This is a serious inquiry, so I don't want to be pegged with 'emo' namecalling or given into the vacuum of attention stunts everyone wants to dismiss.
I don't know what triggered it, because it'd always been a really bad idea to me--'emo' and 'attention schemeing'. But cutting has become one of the top solutions that come to mind when I have a problem. That's the way it started, and yes, it was scary. But I did it. I still don't know why. Now, it's just an every day thought.
"After class I better hurry home, get a snack, cut a little, and jog before meeting up with my family."
I don't know about every individual case out there, but if you are or were a cutter, or you just want to chime in, I'd like to know if anyone out there can relate. Was it ever scary to you? Do you even know why you do it--and if you're still doing it, is it just something you've become comfortable with?
Maybe I'll be told to get help, but that'll be up to me. This is my present curiosity. Anyone hearing me?
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