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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Ladies - when did you notice your nipples getting darker? And how did it occur? For instance... it seems as though my areolas are getting darker but only near the "rim" where the nipple meets the actual skin... Did this happen to you all or was it a gradual darkening of the entire area?

2007-12-30 16:01:06 · 8 answers · asked by janedoe538 1

I know for the most part we all know when we're going through it but I have heard some women barely feel any pain. Has anyone gone through labor and delivery with minimal pain?? I guess I'm hoping I will be one of those women but I don't think so cause my braxton hicks are painful.

2 days to my due date

2007-12-30 15:51:27 · 12 answers · asked by Goldie 3

we had unprotected sex two weeks ago and hes been telling me that Im pregnant...
I dont if its him brainwashing me but Ive been feeling nausous every day for the past 3 days. and I have this huge appetite.
Is it too early to have any symptoms?

2007-12-30 15:51:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many days or weeks before you got a pos reslut on a pregnancy test??? and when did your symptoms kick in and what were they

I just took a test i know its late like 10:30pm.. but i got a neg. My period was Due yesterday the 29th. and nothing .. all i have is period like cramping which today it got kind of intence for about 30 mins off and on then was gone .. it comes and goes i have had it for over a week now. i have no bleeding whats so ever with this. i just feel tired sick only at night it comes and goes. and just not feeling myself. last night my husband noticed how spacie i was. my boobs arent sore and dont seem bigger. it seems like all i do is pee as well.
my last period was Dec 1st. and i have a regular 29 day cycle

2007-12-30 15:49:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, I ovulated this last Friday....so I am encroaching on 4 days past ovulation....and ALL day today I have had these weird cramps...fluttery feelings almost...like it feels right before my period is about to start...and my boobs are slightly sore...but the nipples hurt the worst. Now, I KNOW that these symptoms aren't in my head...trust me I know all too well how easy it is to create phantom symptoms...but the cramping actually kept me up last night. However, 4 dpo is rather early to be feeling anything right?....I mean its possible, but still too soon in my opinion....but still I cant help but feel like we conceived this month. Anyone had way early symptoms like this and ended up being preggo?....Advice, stories...anything?

2007-12-30 15:39:26 · 7 answers · asked by Rose 2

I have been feeling very guilty about having my son circumcised... I am 39 weeks tomorrow and it was my husband's decision. Should I respect my husband's decision or should I try to talk him out of it? After all, he has a penis and I don't. I just feel so guilty about putting my son through the pain, because it isn't medically necessary (but maybe it isn't as traumatic as I think). What would you do?

2007-12-30 15:36:47 · 26 answers · asked by Holy Macaroni! 6

i have very dark brown eyes while my husband has very very bright blue eyes. what is usually the outcome? what color will my baby's eyes be? thanks so much!

2007-12-30 14:13:45 · 33 answers · asked by yonk 2

Just curious! Thanx In advance for all the answers!

2007-12-30 13:56:51 · 3 answers · asked by e&t 3

my opinion on abortion:
it is WRONG and a horibble tragic thing
it should be legalized because people will get "backstreet abortions" and get themselves and the baby killed anyways
i know people will say: then why don't we just legalize murder altogether!
but its different .. people have more control over abortion..
look at what happened during prohibition of alcohol during the 20s! people made a BIZ out of getting alcohol ILLEGALLY!

is NOT an excuse for abortion
simply give it up for adoption
and i'm sorry if it was rape... but why does the baby have to die b/c of an accident ... it's not fair at all
now if the baby will KILL the mother during labor and end up dying anyways IS A REASON FOR ABORTION
and even if the baby will live it is SELFISH for there to be a law that the mother who is already loved by MUCH more people than the baby has to diejust to give birth to it!

2007-12-30 13:30:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was having cramps and swore I was about to et my period and decided to test and I'm pregnant!! SO WHY AM I GETTING PERIOD LIKE CRAMPS? ALSO CERVICAL CRAMPS?! I'm scared now!! I took 2 hpts just now and both a clearly positive!!!! The cramps are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy lighter than pms cramps but my cervix is hard low and a lil bit opened which maed me think my period was comming..I'm scared...am I okay?is the baby okay?

