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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I would like to know because my boyfriend and i are planning to have it. But before i do it, I would like to know if having protected sex can hurt me when i have my period. Can someone tell me if i can still get pregnant when i have protected sex while having period?

2007-03-20 13:36:35 · 16 answers · asked by Able C 1

2007-03-20 13:34:26 · 12 answers · asked by sandraintexs 3

like i was wondering if cuz me and me boyfriend done oral sex and i wonderd if i could be preg from it

2007-03-20 13:31:44 · 13 answers · asked by sarah_churms 1

Because I am 5 days late, and I have an appointment tomorrow to talk about inducing with me but I am scared. I heard that the contractions will be way worse. I just hope that I go into labor on my own before the have to induce me cause it's making me scared.

2007-03-20 13:29:36 · 12 answers · asked by LilBoysMom 2

Do these sound more pregnancy-type symptoms or more Period-like symptoms?my period is expected in two days, but i did have sex during ovulation(if i conceived i would be four weeks), and so far here are my "signs": sore breasts that have been sore for about ten days (which i NEVER get before my period) ive been feeling extremely sleepy off and on for the past two weeks. just yesterday and today ive been feeling a little nausea and having headaches also, my breasts have been itchy every now and then? and i had a little rash on my legs, not sure if that has anything to do with it? anyways, im not sure if im pregnant or just about to get my period. because usually a few days before my period i get mild cramps, and so far, im not cramping. please give your opinion.

2007-03-20 13:19:28 · 11 answers · asked by emily 1

My husband and I lost a baby at 26 weeks (last Aug) to a rare non-genetic birth defect. The birth defect affects 1 in every 21,000. I am 35 and my husband is 42. We had an appt yesterday and everything went great until she asked about first trimester testing. We have three other heathy children and never had these tests. We are both worried all the time anyway and would like some reassurance. We would like to have the tests done so we can have some peace of mind. However, the paper our doctor gave us said that the test will detect a problem 85% of the time. It also says that 5% of the time it will give a false positive result. If my math is correct that means that 20% of the time the test will give you an inaccurate result. Maybe I am crazy, but in my opinion 20% is a very high number. How could this test make you feel anything other then confused?? The last thing I need right now is something else to worry about, but I never want to have an medical induction at 26 + weeks again. If there is a problem I want to find out early. What should I do?? Please help me

2007-03-20 13:18:30 · 10 answers · asked by Julia 2

How easy is for you to get pregnant by pre ***??what i mean is, is it just as easy to get pregnant by pre *** as it just ***???

Please people, know what your talking about before you answer.

2007-03-20 13:11:30 · 8 answers · asked by I <3 him<3333 1

Has anyone used this method? How safe is it? Where can you get the oil? Here is a website for those of you who like me never heard of it before:

2007-03-20 13:10:24 · 10 answers · asked by Druicy 2

I wasn't expecting it to start easing up until 12 weeks.

2007-03-20 13:10:16 · 14 answers · asked by mrs06chris 4

My boyfriend just called me from work and said that some girl told him that I should take a warm bath to help break my water. Now he is insisting I take this warm bath. I am thinking my water will break when it wants to. But Im just wondering if that is true and if it will really help my water to break.

(Oh and i am 5 days past my due date and have been having sharp pains as if my cervix might be dialating.)

2007-03-20 13:09:09 · 17 answers · asked by LilBoysMom 2

My sis in law had a doctor appointment today...she's in her 25th week of pregnancy and they told her that she's carrying to low and that the fluid in her placenta is low...they told her that if it doesn't change by her 30th week they might have to schedule a c-section....I was just wondering why that is?? what can those things do to the baby??? i hope i didn't confuse any of you.....Thanks for your answers!

2007-03-20 13:05:51 · 4 answers · asked by Cori 2

Luckily I landed on my right bum cheek (I have some extra padding there) but I did jar my belly quite a bit and now I am experiencing some mild cramping (or maybe it's all in my head) HELP!!

2007-03-20 13:02:38 · 23 answers · asked by sunny_day_grl 3

Do u think its possible for me to have an accurate pregnancy test if i had sex on the 15th of this month??...its only been like 6 days. But my period was due today and didnt come. I took a test and it was negative...what do u think?

2007-03-20 13:00:44 · 7 answers · asked by I <3 him<3333 1

Do u think its possible for me to have an accurate pregnancy test if i had sex on the 15th of this month??...its only been like 6 days. But my period was due today and didnt come. I took a test and it was negative...what do u think?

2007-03-20 12:58:52 · 7 answers · asked by I <3 him<3333 1

Is it still possible to get pregnant while on the pill? I take it every day like i'm supoosed to but sometimes I don't take it at the same time; would that make a difference?

