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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

I posted a different question about wrapping Santa's presents in different paper so my 8 year old wouldn't figure it out. I was commented that this could cause her psychological problems when she is older. Other than being teased at school what would it cause?
I found this thought intriguing! lol

2006-12-23 05:28:25 · 10 answers · asked by Suzanne 2

I am thirteen and have been in depression for like 2 years now. It all started with my sister, she mentally unstable, she can't understand things, she only cares about herself. She is so fake, she puts on acts in front of people and tells them lies so they'll like her. My grandparents say that she is a wounded bird and we need to help her, she tricks them and its sickening. People in my life say aww she is so nice. Well, they don't know the real Kaitlin. She even started e-mailing me best friend behind my back, my friend tells me your sister is so sweet. Yeah right! She is mean, she hits me and bites and pinches me, she's 15! She thinks she is so much better then everyone else and tells them that! When we were in elementry school I walked her to class everyday because she was scared, she loves me deep deep deep down and I know that but she doesn't show it and tells me she hates me. I care about her and love her and I don't know why. I feel so much hatred towards her though.

2006-12-23 05:24:22 · 6 answers · asked by Kayley W 2

where leaving the house is a huge chore and the slightest things stress you out?

2006-12-23 05:19:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

People always say the easiest way to tell if a person is shy is through their body language. I've heard that shy people have trouble maintaining eye contact, but is there any other type of body language they display?

2006-12-23 05:06:45 · 7 answers · asked by Chelsea 2

2006-12-23 04:55:56 · 16 answers · asked by linalawson 1

Is it natural for humans to want to find one mate for life, or is it natural for humans to not be able to commit to one person for life? Are we going against nature by getting married and forcing ourselves to only be attracted to one person for the rest of our lives? If getting married and settling down with one person was not the societal norm, would we still naturally gravitate toward monogamy, or would we naturally gravitate toward polygamy?

2006-12-23 04:51:16 · 9 answers · asked by T 1

Like , for instance, if Religion and Science were two humans, what would their greatest problem in dealing with each other be?

2006-12-23 04:37:59 · 11 answers · asked by bunkushbunkush 3

Like , for instance, if Religion and Science were two humans, what would their greatest problem in dealing with each other be?

2006-12-23 04:33:04 · 7 answers · asked by bunkushbunkush 3

2006-12-23 04:31:33 · 19 answers · asked by ♥michele♥ 7

Im doing research for my arts and media studies/psychology dissertation and would like to know how you thought and felt at the time and why you did it

2006-12-23 04:28:01 · 3 answers · asked by Fishing Twit 2

My wife used to keep the empty disposable cans and bottles of food in the store utill they become big heaps.This has been always a source of quarrel between us?

2006-12-23 04:25:26 · 4 answers · asked by kigrawi 3


2006-12-23 04:13:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

A good night, the best in a long time
A new friend turned me on to an old favorite
Nothing better than a dealer whos high
Be high, convince them to buy

Whats my drug of choice?
Well, what have you got?
I dont go broke
And I do it a lot

Seems so sick to the hypocrite norm
Running their boring drills
But we are an elite race of our own
The stoners, junkies, and freaks

Are you happy? I am, man.
Content and fully aware
Money, status, nothing to me
cause your life is empty and bare

You cant understand a users mind
But try, with your books and degrees
If you let yourself go and opened your mind
Ill bet youd be doing like me
And it aint so bad

Say, I do it a lot!
Say, I do it a lot!
Say, I do it a lot!
Say, I do it a lot!

2006-12-23 04:12:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Especially giant armored robosuits with human pilots. Seems like a psychological thing going on there. Feelings of inadequacy? Their loss to the 'giant' Americans in the war and the need to feel big and powerful? Or maybe nothimg, just a fad in anime. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the Japanese or their culture; all men are brothers. I was just reminded of this question, which has occured to me before, when watching 'Appleseed' on TV...