2007-12-30 12:39:11 · 7 answers · asked by Lorelei's Mommy ( & prego) 5

remembers how they were conceived...and you days in your mums tummy...???
i dont think i do,or do i or was it a dream??

2007-12-30 11:58:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How did you loose your pregnancy pounds? How long did it take? I am not breastfeeding. I weigh about 160 and want to be 120. Just gave birth in nov.

2007-12-30 11:03:02 · 28 answers · asked by jackie b 1

Hi . I work as a sales rep in a computer company and i hate it so so much. I first accepted the job because i couldnt find anything else. Im not good at selling at all and the job is very frustrating to me. The pay and benefits are good, it's just im always streesed out and sometimes cant even sleep and I could possibly get fired because of my performance on the job. Im just not sure if quitting is the most responsible thing to do right now. In terms of insurance, I can get COBRA from the company while I can be added to my hubbys insurance. My plan is to basically quit and stay at home or find a temp job until the baby comes and then find something else. I know we can financially be ok for the next 3 months until the baby is born and I can get a higher paying job but one that I actually like. I just dont know if I can take staying in that company anymore. FYI: in my current job i dont qualify for FMLA, only for short term dis (6 months paid). But I could deal not having that. THANK YOU

2007-12-30 10:52:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have not heard from him at all, i think thats because there is a no contact order while he is incarcerated, and the phone calls are blocked. He gets released in 3 months and thats when I'm due. I'm pretty sure he wanted the baby, but i also know he's got to be PIST at me for pressing charges. He didn't fit the stalker profile, just the jealous abusive jackass profile, but factoring in his baby I'm not sure if he can let that one go

2007-12-30 09:45:11 · 12 answers · asked by katymac85 1

From the beginning of my pregnancy, I've just had this feeling that my baby was a boy. Every sign pointed to the baby being a boy, the doctor even thought the baby may have been a boy, but wasn't able to tell for sure because the baby is uncooperative during ultrasounds. However, a couple of days ago, it was confirmed that I'm having a girl.

Needless to say, I am disappointed, & I feel like I have to get to know my baby all over again. I feel guilty enough for feeling this way, because I know I'm very lucky that my baby is healthy, I'm lucky I can even have a baby. But now I have everyone in my family, including my fiance, acting like I'm going to be a bad parent to my child simply because of the way I feel now.

I love the baby with all my heart, but like I said, I almost feel like I don't even know the little person I've been carrying for almost 8 months. Has anyone ever felt this way? How did you cope? It's really getting to me.

2007-12-30 09:37:41 · 11 answers · asked by Deleted 6

I had my first baby at 35 weeks and thought for sure this one would come early too. I'm 38 wks today and confused as to when it's true labor. My contractions seem to be very strong and regular at night. It feels like I'm being squeezed around my back, ribs, and abdomen. It's hard to breath and they even wake me up. I went to the hospital when I thought they were about 5 minutes apart and was sent home. That was a week ago. I'm so miserable because I can't sleep and so uncomfortable. Any advise?

2007-12-30 09:32:24 · 3 answers · asked by shadowboxer78 2

im currently on maternity leave, any suggestions as to a hobby i can obtain before baby is here to keep me busy in the mean time? finding the days goin so slow now and i feel like i have nothing to do but sit on the computer or in front of the tele. i dont live near my friends so only get to see them at weekends when they are off work. need to get rid of the bordem as if waiting to pop isnt long enough....

35+4 blue bump

2007-12-30 09:29:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Name some popular condoms that are LAYTEX and water based luberated. thanks

2007-12-30 08:44:56 · 9 answers · asked by Samuel 1

I'm currently thinking about purchasing a glider. But I'm wondering if people actually use their gliders or did it just sit and collect dust?

