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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Who else is in Nashville and pregnant. Who else is 10 weeks pregnant? Who is 10 weeks pregnant and living in Nashville?

Just looking for other women like me.

2007-03-06 07:29:05 · 1 answers · asked by Amy B 2

Hi There,
I was wondering if someone could give me a list or direct me to a website that lists the necessities that you should register for? I don't want to go overboard listing every single item you could use for your new baby - just the main things you'd want to register for. Thanks!

2007-03-06 07:27:23 · 4 answers · asked by leahpar77 2

Ahh im so confused.. Im 36 weeks.. i keep getting these pains in my belly and back. Sometimes they may go to my thighs.. It doesnt help when i change psotions.. i Feel like total crap.. i dont want to go to the hospital for nothing again! last week i was 1 cm dialated.. I dont know what contractions feel like so i cant really time them.. Im so confused!!

Earlier i was having menstrual like cramps for about an hour but now they just turned into pains...

i havent lost my mucous or water.. ive always had a lot of white discharge which seems to keep increasing..

The pains are bearable but still hurt...

What do you think?

2007-03-06 07:25:21 · 6 answers · asked by Jessica D 2

My period is 12 days late, and I had sex on Friday, Feb 23, the day I was supposed to get it. I haven't gotten it since then. Am I pregnant? I can't afford a pregnancy test and I don't have transportation to get to a free clinic. How do I know?

2007-03-06 07:24:00 · 11 answers · asked by Infinite 1

I want to know how many women had a blood sugar level of 150 and had a second test which came back negative... what are my chances of having GD if my first test came back with a level of 150?

2007-03-06 07:23:54 · 3 answers · asked by Beth 3

I'm 22 weeks pregnant and for the last 2 weeks it feels as if (when I can tell he is kicking) that all of a sudden, if I have to pee, it feels like he did a sharp kick to my bladder and someone is forcing the pee right out of me. It actually makes me jump a little bit and have to hold it until I can run to the bathroom. Does this mean the baby is kicking my bladder?

2007-03-06 07:22:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just about 7 months pregnant and don't really get in the mood anymore for intimacy. My boyfriend is a sex addict. We discussed bringing a second person just intill after i have the baby and the 6 weeks is up. We have guidelines set of what he can and can not do with the other female. And I quite honestly think that it can't hurt our relationship any because we are being wide open about it and I will know everything that goes on. What do you think??

2007-03-06 07:17:44 · 41 answers · asked by Bubblez 1

anyone lost or gained weight with any tell me please..i mean afterbirth

2007-03-06 07:11:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know some home remedies i can try to take care of this? Please help me out

2007-03-06 07:10:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 07:09:53 · 10 answers · asked by Juicy Juice 1

i had to have a C-section I got cut up and doown instead of across and the scar wont seem to get better , can anyone suggest cream or a sexy one piece bathing suit that looks like a 2 piece if that makes sense, I really want to clear the scar as much as I can it has really lowered my self esteem.....But if i had to choose b/t scare and baby it would be a healthy baby ...i feel bad that i feel so bad .....but I really want something that might help thanks

2007-03-06 07:07:48 · 7 answers · asked by Renee l 1

i had been taking the microgynon 30 pill for 4 years. on january 18th i took my last pill in the pack & my period did not come in the break,i did hav light spotting for like half a day (only needed a pantyliner)wen it got 2 the day that i shud hav started the nxt pack of pills i did not just incase i might have been pregnant. i did not hav a period until the 18th of february. (have decided not 2 go bck on the pill) my next period is due on the 18th of march if i stil hav my 28 day cycle.(do u still have a 28 day cycle when u come off the pill, if i have already had a period at its normal (28 day cycle) time?).

i hav estimated wen i shud hav been ovulating & this was 4th march?

had unprotected sex with my boyfriend(2nd/3rd march)& he came inside me unintentionally,so was pulling out at the time 2 put on a condom. (so didnt fully come inside me)
(i know the withdrawel method doesnt prevent pregnancy)

what is the likely hood of becoming pregnant with the above in mind?

2007-03-06 07:01:48 · 6 answers · asked by unichick_06 2

we are not using any protection for about 4 yrs now and I haven't got pregnant yet. My gynecologist says that everything on me is perfect.. si I think is my husband. Is there is any way that I can find out what is wrong with him? How can I get pregnant?

2007-03-06 06:57:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had sex with my mate (ONLY one) about 8 times now. I let his sperm enter me the last time we had intercourse, which was about 2 1/2 weeks ago. My cycle is irregular but still hasnt come yet and I'm very worried. This has happened to us before and nothing happened except i was worried to death and the cycle came a whole WEEK late. I think this time I will be punished though and that I am pregnant. Also I am sick and have a very bad cold. I know that you dont get pregnant everytime but it is a big chance that I will. I do NOT want this to happen but if anybody has any things about pregancy and cycles they want to share with me feel free. Oh.... At Hospitals will they give you a pregnancy and STD test without calling your parents?

2007-03-06 06:56:27 · 2 answers · asked by partyanimalkg12 1

there is no odor and i am not in any pain. i do feel pressure on my lower abdomen from time to time. i went to doctor and my water has not broke and my cervix is still long and thick so i don not know what this is. please help

2007-03-06 06:53:48 · 9 answers · asked by redenbargers 2

I havent had a single contraction, not even Braxton Hicks. I'm 40w3d. Are there any other signs that labor is close? I also havent lost a mucus plug either. Am I looking towards induction?

