Im: 20 Femal From unied arab emirates,dubai i study int he university graphic design`
I always feel i dont deserve to be with cute couples....i mean when we all get together suddenly i feel aniety im SCARED minutetly and waiting foe some one to tell me sth that turns me ALWAYS SCARED if people act me RUDE when im in couple INFRONY of others :o( plzzz help........i never enjoy when im in couple...also when im in couple and somebody disagrees with me im not strong enough to answer and PROTECT from my RIGHT...i keep QUIET and when i come back home i remember and i find a good answer, but its too late to answer and protect my rights, so i feel sth very heavy in my chest bc i need to tell and talk and answer them. what should i do? im so so cute and smart, really nice and expensive dresses i wear and alays perfumed, nothing wrong with my appearance and even many students G or B in university are in love with my STYLE....
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