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Science & Mathematics - 17 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics

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In the beginning of term I slacked off a lot.
Now I have to do a lot of work to catch up, and I really need an A on this course.
What are efficient ways of catching up? I certainly can't and don't want to read all the pages in the textbook. Thx.

2007-07-17 05:53:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

if the current in the cirucit is lower does this mean that the bulb will be dimmer and vica vera?

2007-07-17 05:48:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I know there is another name for it, I just can't think of it. Can someone help me out.

2007-07-17 05:48:33 · 4 answers · asked by Ashie 1 in Chemistry

Once it's winter you can't find a single bee,butterfly or a grasshopper where do they go especially the grasshoppers where do they hide and how do they survive the cold?

2007-07-17 05:47:50 · 4 answers · asked by svetulka_66 2 in Zoology



2007-07-17 05:42:42 · 5 answers · asked by later120 1 in Mathematics

2007-07-17 05:42:41 · 3 answers · asked by Tcdog08 2 in Zoology

4x+y =2

2007-07-17 05:39:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-07-17 05:39:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-17 05:32:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

Is there a limit on how advanced technology can get?

2007-07-17 05:29:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-07-17 05:29:39 · 3 answers · asked by gunju 1 in Chemistry

Are butylamine and dibutylamine soluble in petroleum ether? my lab results show that when butylamine is added to petroleum ether, it floats but dissolve after a while. why is it so? and why doesnt dibutylamine dissolve in petroleum ether?

2007-07-17 05:27:40 · 2 answers · asked by bLacksn0w 1 in Chemistry

2007-07-17 05:25:38 · 9 answers · asked by dhsteiner01 1 in Mathematics

I read somewhere about an experiment where a deep shaft was excavated and a caesium clock was placed at the bottom, with an identical one at sea level. The two clocks were calibrated to the same time at the start of the experiment, and the one at the bottom of the shaft was subsequently discovered to be running at a different rate to the one at sea level (sorry if I have got this wrong - it's been a while since I read this..). Is this a case of gravity actually affecting time itself, or merely the effect of gravity on the caesium atoms used in the clock - analagous to the timekeeping of a mechanical clock being affected by its proximity to a magnetic field. Sorry if this is a stuipid question!

2007-07-17 05:19:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

At time ti, the kinetic energy of a particle is 30.0 J and the potential energy of the system to which it belongs is 10.0 J. At some later time tf, the kinetic energy of the particle is 18.0 J. (a) If only conservative forces act on the particle, what are the potential energy and the total energy at time tf? (b) If the potential energy of the system at time tf is 5.00 J, are there any nonconservative forces acting on the particle? Explain.

2007-07-17 05:18:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

What is the first thing that you mean when you say "Optical Illusions" ?

2007-07-17 05:16:47 · 9 answers · asked by lalitaiims 1 in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-17 05:14:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Okay sorry if the question was confusing but I had limited space. ill rephrase the question: If a car had its headlights on and was on the freeway moving, and nothing cant go faster than light, Isnt the speed of the cars getting added to the speed of light? So doesnt that mean that The light on the head light is moving faster than the speed of light? Anyone care to explain? (sorry if I put this one in the wrong catagory! I really didnt know)

2007-07-17 05:12:26 · 13 answers · asked by nanomot 1 in Other - Science

Is is true that the moon is moving away from the earth at the rate of 1.4 cm per year. Then what would the consequences be as?

2007-07-17 05:11:04 · 11 answers · asked by reyansh 1 in Astronomy & Space

For example, does blood type matter or perhaps skin type or even fragrances or lotions? It has always baffled me how some people tend to get eaten alive while others don't even suffer a single bite . . . oh and this is primarily for mosquito bites.

2007-07-17 05:10:25 · 3 answers · asked by kpotato. 2 in Zoology

2007-07-17 05:02:44 · 4 answers · asked by Deutschjoe 3 in Mathematics

2007-07-17 05:01:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weather

related to physics

2007-07-17 05:00:54 · 3 answers · asked by ayesha 1 in Physics

2007-07-17 04:58:10 · 6 answers · asked by N▓▄▓▄▓▄▓A 3 in Astronomy & Space

1: -3x > -9

x > -3
x > 3
x < -3
x < 3

2: When dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality symbol MUST be reversed.

3: When multiplying by a negative number, the direction of the inequality symbol MUST be reversed.

4: -12x < 24
x > -2
x < -2
x < 24
x > 24

5: Note: ≥ is the greater than or equal to symbol and ≤ is the less than or equal to symbol.
-3x ≤ 9

x ≤ -3
x ≥ -3
x ≥ 3
x ≤ 3

6: 2x - 14 < 9x
x > -1/2
x < -1/2
x < -2
x > -2

7: -2 + 4x ≥ 4
x ≥ 3/2
x ≤ 3/2
x ≥ 2/3
x ≤ 2/3

8: 2x + 4 > x + 6
x > 4
x < 4
x > 2
x < 2

2007-07-17 04:54:35 · 6 answers · asked by fucking stupid ass 2 in Mathematics

I can already do it in around 5 min. But truthfully the only point to really being able to know how to do is to be able to impress people with it haha. No one is willing to sit there for 5min and stare at you figure it out, it just loses the appeal. I know practice blah blah, but any specific moves or techniques or anything? any info, would be helpful... thx

2007-07-17 04:54:12 · 4 answers · asked by bob g 2 in Mathematics

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