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Psychology - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

What is wrong with me that I stay up so late. My head is so messed up from being lonely in life and serving in Iraq. They call it post tramatic syndrome but I have never had to see any real combat? I think there was something in the food we had to eat while in Iraq. Does anyone else feel this way about the food?

2007-08-26 21:51:56 · 3 answers · asked by I made this! 3

what a confusing quote?

2007-08-26 21:49:41 · 7 answers · asked by truth set free 1

I'm 21 and the anxiety issues started from when i was a little kid. I have severe anxiety under many situations for no reason. the smallest things will create anxiety in my life. any type of social event or sometimes even walking into work can trigger mild to severe heart pounding panic attacks. I dont understand this. I can not fall asleep until the day breaks sometimes because my mind is running off about my problems. i have to limit my daily activities to prevent anxiety attacks from even occuring. i seen a phychiatrist and he prescribed me lexapro, i gave it a chance for a few months and the side effects made me stop taking it and it did not help in the slightest with the panic attacks. what can ease my anxiety so i can improve my quality of life.

2007-08-26 21:23:52 · 4 answers · asked by sigley0527 2

if u had share it !!!!!!!!

2007-08-26 21:05:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

your a nice person, a nice guy?
are they trying to turn me into a victim, because ultimatly thats what jesus was, he got made into a victim and everyone turned on him.
so when people do this to me are they trying to cause the same fate for me? and have people percieve me this way, just because im a nice guy?
i want to know how can i deal with people that, for whatever stupid, warped reason, are trying to pass me off like that?
they make me so teeth clenching angry.....but obviously you cant give in to provocation and smack them all around the place.
so what do you do here?

2007-08-26 20:13:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay, so right now, i am 15 years old, and i have very high hopes for my future. i plan to become an actor, or something you have to audition for.

i feel like my family is suppressing me from achieving this dream, and i plan on moving out when i am maybe 18? my mom is very over productive and always refusing to give me permission to go to places that seem far to her. i want to try to look for places with auditions but places with those are always too far and dangerous, according to her, so i kind of gave up.

what's your take on my situation right now?

2007-08-26 19:44:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do some people feel compelled to laugh when someone gets hurt/injured....? why is this.....?

2007-08-26 19:38:34 · 24 answers · asked by hey123 4

Why do people try to argue and have valid points when they invalidate their points because they can't spell correctly?

Does that bother anyone else?! Every time I try to read an argument or opinion on this site I cringe when I find spelling mistakes, which are fairly common. I honestly don't understand how you can hope to present a good argument when you can't spell correctly.

Someone else has to share that same opinion.

2007-08-26 19:18:22 · 14 answers · asked by Zhongwen xue sheng 4

Well, i see in my school guys lean more towards the stupid girls with no respect for themselves. I see me as a pretty matured person when i am compared to other high schoolers. Just trying to understand the maze they call a man brain???? : )

2007-08-26 18:20:03 · 9 answers · asked by ktbiggs24 1

a female friend of my brother seems her mind is disoriented. the sad thing here in my country is we don't go and consult a psychiatrists unless if family members agree. Because at times her mind and thoughts are normal at times she is extremely good at times she is extremely bad. Plots evil doings like blaming you of things you never did, but she loves to destroy people. she directs things manipulates people and when her evil plans been expose she denies to "death". What kind of a woman is she?

2007-08-26 17:47:31 · 4 answers · asked by Angelique 4

I am just having a hard time and need some advice. : )

2007-08-26 17:13:46 · 12 answers · asked by ktbiggs24 1

A. Somnolence
B. Soporific

C. Soliloquy

D. Insomnia

2007-08-26 17:10:17 · 9 answers · asked by Tracy Stansbury 1

(sister of the owner of this yahoo account)
Im 14 years old and Im afraid to start taking care of myself like my looks and improve my skills because I think its a waste of time since years from now or even tomorrow something bad and embarassing might happen to me.Like the thing I worry and stress about the most will come true.What do I do?

2007-08-26 17:09:36 · 22 answers · asked by Erika 3

I am almost 30 years old and I still feel the pressure of my overbearing mother who can't understand that I have a life of my own. I have searched for answers but my situation is a bit unique. Not only is my mother overbearing, controlling and manipulative, but she also has a string of mental issues. She constantly nags anyone she can, constantly complains etc... so put simply she is not a pleasant person. I am at my wits end. if I confront her about it (which I have in the past) she just ends up in the psychiatric ward and blames me for it. Lately I have been trying to distance myself from her and I know she's catching on. When she asks why, what am I supposed to tell her? We have talked extensively in the past but nothing changes so I'd be wasting my time. She considers me a disappointment and normally I wouldn't care but I'm tired of hearing her 'opinion' on everything. How can I tell her to back off without making things worse?

2007-08-26 16:55:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I spend my life thinking rather than saying and doing. Because of this i dont have alot of close friends and ive never been in a relationship. Some describe me as shy but i prefer to think that a merely have nothing to say. I cant really talk about anything personal with anyone and I feel like nobody REALLY knows me, the real me. How can i try to be a bit more open?

2007-08-26 16:48:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a teenager who has had this niggling problem since early childhood.