2007-12-30 08:32:04 · 10 answers · asked by Aubrey's mommy 5

What kind of side effect can the nursing baby have if any?

2007-12-30 08:28:26 · 5 answers · asked by remedioslabella 5

I took a pregnancy test a week and a half ago which was positive. I probably conceived at the end of October which is 9 weeks ago, but when I typed in the dates for a calender it said i would be nearer 11 weeks. I had some spotting from Christmas day til 28th on the friday. But I have had much heavier bleeding and pains on saturday and today. I have passed a lot of clots and had heavy bleeding, but I just took another pregnancy test and it was still positive. Is this due to the hormones that were in my blood? I haven't told anyone about my situation so can't go to hospital. When should I take another test to see what is happening? Many thanks.

2007-12-30 08:16:33 · 23 answers · asked by miss_laughalot77 1

I know that it is possible to get pregnant from precum but my question is how likely is it. If a women has sex during ovulation time and the man doesn't finish in her, i know that she CAN get pregnant...my question is how likely is it that she will conceive?

2007-12-30 08:04:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 20 weeks pregnant and I don't have a proper pregnancy bump, My body is the same as usual at the moment apart from my waist getting a bit thicker so I am still wearing my usual size 6-8(uk) which I think is a 2-4(us) but the although they fit perfectly everywhere its on my waist that they are digging in. I do not have enough of a bump for maternity clothes and I can't go up a clothes size as they look too big and don't know what to do. I need smart trousers for work as they are the trousers that are causing me problems and basically want normal looking trousers just with a stretchy waist, does anyone know where I can get some or have any other ideas? I am in the uk so wont be going shopping in the us. thank u

2007-12-30 07:56:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's the thing I have to look forward to since I hopefully still have about 5 weeks left

2007-12-30 07:54:58 · 5 answers · asked by superstar 2

I've just found out that I'm eight weeks pregnant and I'm scared. I want an abortion but I don't know what's going to happen. My mum's dead and my dad's disowned me. Can anyone help me?

2007-12-30 07:08:03 · 17 answers · asked by Laura W 2

I'm 34+5 with number 2. I was in the bath earlier and felt a gush down below, like I was weeing, it only lasted a couple of seconds but It felt more like a gush than a wee. When I got out of the bath a few mins later, I felt another bit of water come out so I just dried myself with the towel and it was slightly browny pinky yellowy colour.

Since then, I have sat on a white towel in case of any more but there has been none at all. I thought that when your waters break there is loads and it keeps coming. I was told I had low fluid a few weeks ago (oligohydramnios) but a couple of days later it was fine.

Also, I started having a bloody show (which I'm still having) two weeks ago.

2007-12-30 06:48:26 · 37 answers · asked by JENNIFER B 2

OK...so i had a slip up about 2 weeks ago and i was stressin about the possibilty of me bein pregnant...i was soo relieved when i got ma period...even tho it was early...but my hopes turned to stress again when it stopped after 3 1/2 days..its never that short...they usually last about 8 days...so im stressin again...is it possibly that i can be pregnant?

2007-12-30 06:41:47 · 9 answers · asked by lilsexychic4 1

Hi all,
im really upset because ive been told i cannot have a waterbirth because my baby is measuring small, therefore needs constantly monitored during labor. im also not allowed home if i go hospital with little pains and am proven to be in labor, as they need to check how he fully respoinds to the labor..
i really wanted a water birth, im so scared about the pain. ive had BH and i think there awful theres noway i can cope with real contractions..
also, the delivery room scares the life out of me!!! im only having 1 person in with me, my partner, because i am only allowed 2 and his mum and mine will argue over who that is to be..so im very nervous.what other choices can i have? or how can i deal with this im so nervous

2007-12-30 06:41:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 20 and have 2 kids I really want to be pregnant again because it is the most wonderful thing you can experience but i dont think im ready for another baby. my kids are 6 months and 19 months right now how long should i wait to try again?

2007-12-30 06:04:21 · 11 answers · asked by lisa 1