enough food for everybody because it was a lot of people living in one house. We was basically poor.

I had love/hate relationship with my step family. I felt as if I was in a box where I didn't know how to express myself. I wanted to write down what I felt but I didn't know how to write in any kind of language. So I daydreamt a lot about what I want my future to be like.

I was in a fantasy world of mine, I had an imaginary friend too. But I knew it wasn't a real person. I just wanted to express myself in some ways. I couldn't tell my step family since I had the most fearful and confusing relationship with.

But now, my mom took me and brother out of their house. She started working for us and made a great home for us.

2007-10-17 19:17:56 · 6 answers · asked by Pretty 1

With reference to my earlier question at this link
Most of the users say that Girls wear revealing dresses to get noticed. Ok I agree with that, but that is when the girl is not so beautiful than other but still want the attention of men will choose these tricks. But why beautiful girls/women also do the same when they can easily attract the attention even without exposing.

Don't tell that the dress is designed like that, they have no option than wearing it. Even the simple jeans, T-shirts also, they purposefully wear low and show-of.

Any thoughts about it. (Please don't give silly answers). There is some psychological reason behind it. I'm looking for such answers.

2007-10-17 18:56:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to quit school and move around the country and just work odd jobs and meet new people and places and just be a free spirit until i get tired of it. Then i can settle down and look at going to school or getting a job w/ a salary and crap like that.
I'm currently enrolled in a fairly expensive school and i don't want to just throw away thousands of dollars. But i just feel unhappy and depressed being here. I just feel like it's not for me.

So what should i do, stay in school and be miserable, but get a degree. Or do what i really want to and worry about financial security later.

I'm 18 and a Freshman by the way.

2007-10-17 18:38:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-17 18:11:56 · 7 answers · asked by LEMON the good life 7

Before you start saying I'm a lesbian, I'm not. I'm attracted to men, but I have so much anger towards them. I have not dated in three years because I do not want to deal with men and in a way seem happier. But it is getting to the point that I can't work with men or even deal with them in a store or restaurant. I always feel like men are out to screw me over or treat me like I am dumb or an emotional female. My sister recently got married. I told her that I would be in her wedding if I could walk down the aisle myself so I could symbolize independence. She did not take me seriously. This guy tried to grab my arm to walk me down the aisle and I would not let him and had a major hissy fit in a church? Why do I act like this?

2007-10-17 17:54:19 · 26 answers · asked by Angrygirl5 3

this is pertaining to the new Pushing Daisies tv show.you don't actually have to physically murder the person, it's just a single touch with your finger towards whomever is your chosen innocent sacrifice and that person drops dead.would you do it? yes or no and explain your decision.thanks.

2007-10-17 17:53:30 · 12 answers · asked by polly-pocket 5

What's so great about being popular? Who needs to be talked to by many people to feel good? This being such a dire goal in kids minds leads me to believe we are weak minded, ignorant garbage.

2007-10-17 17:50:50 · 5 answers · asked by craukymuvilla 2

tell me if this is too vague and i'll put in additional details.

2007-10-17 17:50:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-17 17:25:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I don't get this but why is it that in the fall I am so motivated to do anything and I succeed in a lot of things(school(college the latest) and work.) But by the time January rolls around I don't feel like doing anything and my mistakes on homework and work and everyday life really get to me and I just don't get anything done and I get lonely. I'm not really a perfectionist and I don't seek attention but I hate this. It really affects my life. I don't get affected by the weather and I hate this. My counselor says to wait until that 'season' rolls around.

Any idea? I even dropped out of college because I fail to go to class regulary and fail to return assignments on time. AND as for work, I keep making mistakes even though I know how to do it. Help? Even if I get love and affection it doesn't help.

2007-10-17 16:55:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so its about..... 11:45 right now and i have this feeling that something is wrong and i don't know what it is i don't know if its stress, if its God, or if something really is wrong. today my i pod was stolen out of my back pack and so now i have to find out who did it i know what period it happened in so i have about 30 suspects. ...... my mom is constantly stressed out about my brother and so im worried about her........ my dad is killing himself with work because he works so much....... on a lighter note things with my girlfriend are good...... so i need some help is this feeling from stress or could it be God trying to warn me of something (serious people answer this question only i want no joke answers. i asked this to get a answer not a joke)

2007-10-17 16:50:11 · 8 answers · asked by Sharkbait 1

The main things that flare you up...

