Okay so there are two blocks (m1 = 1kg & m2 = .5kg), lying together on a frictionless surface. A constant force of .10N is applied to block m1, pushing both blocks across the table to the right 3.33m in 10 seconds. Then a force of -.10N pushes on block m2, pushing both blocks to the left -3.33 meters in 10 seconds.
What is the acceleration magnitude of the 2 blocks?
In the first scenario, 2 horizontal forces act on m1: the external force and the contact force (P21) acting to the left. Newton's law gives: F - P21 = m1a. The applied force must make both blocks accelerate. Solve the expression for the contact force acting on m1:
On block m2, only the contact force (P12) from m1 is acting on it. Thus P12 = m2a. Solve this for the contact force acting on m2: N.
Now reverse the scenario, with the force acting from the left. Solve for the contact force P12, and the contact force acting on m1.
Thanks for the help!
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