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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2006-12-22 20:03:51 · 8 answers · asked by anand b 1

And if so, how do you deal with it?

Drinking yourself into a stupor seems to be the reasonable answer.

2006-12-22 20:02:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was on medication and it went okay, but the doctor and meds in general were expensive and I could never remember to take them and was too lazy even when I did remember. I sleep a lot and have no energy and am late to work every other day. Physically my doctor says I am okay, so it is not any physical thing I can assure you, but my mind is so sad. People are mean to me and make fun of me all the time, I got rid of all my evil friends and family and now perfect strangers come after me in public and even my boyfriend thought I was kind of worthless and left me, how can I get rid of the evil and sadness in my life?

2006-12-22 19:50:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

where did the sense of wrongness and rightness in each person come about? Why is it wrong to kill a person? because of the law, but where does the law come from? from our forefathers, but how did they think of what to stamp as "wrong" and what to stamp as "right"?

2006-12-22 19:03:25 · 13 answers · asked by jimbojet916 1

it seems that there is a distorted view of "love" nowadays. The movies, music videos, and media that we are watching daily always project this "love" having a good ending. But what they don't show you is what happens 5-6 months after the initial "i love you" and the feeling has gone away. this hollywood love seems to be more of an infatuation rather then love, so i was wondering how normal people would define love.

2006-12-22 18:50:21 · 17 answers · asked by jimbojet916 1

2006-12-22 18:38:57 · 3 answers · asked by nashvi 1

2006-12-22 18:33:17 · 9 answers · asked by jubane tees 1

2006-12-22 18:22:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I'm not talking about which way the world revolves, or how it goes around the sun. This is about how your mind has constructed the cycle of the year, and how you think of it. Maybe how the year is mapped in your brain or whatever. Perhapse not everyone has the same answer as me.....

2006-12-22 18:15:22 · 6 answers · asked by AdventGrEd 2

2006-12-22 18:12:38 · 32 answers · asked by ? 3

I can't do anything in front of my crush, talk in front of crowds, or even sing in front of a large group of family members!

2006-12-22 18:10:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What was the most scary dream you had that you woke up from and it seemed to dominate your thinking for a while? It made you think, and you couldn't shake it, like it had importance?

I had a dream , without going into detail...at some point Aliens were invading, in tripod fighting machines (war of the worlds) so much happened vividly and in strange but beleivable ways. I needed to write it all down. havn't finished. that was half a year ago, a few days before I broke my right arm. The writting of this dream held me so much that I wrote most of it in scribble with my left hand during this time.

Then I drew this awsom war of the worlds tripod with my left hand. It was amazing! I never drew anything that good with my left hand! Even with my right hand I fing those tripods to be extremely hard to draw effectively!

2006-12-22 18:06:31 · 4 answers · asked by AdventGrEd 2

Anyone who has been in a relationship.
Referring to holding hands.

2006-12-22 17:51:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-22 17:50:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyone dreams, it's fun, and we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping. What's the weirdest/interesting dream you've had?

2006-12-22 17:38:08 · 12 answers · asked by bloodsanctum 4

I always meet children of all kinds. I'll use 10-year-olds as an example. The lower or middle class ten year olds seem to be more childlike (not child-ish, just happy-go-lucky kids). But the 10 year olds of wealthy families seem so articulate, mature for their age. They're not stuffy - but they know how to talk to adults and socialize with them. It's weird how they act like they're 14. I'm not talking about wealthy teens and they're reckless spending, but just CHILDREN and the way they act.

I don't really mean how they behave...because you can be "good" and still be childlike. I'm just wondering where they just get their really good speaking skills and socializing from.

2006-12-22 17:35:16 · 7 answers · asked by -:- Masha -:- 2

For the past year I have been have alot of problems paying attention to and remembering anything and everything! When people talk to me I'm hearing them but its like I'm not! I have verbal outbursts were i can't stop talking I know it bothers people but I can't help it. but thats only on somedays most days I'm so tired I can't even function I know I really can't be tired though becouse I sleep alot. I have problems functioning socially I have off and on problems with leaving my house exept I can go in the car.I cry alot but other times I can't cry at all for long periods of time.I have problems controling my temper. I think about killing myself alot, not seriously I think, but often. also i've had depression for about ten years and I feel completly diffrent acually I feel almost like a completly diffrent person.(not literally) Sorry that was long but if you recognize these symtoms and can tell me what I have I would love to know!!! THANX

2006-12-22 17:28:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-22 17:18:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

and the protesters and being hosed down by water cannon my mate les says they should also throw them a bar of soap. What do you think?

2006-12-22 17:15:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is not about ghosts and stuff alone. Any eerie coincidence / situations / dreams coming true etc that happened in your life, which is difficult to explain?

Just want to make an assessment of frequency and reasons of such cases. Thank you

2006-12-22 17:02:22 · 10 answers · asked by ByTheWay 4

and how much of 'it'?

2006-12-22 16:57:06 · 15 answers · asked by nodumgys 7

2006-12-22 16:48:50 · 13 answers · asked by Diesel Weasel 7

An ideal answer should involve spiky rocks, gasoline, cannonballs, lasers, explosions, etc.

2006-12-22 16:47:41 · 27 answers · asked by Critical Mass 4

HELP??? I can't let go of them. maybe because no one ever actually listens to me and I have never talked about them so i keep them bottled up.. how can I let go of them?

2006-12-22 16:44:07 · 9 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

for 25 years now, Ive been through every drug on the market,lost my job,my house and now I have diabetis.diabetis affects lots of my treatment options( I have also had a heart attack) so I must watch what medicines I take. I have survived 1 suicide attempt my wife came home early and found me hanging from the rafters in th basement , it crushed my wind pipe but didnt break my spinal cord
I was on a ventilater for 3 weaks was the sent to a mental hospital
Ive been trying for my disabilaty for 4 years now does any one out there have any Idea what I should do Am I ever going to have a life or am I always going to suffer?

2006-12-22 16:36:52 · 4 answers · asked by churchillbilly 2

Ok first of all I was never attracted to older men and MARRIED guys.

I went through a horrible devestating trauma(emotionally more physically and don't worry I did what I had to do, heal and counseling and legal stuff too so please don't suggest it since I already did it).

Well after that I'd find myself attracted to married men no matter how old they were. So I'd avoid them like the plague for a month and the attraction would disappear.

Now what would this be??

2006-12-22 16:11:07 · 11 answers · asked by Queen of Dumb Questions 1

Was it because:

A. I was headed for a 'thug life'?
B. I could see the future?
C. I am what I am?

2006-12-22 16:04:58 · 5 answers · asked by fresh2 4

i got ISTJ and 3 what did u get?

2006-12-22 15:55:48 · 3 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

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