2007-03-06 06:51:15 · 7 answers · asked by natalie rose 3

I just had a baby 3 weeks ago and i lost weight and stuff i hate it,does anybody know how i can gain the weight back i lost?is this normal at all?has this happened to anyone before????

2007-03-06 06:50:14 · 14 answers · asked by ? 1

I'm 12 weeks pregnant and we decided we did not want to tell anyone for a while since we lost a pregnancy just last September.
Well my job has been very stressful and I know stress is something I need to avoid right now and especially because of the previous miscarriage. Well I have been talking with my dad about getting me a job at his work, the reason I have chose to go with working with my dad is its a small company that would be low on stress. I started thinking I needed to tell him that I am pregnant because it wouldn’t be right to put him in that position with the company later on (hired the pregnancy daughter because she pregnant and his daughter) well I told him today and I guess I'm just having anxiety now because its been nice only us know about it for the time being.... Should I feel bad that we didn’t keep our word to our selves and we told a little early then we planned?

2007-03-06 06:48:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am ptty sure who the father is but there's still small chance. the screwed up thing about this is, I got pregnant while me and my husband we're going through a divorce. I am in love with the person i think i got pregnant by but, i hate telling him that this is his baby only to find out 9 months down the road that it is actually my ex-husbands. We kinda had this thing for about a week, also about 5 days before i got pregnant. and then i was back with this other guy from then on. I just wanna know that i am not the only one going through this. I feel like a horrible person, kinda sluttish. And I hate that.

2007-03-06 06:42:49 · 10 answers · asked by Brittany Jo 1

I just gavi birth to a beautyfull baby girl 3 weeks ago and I'm still bleeding and having a little bit of pain,is this normal at all?This is my first pregnancy so i'm just curious.

2007-03-06 06:42:43 · 9 answers · asked by ? 1

i havent had my period since dec31, it is now mar 6, i never been this late, but i took 2 prego test and they are neg, so what is wrong with me

2007-03-06 06:36:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in 2 previous very abusive relainships and I think i am very clueless when it comes to abusive men,because of my childhood.
I been seeing this new guy for 3 and a half months now and he gets mad latley very easily and he is over jelious and protective,he asked me to marry him 2 weeks ago and he has been starting to call me names and put me down,he blames everything that goes wrong on me ,we argue all the time now sents I said yes to him.he dosent like going out anywhere anymore and he does'nt want sex as much as before,I told him sents we argue way to much,that if we dont get better soon,i would have to leave him,he actully started crying(and he never crys,ever) and getting really upset,I told him i love him and then i said sorry for bringing that up,and he said that when i said yes to his proposel,That means forever and I cant break up with him??i dont know is this just a way of him not knowing how to handle a relainship??or did I pick a winner again???

2007-03-06 06:33:25 · 21 answers · asked by Olivia Fahey-Seeber 1


Ok im pregnant wow!!!!! im just always tired and well exhausted and sore chest what happens next i don't throw up or anything but when do or can i see the baby and just give me some things to look forward to moms out there. Please

2007-03-06 06:31:59 · 10 answers · asked by Mrs unpredictable 2

I miscarried my first pregnancy and I am really concerned about telling people this time around.

2007-03-06 06:29:38 · 25 answers · asked by katiebug 5

i had my last period about 4 months ago, i went to the doctors about a month ago, and he said he would ring me and let me know if i am pregnant, he never rang me!! anyway its been 4 months, and iv just started getting a darkish colour when i go to the toilet, and if had belly ache, could this mean i am pregnant? or that my period is coming back? IM REALY WORRIED, PLEASE COULD COMEONE HELP?

2007-03-06 06:29:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Besides walking because that is an obvious one. I know I'm not supposed to do any sit-ups, but I would like other exercises to help keep in shape as much as I can.

2007-03-06 06:25:31 · 4 answers · asked by madisons_mommy520 2


Well im 37 weeks along and found out last week that our baby is in breech position. I went into the hospital yesterday for a painful procedure to try and turn her.....but it didnt work...im too small. I never even thought having a c section was an option....i really had my heart set on going all natural with our first.
Now I cant stop crying and being so sad because i feel like its the easy way out and wont ever get to experience giving birth. Not only that I wont be the first one to hold her, and i keep reading on here that i dont get to hold her much if at all because of the cut on my tummy. Plus the scar....the healing time is soooo much longer......
Is there anything i can do to avoid the c-section? Did this happen to anyone else? I feel like an emotional wreck now and my hubby doesnt understand why im soo sad about having a c-section...

2007-03-06 06:25:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My unborn baby hasn't really kicked in the last couple of days. For the last few weeks, he's been very active, to the point where it's been annoying. The last two days, he's barely done anything, a couple of kicks this morning, a couple last night, a few times throughout yesterday. No where near as much as before. When should I call the doctor? How many days should I wait? Should I wait any more days?

2007-03-06 06:20:01 · 30 answers · asked by sillylittlemen 3

if true, what is the reason for it???

2007-03-06 06:11:30 · 14 answers · asked by Happymom 2

I am a little over 28 weeks and having light abdominal discomfort. It comes and goes, could these be Braxton Hicks or just my uterus stretching?? This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea what a Braxton Hicks feels like.

2007-03-06 06:09:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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