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I miscarried my first pregnancy and I am really concerned about telling people this time around.

2007-03-06 06:29:38 · 25 answers · asked by katiebug 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

25 answers

I am 9 months pregnant and I have 2 children but I too have miscarried in the past so i usually wait until I hear a heartbeat or view the ultrasound because 2 of my miscarriages I thought I was 12 weeks pregnant but found that the fetus died at 7 weeks

2007-03-06 11:29:23 · answer #1 · answered by mirah 1 · 0 0

listening with a stethoscope is not accurate at all and if you have no experience you can find the mothers heart rate, the sounds of fluid the moving puppies. A sono is not accurate for puppy count either, an X-ray is safe to take during pregnancy and it is the only accurate way to get a puppy count and check for size and if they will all fit through the birth canal. If you press too hard you can hurt the pups, an experienced hand can feel pups but again not much information can be told from that, especially puppy count one could be behind one on top to the side ect. If you are wondering my experience I worked at a vet as a tech and have completed half of the RVT courses. btw I wouldn't waste money on a HPT for a dog, they are only pregnant for 63 days, and a vet can do an exam for half the price and tell you if they are pregnant and around day 58 is when you get the x-ray.

2016-03-16 05:48:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i Think it best time is after 12 weeks when the baby is all set in your tummy.. I had miscarriage last year in April.. and i told my parents when i found out.. and then i have to tell my parents the bad news.. but the only problem is that not just my parents know but my aunt and uncle and the whole family(i have big family) so it was odd at first

But this up too you.. when you wanted to tell them.. Right now i am Pregnant again but i am telling my parents because I am scary it may happen again... So i just going to wait to 4-5 months when i am start show...
you should not be stress.. You should just keep for you and your husband until you have conform that you about 4 months.. than that when your baby safe..and you should wait to ultra sound to see how many weeks
Take thing easy and take it slow... but it up to you..

Cong ration

2007-03-06 06:41:52 · answer #3 · answered by babyg 4 · 0 0

I also had a previous miscarriage but my husband and I told everyone a few days after I took a test. After the 3rd month the risk of miscarrying goes down dramatically but once you hear the babies heartbeat (which they can pick up around 10 weeks with a dopler) its pretty safe. Do what YOU feel most comfortable with though. Good Luck!

2007-03-06 06:36:55 · answer #4 · answered by k_tallent01 2 · 2 0

I have a heart condition and was terrified to tell everyone i was pregnant incase anything happened...I told my Boyfriend,Mom,Gramma, and Sister right away but I waited till i was 6 months pregnant b4 i told anyone else...It just depends on how comfortable you are sharing the pregnancy with everyone...There is no right or wrong answer it just comes down to when u feel the time is right

2007-03-06 18:42:52 · answer #5 · answered by Inked Momma 1 · 1 0

I usually tell them as soon as I find out..But my doctor it is best if you wait till you are 3 months, since it is the critical stage when anything can go wrong..Right now I am 8 month 1/2 and expecting my second boy...

2007-03-06 06:36:57 · answer #6 · answered by la_nena_consentida 1 · 0 0

I told everyone when I was 6 weeks, right after my doctor confirmed it for me. I know its risky to tell everyone in the 1st trimester, but that is something that is really hard to keep in!! I would hang out w/ my friends and they would wonder why I wasn't drinking(like I normally always would)-tell them now!

2007-03-06 06:43:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just wait until you are comfortable enough about it before you tell them. You will know when you feel safe enough to tell them, either from your Doctor or your past experience with your pregnancy.

2007-03-06 06:37:02 · answer #8 · answered by myleshunt 4 · 0 0

what u should do is wait til a few doctors appts. to prove that you are indeed pregnant because if u tell ppl after u take a home test or ur first visit u may not be pregnant cuz sometimes it take s few days to get blood work back to prove it.

2007-03-06 06:34:14 · answer #9 · answered by NatashaMarie 2 · 0 0

wait until you are about 14 weeks. The chance of losing this baby usually drops ALOT after 12 weeks, give or take a week. So i think after you hit the 14 week mark you are just fine in telling people!!!! Goodluck and congrats!!!!

2007-03-06 06:33:54 · answer #10 · answered by jess_n_flip 4 · 1 0

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