Now i myself am not pregnant, I had my baby in April, My sister in law is due in Aug. Now with her last baby she was always over exagerating and every day saying she was in labor, went to the hospitol about 10 times before the real thing. Anywho she is sched to have a c-sec in the 29th, she has already gone in twice, she said the last time she was having contractions and she SAID they told her she was in active labor, but yet sent her home. Now her Dr told her that she wanted a csection done before going into active labor. Now i just want to make sure, dont you have to be dialated to a 4 before considered active labor? Dont you think she would have had to stay to have the c-section if she was infact in active labor? My husband (her bro) is worried about her, im trying to explaine to him she is just over reacting. And that she is not in labor she is just haveing what most all moms have braxton hicks. And is just paranoid and she always wants attn. Does this sound like she is over react?
11 answers
asked by
Jen L