2007-10-17 16:00:16 · 13 answers · asked by ? 5

What is Sigmund Freud analysis on Moses

2007-10-17 15:22:12 · 1 answers · asked by LO 1

2007-10-17 15:19:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people truley love the music of such modern composers as Schoenberg or Stavinsky; others absoulutely _________ it.

In most respects she is a fine person, but excessive stubbornness is the one important ________ in her character.

When two players suddenly started to throw punches at each other during last night game, an ugly bench-clearing ________ ensued.

First and _______ among her many outstanding qualities is her ability to understand the points of view of other people.

word bank

fill in blanks from word bank below

2007-10-17 15:04:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Patterns of behavior over rule the best of intentions. Is this a losing battle? Are we destined to be losers....or winners?

2007-10-17 14:50:55 · 6 answers · asked by morningcoffeeprisoner 2

Ever since I went vegan, I feel so much better (loads of energy), but I've also become EXTREMELY sensitive, timid, and anxious.

I'm thisclose to getting panic attacks when I ride on crowded buses, and anything "harsh" said freaks me out - even if it's not directed to me. People can't be honest or up-front or outspoken with me anymore - I'm always on the verge of tears.

I never used to be like this. I used to be the *total* opposite. I even used to be called "insensitive"! LOL

So how can I get over myself and become hardened? How can I be cool with not being treated like glass? Remember, I was never like this before. Thanks!

I'd rather be callous and insensitive in this dog-eat-dog and "do or die" world than be what I am right now.

2007-10-17 14:50:39 · 2 answers · asked by Please Don't Disturb 2

I am in the process of being tested for a learning disability. Although I am very strong in some areas, I really struggle with a few others. For instance, I have a terrible memory, particularly for auditory learning. I am also horribly disorganized, and have to spend a large amount of time and energy keeping track of things. I have many many systems that I have developed to help me (to do lists, reminders, etc.), but even my systems are overlapped and inconsistent. For example, I'll lose the to do list and forget to look at the reminders. I feel constantly overwhelmed both at work and at home.

For those who have ADD, do these sound like symptoms? And if I am diagnosed, what resources are available to help me? How can I learn to better handle my learning style and avoid doing "double and triple work" in order to cover my bases and keep organized?

2007-10-17 14:49:57 · 2 answers · asked by quirkyfunnyone 1

In there differences in physiology?

2007-10-17 14:35:54 · 3 answers · asked by Stony 4

Right now there is a certain subject that is really starting to fasinate me. This is living beyond the age of 130 or higher. The biggest this that fasinates me is the possibly second(for males) or third(for females) puberty state. Maybe we grow two more sets of arms? Maybe our brains shed and we take all minerals and vitimins to enhance our brain and become super intelligent. What if we go through this certain stage and go through a metamorphsis? Would we still be considered human beings?

2007-10-17 14:27:12 · 1 answers · asked by pilvlpway21337 2

I do. I'm worried Humans becoming useless in the future. And machines taking over.

2007-10-17 14:23:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

in a physical (geographical) sense, or in an emotional sense...

2007-10-17 14:04:34 · 15 answers · asked by Holiday Magic 7

A person is admitted to a hospital after attempting suicide. After a few days of detox the person is moved to the psych ward. The person has had a personal psychiatrist, who now takes over treatment. If the person who attempted suicide is no longer suicidal, has cognitive impairments but is still oriented to person and place, and most importantly does not want a treatment that the psychiatrist wants performed (in this case: Electro-Convulsive Therapy), can the psychiatrist force the person into treatment because the person has been shown to be a threat to oneself?--or according to patient rights can the person still refuse to have ECT as a treatment option?

2007-10-17 13:59:58 · 6 answers · asked by What I Say 3

I used to talk to this guy online when I was a teenager (10 years ago). Back then, I gave him my address because he wanted to send me a book. It ended up being a Bible, which I didn't mind. Anyway, this guy started getting obsessive and psycho with me about 4 years ago so I told him to leave me alone. He did...until NOW. Now he's emailing me with some really freakish claims about how my personality is horrible and how I need to take responsibility for what I've done (stop talking to him?) and how I'm not pleasing God and all this other really horrible stuff about how he thinks I'm having sex and abortions, etc. etc. It is COMPLETELY out of line! I told him I didn't want to talk to him, but he continues to send insulting emails to me about how I have personality problems and am disrespectful, etc etc. when it is HE who is projecting all this stuff onto me. Why would someone act like this in the first place...and what can I do? He has my address.

2007-10-17 13:50:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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