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Psychology - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-01-22 01:30:31 · 2 answers · asked by SOL SIREN 2

If a person has depression, anxiety & OCD traits, what kind of a counserlor should they seek?

2007-01-22 01:30:08 · 5 answers · asked by germain1015 1

2007-01-22 01:26:57 · 8 answers · asked by Nicky 1

Imagine you wake up 2moro and discover that everybody you ever met was a dream. Even your parents. That they don't exist....that you're the only human on this planet. How would you stay alive. What would you do? Will you be motivated enough to stay alive or will you die?

2007-01-22 01:16:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a phobia (of tornados, hurricanes, or any type of wheater like that) I use to act crazy as I dont know what when I was a kid. Why do people do werid things when they have reached the pinpoint line of where their phobia begins?

What use to happen with mine: (I think I was about 7 or 8 in this one) Mine has, one day I with my 'aunt' and she was watching the news and they were talking about the wheater. I heard something about a tornado warning (but didnt hear it was an area away from us and it was just barely too far for it to reach us) and I went crazy. Tear streaming down my cheeks, the neighbors were probably like 'what the heck is going on at their house' because I was yelling like crazy saying 'I WANT MY MOMMY, GET HER BACK HERE! I DONT WANT YOU AROUND ANYMORE, I WANT MY MOMMY' I ran to the phone an called my aunt seeing as my mom was at work and called her crying into the phone asking her to get me and telling her of the tornado. She laughed it off and I hung up. I continued to cry and scream until it was past my bed time and my eye were bloodshot and my face was all red. My room was halfway destroyed because I would throw the covers off my bed and take every stuff animal out and put it on my bed and finally I went to bed.

(yes, I still have the phobia, its just not that crazy)

2007-01-22 01:11:10 · 10 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4

And it's not just because I know I have to go to work (though that might be a small part of it). Seriously though, I don't feel 'depressed', but I do feel really sad and moody most mornings. It's as if all my negative emotions and thoughts are running through my head at the same time. Sometimes I even cry a little...is this normal? I know this can't just be PMS, since it occurs throughout the month. Can anyone else relate?

2007-01-22 01:06:27 · 8 answers · asked by chickadee 3

Go on, unload and perhaps you will find you are not alone...

2007-01-22 01:05:34 · 22 answers · asked by Serene 6

every time you are exerted on different thoughts that may on porfession either in personnal life.

2007-01-22 00:59:59 · 11 answers · asked by pra_rup 1

I feel I need more than three. Three just doesn't seem enough to convey the full me, but here goes...

Friendly, thoughtful and happy.

2007-01-22 00:39:43 · 58 answers · asked by Liggy Lee 4

I am classified as a level 3 sex offender (not child molestation), I believe racism, anger, revenge and a psychological taught mentality contributes to criminal and sexual behaviors. I believe society deserves to hear this view point, because racism is an illness and know there are different reasons why black men may commit rape against white women. Compared to why white men rape period. Criminal behavior and criminal Mentality have associated factors. If rape is a crime of aggreesion more then a crime of sex. Then a specific mindset is connected. No one can tell you why they committed a crime better than the offender themselves. In order create preventive meassures be it treatment or whatever. One must deal with realities that contribute to behaviors and not text book assumptions. Education and Understanding must be a supportive factor in prevention

2007-01-22 00:31:35 · 3 answers · asked by cali_story 1

2007-01-22 00:23:25 · 14 answers · asked by Burnt Emberes 3

that made you feel so completely happy, a day that made you feel so special because people love you so much, a day that after it ended you were still bubbling over with happiness and content, where suddenly everything seems so perfect, and then it just kept getting better, with more happy surprises and good news. Yesterday was my 24th birthday and I felt so completely happy with all the things my family did for me, and yet I did not recieve many gifts it was a day that came straight from the hearts of those around me, I have never had a day like that before. So give me your thoughts so we can share our special days together, I'd love to hear your stories.

2007-01-21 23:58:16 · 9 answers · asked by cheeky_lil_pixiegirl 3

when can u be sure of ur love to someone .. whom if u used logic to love him/her it defenitly wouldnt work..

i mean is there Psychologically signs prove that ur love is true or not

2007-01-21 23:38:53 · 10 answers · asked by B for bernadetta 3

2007-01-21 23:31:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this guy for 10 years now. But I have not seen him for 5 years. He is in the US and I am in India. He has postponed his trip to India nearly 5 times now. It is very hard for me to trust him.Moreover, he never has any time for me. There are days when I am dying to talk to him and he is not there. He is so careless and irresponsible at times. I have been dreaming of a stable life with him but I see that going nowhere.Of late I have become abusive with him and feel guilty later. Is this natural.