I am constantly forgetting tasks and dates, and always lose things. as a result of my forgetfulness, i am very disorganized.

i once took a look at my school records, and saw that throughout all my history of teachers' comments, every teacher i've had since grade 2 has said that i need to improve my organization!

i am an above 90 student and a creative individual, but this problem gets into every aspect of my life. i constantly find myself having to compromise on things because of my forgetfulness (Eg. having to photocopy someone else's binder a week before exams because mine is so scattered, or buying the same lip balm over and over again because i keep losing it!)

i am determined to gain control over this annoying problem, that shouldn't really be a problem.

your tips (any at all that you find useful) would be very helpful and appreciated!

thank you.

2007-08-26 16:27:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-26 16:16:04 · 17 answers · asked by Cassor 5

you are being you when you are doing it.

2007-08-26 15:57:16 · 5 answers · asked by Gruntled Employee 6

For years ive struggled with a shyness problem and the fact that i looked young for my age made me feel that i didnt fit in with others..because of this i have been depressed alot and avoided people interactions. Since i was young i haven't had that my friendships or girlfriend relationships. I want and need to find a way to be more outgoing and involved with people but it seems so hard in my mind to do. Sometimes i can feel really good about myself and can be socialable and have fun joking around with people... but alot of the time i seem to isolate myself and cant find a way to be around people.... Can anyone offer any advice that might help... Thanks

2007-08-26 15:48:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm currently 17 years old. I have a job, good grades and friends at school. However my problem seems to be whenever i'm in a conversation with someone i know i always look at the people straight in the eye, and it makes me think about what they are thinking about me. eg.am i starring at them?, I have a hard time smiling. how ever ironically i am a sales associate at a department store and i have no problem communicating with customers eye to eye. The reason i am asking this question is because my dumb attitude might cost me my job if i keep going like this. For example i am way to serious i try to lighten up but i can't make a joke or make people laugh. I can't even talk to a person and have a good conversation more then once because i'll just end up talking about the same things i talked about before.sometimes i say dumb things just so i say somthing. I know that if i was more humourous there would be alot more ways to continue a conversation, but i just can't think of things to say

2007-08-26 14:16:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just began my second year at college. Nowadays, i feel very insecure about my looks and personality. Over the summer, back to home, i was a pretty confident person all around. I don’t feel like myself. I feel fat and ugly. When i go out, i always notice guys wanting to talk to my friends and not me. I’ve had small insecures is like everyone and I know I’m not unattractive but i've been feeling very down lately. How can i change this attitude..its interfering with my life.

2007-08-26 13:39:45 · 4 answers · asked by Indgrid 1

If you are a parent, do you possess these traits and qualities?

2007-08-26 13:10:46 · 6 answers · asked by Subconsciousless 7

sickly cringe ?

2007-08-26 12:44:19 · 14 answers · asked by astra 5

2007-08-26 12:15:39 · 3 answers · asked by J's leather emporium 3

Ok...I am still very upset over a breakup, and its been over a year. He broke up with me to be with someone else. SOmeone who had his child before we met. She was a one night stand and he was ashamed, but I helped him thru so much. He was depressed and suicidal. He actually threatened suicide to me. Then when he finally came to terms with all that was bothering him, he acted like he never knew me. Til this day, I still get really upset, because he has moved on without a moment of remorse. I fell humiliated, used ,and the suicide aspect of it I think is what gets to me the most. I have told him off and then felt bad about it. I wish I never met him....I really do. I was happy and had self confidence and thought love was real before him. Now I feel he has effected me so much, I just cant seem to get passed any of it. I hate him for what he did to me and I wanted so badly to confront him in person, but he pretty much told me to never call him again. We were together for almost 2 yrs

2007-08-26 12:12:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Luckily I am

2007-08-26 11:58:05 · 29 answers · asked by returnofkarlos 2

I often feel like my identity disappears within a group. It isn't a positive thing for me. Because of this, I avoid most group situations. I do well one on one. Can anyone relate? How have you broken through this? Please only serious answers. Thank you!

2007-08-26 11:16:47 · 5 answers · asked by Elijahsrelative 1

this nothing happening 47 year old guy who seems to want to downplay everyone,was telling me that i had no chance in something,when i know and others know that i am legitimately skilled in that field,and was making blasphemous comments about getting into a field i would never get into.It frustrates me because everyone knows that i have the ability in the particular thing i'm good at,and this guy just downplayed all of that when he knows absolutely nothing about it and he is a washed up guy who has never done anything with his life.(but downplays others)It's making me fume,what do i do about it?All i can do is vent.

2007-08-26 11:14:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

bout going back to school tonmorow when I go into the gym for wating to go to classes my firends is getting in late so I ahve no one to sit with what shoud I do?

2007-08-26 11:08:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not a pedophile or pervert!
BUT,... (lol, not usually a good start ) haha

When did Sex get so taboo in general?

when did it go from happening in public to being hidden.

Why are children so sheltered from hearing about it,

because they might engage in sex acts? Is that why? Don't kids play doctor and stuff anyway?

Just curious as to why, not condoning!

actually I oppose public sex, pedophila, and would shelter my kids from it too!

I was just curious after seeing a porn icon on yahoo answers, and people yelling about children being on here

why are children on here anyway? lol

I have the feeling I'm going to regret asking this..

2007-08-26 10:56:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers