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Psychology - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-03-05 10:39:29 · 10 answers · asked by MR*MOJO*RISIN 1

this seems foolish, but I asking because I see a lot of animals abandonated on the street without food or water and they look ok,

2007-03-05 10:33:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you define yourself in terms of the university or college you attend? Why or why not? What implication does your response have for the future of your university or college?

2007-03-05 10:31:19 · 4 answers · asked by Joni J 1

...I can't be myself around other people? Is it self esteem issues? PLZ HELP!

2007-03-05 10:30:37 · 5 answers · asked by Sumara 4

I know a reative who could benefit from such instruction, but it is not possible to go to "boot camp" or anything like that. How is it possible to reform someone by reading and learning? Does anyone know of any philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato or Socrates who have written anything such as this?

2007-03-05 10:27:35 · 5 answers · asked by Al_Hattal 2

I've always had this fantsy land and don't know how to
get rid of it. I'm always snaping back to the times when
I was there when i was a kid. How do I get rid of it?
Don't sugest counceling please!

2007-03-05 10:25:07 · 2 answers · asked by Queen Lyanna Love 2

do you measure it by your happiness? your accomplishments perhaps? Material well-being?

2007-03-05 10:19:30 · 9 answers · asked by healthyleeroy 3

why when you hear a powerful song or watch an emotional moment in a film does it make you feel the shivers all over your body?

2007-03-05 10:00:22 · 11 answers · asked by stuart w 1

Do you think it is worthliving if life no longer means anything to you?Well, I know it is a sin to speak like that, but I am fed up with my life and with myself. I jus got 24...I found myself battling with invisible enemies at different fronts...I am suffering a cruel shattering of hopes...I believed, as everyone I knew believed, that my future gonna be bright...I am academically bright, than God, but I just woke up...I have no money to realize my dreams...and Ihad 2 emotional shocks in a short time...I loved the first one...he just got colder...the second loved me, and he is away and does not have an idea about me, andI feel we are no longer connected...I say to myself: Why so? why my heart is always and always broken? Am I bad? Do I deserve all this? Believe me, I think I spent much time of my young age in mourning myself...I have been through successes and downfalls, but all success and ambition died within me now...I feel I am a nothingI cannot commit suicide, I fear God. am alone

2007-03-05 09:41:38 · 10 answers · asked by rosyrose 3

2007-03-05 09:41:00 · 6 answers · asked by Fearless 2

i need help. over the past three years i have spent over 2000 dollars on porn and i cant stop. i want to stop but i cant. what can i do to stop? My life is startig to fall apart and i need to get this **** under controll.

2007-03-05 09:37:50 · 3 answers · asked by John g 1

please explain,.,.

2007-03-05 09:26:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-05 09:21:10 · 2 answers · asked by Ali Amireh 1

2007-03-05 09:16:07 · 8 answers · asked by Sami 2

2007-03-05 09:09:50 · 2 answers · asked by Matthew S 1

Well, this is how it all began.. When I moved into my house.. in 2006, I was very excited. There was only 2 bedrooms so I had to sleep in my mothers because I have a brother. A couple months later Weird things have been happening.. Like, Things falling off shelves.. Especially my CD player. Things moving acrossing my nightstand in front of my eyes. This is when I just woke up, about 8:00 am. My back was facing the door and I was looking at my mom. I heard the door open and hard foot steps gettinging closer to me, I though, "Is that my cat?" Buut.... I knew that my cat cant step that hard. Then I felt something REALLY cold touch my back.. Like a hand. Then there was breathing in my ear. Really hard breathing. Like you just ran away from a murderer. I couldn't move my body.. Finally I reached out to my mom and I was able to move my body. Am I being haunted?

2007-03-05 09:08:23 · 9 answers · asked by angelprincessnine 1

Well, we're not kids anymore, but this English teacher (I'm from Romania) keeps asking us to conjugate verbs as homework, like, I write, you write, he writes, and so on...at all tenses, persons, aspects, and forms. I may be not perfect in English but I don't think I deserve such a treatment, it's so frustrating and it takes a lot of time. This teacher is a difficult person, she seems cynical and unsatisfied with her own life. We cannot just talk to her openly, she would laugh in our face. She justifies it by telling the English level of my class is low and we have to conjugate verbs in order to master them...it's absurd, we've already filled a lot of A4 sheets with conjugations.Now I have the idea of writing everything down as politely as I can, have he paper signed by my classmates and present it to her, and to her superiors as well(they may have a part in the whole thing). What do you think?Will she be hurt in her pride? What should we do?This situation is scratching on my nerves!

2007-03-05 09:08:20 · 7 answers · asked by Mexie 2

Whan I was younger I used to dream on a regular basis of being on dry land that would suddenly flood and leave me with a helpless feeling that I was going to drown. The dreams weren`t centred around water, I could be deaming about a town or somewhere in the country and the water would just appear. Don`t get it very much now only once maybe twice a year. What is it all about?

2007-03-05 09:08:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do Yahoo understand how much MISERY and DISTRESS the violations scheme creates?

in loving memory of pond life

2007-03-05 09:05:44 · 21 answers · asked by bex 3

im writing a research paper and i would really ove it if you could help me and answer a few qquestions.

2007-03-05 09:02:55 · 9 answers · asked by Mishii 1

because when ever i enter one my mind just goes blank and i just cannot recal what i went in for in the first place but as soon as i come it just pops back into my mind. weird init?

2007-03-05 09:01:38 · 4 answers · asked by Lisa pizza 3

yes or no?

2007-03-05 08:54:52 · 4 answers · asked by Patrik S 2

When I was about 10 or so, I was with my mom & dad in a store as they were shopping.

We got seperated, & 2 black women who were older, I think 1 of them was in her 20's or so, & the other about 30 or 40, but 1 of them got one of my arms, while the other took my other arm.

They started to lead me to another part of the store, & ask me sexual questions, & if my parents were near or if I was alone. One of them swung her buttocks across my lap, as the other held me.

I was too young to know what to do, my parents were very religious, no TV or anything, never taught me about sex or anything. I didn't know what was going on back then.

This happened really quick, & the girls let go when they heard footsteps coming, looking like they had done nothing, browsing near by.

I was traumatized by this for years later, blaming myself.
I know people get angry about guys who rape girls, or don't think it can happen to guys that women do that, but it can.

It scared me. Should I forgive them now?

2007-03-05 08:50:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

''mind the gap''
i have see a film were the meaning is very interesting...
what do you thing ''mind the gap'' could mean?

2007-03-05 08:47:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

can i have an example of each? a personality disorder and psychotic disorder? thanxxxx

2007-03-05 08:47:41 · 8 answers · asked by sprite 3

What makes us so different yet so alike? Human nature.

2007-03-05 08:44:46 · 14 answers · asked by Vince Ruberto 2

Was reading another question ('Are you afraid to open your heart?') when I realised the responses were similar. Made me wonder whether it's just the cynical that answer that sort of question or whether there's a lot of people with walled up hearts??

(Incidently, I'm a cynic!)

2007-03-05 08:41:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is an issue I have with people my own aged (19-23)

I have the belief that alcohol destroys families and because of that I tend not to drink it, due to the fact I don't want to fund them so they can destroy more families and target more weak people.

Of course, you can't tell people never to drink, if that's what the like to do.

So is there a different way to look at the situation, so I can fit in more with people my own age and not fund the alcohol companies?

2007-03-05 08:40:56 · 13 answers · asked by Michelino 4

fedest.com, questions and answers