2007-03-20 12:56:12 · 4 answers · asked by sky 3

I'm 24 years old and live with my mother. I just recently found out I am pregnant. However I come from a strict christian household. My mother doesn't agree with having sex before marriage. I already told her the news, and she's disappointed and never expected to be told that her daughter is pregnant while still living under her roof and that she thought I was smart enough to not let this happen. I feel uncomfortable with her reaction since I thought she would be excited with being a grandma for the first time. She told me, you must go on and do what you have to but not to expect her to be happy for the sin I've committed. I'm still with my bf, and we are still figuring things out and what to do. And she feels we should have known that before I opened my legs and came out pregnant. I don't want to be somewhere where I'm given the look constantly and wonder if I should just move out right away or stay in hopes that she will come around?

2007-03-20 12:49:14 · 17 answers · asked by Sweetpea 1

What do you think about abortion? I'm personally against it.

2007-03-20 12:47:38 · 25 answers · asked by David Guajardo 2

i am prego. but on of my friends was asking me what would happen if i feel down...guess she has noticed my clumsiness latley...but anyways i am 38 weeks and was just woundring what would they do at the hospitle and who it be something to be concerned about??

2007-03-20 12:44:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just wanted to know if anyone has drinked it before? The ingredients are: chamomile, spearmint, lemon grass, tilia flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossoms, hawthrorn berries, and rosebuds. I am 5 months and am having problems sleeping. I will ask my doctor at my next appointment. Please.. no ignorant respones. Mainly experienced. Thanks alot.

2007-03-20 12:40:46 · 3 answers · asked by Tjsmom 2

I just saw pictures during a presentation of children who have been aborted and to be honest, I found it so disturbing, I had to leave the room? Why do people do this to children they don't want? Aren't there other options, like adoption? I can understand that it would be somewhat harder like, if you're in school and stuff but I mean, it can't be as bad as seeing the broken body of that child lying in a trash can! I just don't understand why anyone would do that. I mean, even if it's only a few weeks after you've discovered you're pregenant, wouldn't it still be so hard to go through with that? And also, can there be complications even if the fetus is only a few weeks old? Can it make you infertile? I just can't seem to comprehend this. Does anyone else feel the same?!

2007-03-20 12:36:26 · 17 answers · asked by MJ 2

I am 38 weeks along and my dr said that the baby is prefecty able to handel the outside world.....i have been having contractions but not on any sort of time schdual....about 2 weeks ago i was 75% effaced and 2 cm dialated but i have no clue what it is now (my dr hasent checked since then) i want this baby out of me sex is not an option right now....i have heard of drinking casteroil but i was woundering is it has to be that or if you could also eat/drink something to losen you bowles and will have the same effect?? please help i have also been walking ALOT like 2 miles everynight and it hasnt helped yet!!

2007-03-20 12:30:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend says to me you must have been shot in the back in a former life , no I want to really know what causes a birthmark.

2007-03-20 12:14:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 22 weeks pregnant, went to the doc yesterday and found out I have been losing weight everytime I come in for my monthly doctor visits. I lost 5 pounds since last month and 4 or 5 pounds the last couple months as well. He told me I should be ok because I am about 20 pounds overweight right now. I just wanted to know if this has happened to other people and if it's ok, it's my first and I tend to worry about the little stuff.

2007-03-20 12:11:49 · 42 answers · asked by exaltedchick 2


I scared to death to go through labor. I was wondering if C-sections are easier and at least faster? Though I would like to do it naturally, I'm scared to death.

2007-03-20 12:09:31 · 19 answers · asked by Nicole 3

Ok me and my boyfriend have unprotected sex, we live together i'm 17 and he's 18 we have been together since I was 12 and he was 13 I lost "it" to him when I was 15 on valentines day anyways we use the withdraw method and it worked for 2 years but now I'm really scared because I was suposed to start my period on the 15th but I havent and I've never been late in my life and my first time I started was when I was 9 years old.....I took two pregnancy tests and the were both negitive but I still havent started and I have no signs that I will, is something wrong with me???
I'm not stressed and i'm actually very happy, no new work outs or nothing i'm the same as I have always been so does anyone know whats wrong with me?
The negitive pregnancy tests prove that i'm not pregnant right???
Please help me!

2007-03-20 12:05:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-20 12:04:56 · 20 answers · asked by missy_n_nc 1

I couldn't believe I got pregnant as quick as I did. I almost fainted. We were trying and they boom the next month I missed my period and was pregnant.
Who out there conceived after only trying a couple of weeks?

2007-03-20 12:04:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

He wanted to try and have a baby and as luck would have it, the first month we tried, I got pregnant. Now he's a nervous wreck. He's worried about EVERYTHING. How can I help him?? Another question I have is, I am soooo scared to give birth. I was wondering if a C-section is any better than a vaginal birth??

2007-03-20 12:04:25 · 1 answers · asked by Nicole 3

well i feal like having sex all the time but i can`t stand him kissing me but i love him and he is my babys daddy but is it ok to have sex 6 times a week while pregnant

2007-03-20 12:00:32 · 12 answers · asked by ciara 2

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