2006-12-23 04:10:39 · 11 answers · asked by AmigaJoe 3

2006-12-23 04:03:20 · 11 answers · asked by Marble Magic 3

I am going thorough some emotional problems at home and at work, some times feel depressed, I appreciate any suggestions which eases this pain. I want a simple, certainly not after money, whatever little I make I try to find it happiness, certainly not jealous on some ones richness, try always be contempt, but still I am suffering from depressions, can not some times take and digest people comments, dealing with some unhappy relatives and find it very hard to please my supervisor at work, she is picking on me on everyday on petty things. Any help appreciate.

2006-12-23 04:02:39 · 5 answers · asked by SANTHOSH 1

Answers can be for both mentally and physically making oneself do something he/she doesn't want to do.
For example, I do not want to finish this research essay thats due in 3 weeks and I do not want to procrastinate, BUT how do I make myself start now?? I do not want to even think about it.

2006-12-23 03:57:02 · 6 answers · asked by bkjp 1

Ok, there is a close family member of mine that has moved out of there spouses house because of ex problems because a kid is involved. The whole time he has been gone all he does is worry about her and what she is doing so much he has anxiety now, which has led to deep depression. All day he throws up and constantly talks about her every minute of the day. He can't sleep because of constant worry and is scared of breaking up with her so much that he is suicidal and i have to hide his guns from him and babysit him every night to where i lose sleep over it because of what he might do to himself. He says if they split up he will do harm to her and if he cant live at her house no one can and wont do anything at all but worry about going back to her house. He Blames all of his depression and anxiety on her and says its her fault because she made him this way, in which my opinion is he did it to himself because he didnt have to worry as much as he did about it. What would this be considered?

2006-12-23 03:50:34 · 18 answers · asked by tnerb 1


2006-12-23 03:47:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you get rid of it?

2006-12-23 03:41:08 · 14 answers · asked by pookie 2

I was wondering what it was called.? Can you help me? Thank you and Merry Christmas!

2006-12-23 03:38:26 · 17 answers · asked by *sweetpsychiatrist* 1

i'll be writing a book to deal with these problems, can u share ur experience

2006-12-23 03:33:53 · 13 answers · asked by atul_19sss 1

I think it's funny. I am pretty sure that people go up against eachother for points for best answer by giving everyone else who answered the same question a thumbs down. Cause I noticed that sometime when I answer with a really neutral response, I will still get a thumbs down along with everyone else who left an answer. Anyway, no biggie. Just an observation.

2006-12-23 03:32:52 · 2 answers · asked by Nikki W 3

I feel like I don't deserve to have money spent on me, I don't deserve to eat and I feel guilty when I spend money or eat. I feel that I don't deserve the best guy for me, that someone else deserves him more than me. I feel that I don't deserve to have people want to be my friend or love/care about me. What's wrong with me? How do I get over these constant feelings?

2006-12-23 03:28:52 · 9 answers · asked by *~*~*~* 4

There seems to be little in your most private life that does not stroke with one hand while it threatens to strike with the other

2006-12-23 03:27:57 · 3 answers · asked by FlAwL3ss 2

Career choice

2006-12-23 03:07:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

The number of people in this country alone that suffer from one or both of these conditions is unreal. What does that tell us as a society that we need to do? So far the only answer is multiple trips to the pharmacy to get medication. How much does that truly help? Aren't we just "covering up" the problem, instead of finding a way as a country to change this problem? You see anxiety in people everywhere you go anymore, from the roads (road rage), to mothers killing thier children. When do we say enough is enough, this is a real issue in this country and we need to do something about it?

2006-12-23 03:04:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can malnutrition in early teens make you less intelligent when you grow up? could effect your IQ significantly? how many IQ points do you think malnourishment as a teen could make you loose in the long run?

I know this is a complicated and perhaps boring question for some of you, but any answers could really help me, even if it's just a guess, thanks.

2006-12-23 03:00:53 · 3 answers · asked by I am the Badger Princess. 4

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