2007-01-21 23:29:12 · 11 answers · asked by Sanu 1

Would this be referred to as "emotional immaturity", or perhaps "emotional underdevelopment"?

2007-01-21 23:24:26 · 5 answers · asked by phil5775 3

2007-01-21 23:21:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im currently a freshmen in college and im worried that im not taking the right courses. also, im a little confused weather i should be takeing human services or siocial work, is there a diffrence between the two? my main objective is to became a social worker in a middle or public high school. can someone give me a bit of advice, any help will be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-21 23:18:41 · 4 answers · asked by ZZZ>>>>ARA!!! 1

I do know that the vital ingredience is eloquence but I have come to the conclusion that one of the main reasons our leaders fail to fulfil their promise(s) is directly connected to the fact that their speeches (that we put our faith in) are not original and logicaly thinking, no one can implement anothers thoughts as well as the thinker would. I appreciate that our leaders do have a level of input in the direction and aim (bullet points to be covered perhaps) of the speech but it would go without saying that the speech writer uses their discretion to a huge extent. How would you say these relates to our leaders' failure in effecting promises? I feel that an original thought and intent put across by the thinker allows instant flexibility and coherent clarification and perhaps the reason our leaders' responses seem ambiguous under scrutiny/ pressure is directly linked to the lack of originality in their first doctored response. Does this line of thought seem logical? Discuss please.

2007-01-21 23:10:59 · 3 answers · asked by kahahius 3

thank God i don`t know.

2007-01-21 23:08:35 · 8 answers · asked by PLUTO 6

Here in europe (and also in the US, I guess) we have an increasing number of seminars for adult men offering "male initiation" (for men who feel they could need it) presuming that this is something every man in the industrialized countries needs.

I have doubts about this theory - because I do not know anyone who had to undergo a "male intitiation rite" in Africa, Australia or somewhere else personally - so it remains totally unclear to me, if these "original" rites are something positive (or something horrifying ..).

Is there anyone out there who either experienced "male initiation" or knows literature about that?

2007-01-21 23:02:38 · 1 answers · asked by free download 1

need answers asap!

2007-01-21 22:51:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-21 22:48:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am blessed in that I know that I am loved and my fiance has the knack of making everything 'La Vie en Rose'... I never thought I could love anyone like this! The feeling is simply quite a revolution and I wish it to everyone!

2007-01-21 22:37:56 · 26 answers · asked by Nini 5

I have noticed this phenomenon and wondered if anyone could point me towards some scientific evidence/psychological theory, why this is so?

2007-01-21 22:25:16 · 13 answers · asked by megtownson 2

Do you think it constitutes child abuse to stigmatise and burden children with unneccessary labels and give them powerful, often dangerous drugs often against their will and use them as scapegoats? Do you think this WHOLE business entails child abuse?

2007-01-21 22:21:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

* I attracted to somebody on the internet pages, for curiosity, I sent her my 1st SMS, then I felt more attracted, so I continued sending more SMSs.
* I think of her at day time & see her in my dreams night time on different occasions.
* both of us unite in one & love each other during the dreams.
* I think I have the 6th sense or experiencing the telepathy phenomena, as the following happen:
1- my face & neck feel the warmth of her body & breath.
2- my nose sniff & smells her feminine lovely sweaty smells.
3- my tongue feels the tast of her tongue, sweat & wettness of her other parts.
4- my ears hear her groans, moans & sckreachy voices caused by the pain I cause her.
5- my all body parts feel the smoothness, warmth & tenderness of her lovely body.
* after all that I feel that I got my absolute orgasm without any minor distraction, which cann't be achieved practically .
* I feel my knees & legs rapidly pulsating for the next 12 hrs, tired with sore thraught-SP love

2007-01-21 22:15:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

if someone feels lonely so, can he work as a machine without feeling? How can one overcome loneness to do what he should do? Is there any ways to overcome the strong need to love to go on life when being so lonely?

2007-01-21 22:08:56 · 8 answers · asked by living on faith 1

Jade Goody has outraged Britain and India with her self confessed racism. Should we forgive her as a public or, as I hope, boycott she and everything connected with her as a message against racists and bullies?

I posted this before but it was removed for content violation - presumably at the request of someone of that particular racist ilk for whom sensible discussion gives way to force and aggression.

2007-01-21 22:02:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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