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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2006-12-22 15:48:24 · 10 answers · asked by babygirl143_dk 3

In your opinion what is the best thing about living and being a human being?

2006-12-22 15:38:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

....or better?

Does your lack of superpower make your lives less meaningful and enjoyable to yourselves?

By life I mean the here and now...

2006-12-22 15:18:51 · 17 answers · asked by Zeek 3

If so I would love to hear how it makes you feel and how other people reacted then and now, the difference in how people treat you. It happened to me, now no one stares at me whenever I am in public and it is a relief but also so strange feeling.

2006-12-22 15:10:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please don't say: The monkey thought 'twas all in fun.

2006-12-22 15:10:03 · 5 answers · asked by sassy 6

a lot of confidence in being successful in the next job and what to do about it if the person doesn't have a lot of confidence in being successful in the next job?? What if you can't forget the failures and they are always on the back of your mind and so sometimes they can come in to cause you not to be able to do well in your new job?

Because there is a gap between getting fired from all your jobs and being successful in your jobs. How do you get over that gap and start doing well in your job and what if you still have those failures in the back of your mind... ?

2006-12-22 15:05:30 · 6 answers · asked by Raines 1

I've been wanting to start one for a long time, but every time I consider it I just think, "Nah, it would never work".

2006-12-22 14:58:37 · 5 answers · asked by warn_terr 2

Do you think that personal interactions with demons are some type of mental, psychiatric, and/or emotional disorder? If your answer is "Yes", please explain. Thanks!

2006-12-22 14:57:09 · 20 answers · asked by Old Soldier 3

I am a negative person by nature... and my humor is sarcastic so I naturally go towards the negative thought of every situation. How can i train that "positivity muscle"? How do I put positivity into practice?

2006-12-22 14:50:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know nightmares later seem to be funny sometimes, but I don'y mean that. I'm talking about a comedy dream that is funny while you dream it. Happened to me a few times, but I usually cant remember what was funny about it later.
I asked people around here if they experienced anything like this and no one did.....

2006-12-22 14:29:44 · 5 answers · asked by AdventGrEd 2

2006-12-22 14:20:41 · 7 answers · asked by azha_mazrul 1

2006-12-22 14:14:50 · 13 answers · asked by Laela (Layla) 6

!st let me explain i do not bash prostitutes,however i dont condone it either,but i dont condone lying,stealing,murder,rape and all the other possibilites of unlawful & sinful behavior.But i like to engage others in conservations of morality and compare a complicated insurance,credit card contract,& fine print in an avertisement etc:as legal lies to what is considered some of the worst sinful occupations & i point out that one is just as bad as the other---------guess what people dont like it when i get close to home base,i do this protraying as a stupid person & i ask the complicated questions that intwines their minds.Its fun and i plan to write a book about it. Do you think i'm bad just a mischevious, a mind opener or other? Its fun ,but i retain my profile as moron so as not to let the cat out of the bag. I wish i had a camera crew that would film it all.When we part i see a sigh of relief,but i'm sure i left an after taste..

2006-12-22 14:11:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-22 14:06:18 · 20 answers · asked by Panda 2 2

I have in the past, went into houses I dreamt about the night before, in detail, sometimes these houses are haunted, and I know they are because I dreamt about it, but there really detailed, like the one last night,,,,,,,

2006-12-22 14:02:46 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3

2006-12-22 14:02:44 · 18 answers · asked by Rachel T. 2

2006-12-22 13:56:36 · 10 answers · asked by Snorty 1


When you cry
no one sees your tears.


When your in pain
no one sees you hurt


When you are worried
no one sees your stress.


When you are happy
no one sees your smile.









2006-12-22 13:55:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I'm not talking about which way the world revolves, or how it goes around the sun. This is about how your mind has constructed the cycle of the year, and how you think of it. Perhapse not everyone has the same answer as me.....

2006-12-22 13:53:27 · 1 answers · asked by AdventGrEd 2

how can u tell if they are stalking u or just playing around..(forreal or not)

2006-12-22 13:36:53 · 3 answers · asked by {BUBBLICIOUSZ}♥MUAH! 3

I notice that women always ignore or even blatantly leave out a guy from participating in groups and games if he is unconfident.

This doesn't happen to me too much as I have gained confidence, but I see it over and over with other guys.

What is it with women and guys with confidence?

2006-12-22 12:56:07 · 5 answers · asked by Apeman 1

2006-12-22 12:35:02 · 27 answers · asked by Justine T 2

2006-12-22 12:28:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was floating down a river along with a bunch of gorillas and kangaroos. When I got too close to the gorillas they would push be toward the kangaroos which would immediately punch me in the face. I swam to shore where there was this little town performing a musical reenactment of the D-Day landings at Normandy during world war II. So I climbed up on the roof of one of the buildings to watch this play out but I had to leave the town because the boxing kangaroos had followed me onto the roof and they still wanted to kick my ***. SO I escaped the kangaroos by ducking inside a Chucky Cheese and hiding in the ball room underneath all those little colored plastic balls in that pit only the pit had no bottom and I kept sinking until I eventually landed on a giant dinner plate where a giant Rosie O'Donell was trying to stab me with a fork and eat me. That's when I woke up and my back hurt... could my dream be somehow related to my backpain?

2006-12-22 12:26:27 · 12 answers · asked by Medic 3

what is one kind deed you have already done? do some people dislike being kind? are you kind? if you cannot be kind at least don't be cruel and turn it into a blue christmas for some poor soul.

2006-12-22 12:23:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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