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Pregnancy - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i am 1 month pregnant and my bf thinks that i should have an abortion the thing is that i dnt believe in that i think that it is wrong well i am not having one and he is mad i am 15 and scared myself what should i do

2006-12-15 02:48:41 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Her middle name will be Noelle since she will be born on Christmas Day

2006-12-15 02:48:38 · 31 answers · asked by volcomgrly23 3

I have had 3 positive home pregnancy tests and have had symptoms like aching breasts, nausea, sleepy all the time, cravings, late period etc..

HOWEVER - I have PCOS and on METFORMIN - and my periods are irregular anyway.

Is the urine test I have done at the GP's positive or negative??
(Should find out today / Monday)

2006-12-15 02:47:59 · 9 answers · asked by schmushe 6

im planning to have an epi but i dont want to put my baby in risk of having it.. have your experienced having an epi... ?

2006-12-15 02:39:02 · 25 answers · asked by mybabytart 2

My fiancee wants to get an Abortion because she is sick 24 / 7..... What types of Abortions are available.....Need appointment FAST?

Also my fiance is making sure I get a vasectomy in two weeks to prevent it from happening again and I agree

When we are ready for a kid we are going to adopt ....my future wife's twin sister has adopted two children from china
We believe it is very selfish to give birth to a child when their are millions of orphans ......we will never change our minds on that belief


2006-12-15 02:38:23 · 30 answers · asked by Buda B 3


I am not supposed be able to take an ept until next Friday but i am already getting really nausiated and feeling funny to my stomach. I know it's not nerves, i'm not stressing this at all. Are there any symptoms that can start really early. I guess i am just very very very impatient and want to know so badly. Any help or advice

2006-12-15 02:37:43 · 10 answers · asked by Fresca Jesca 2

Im 22 weeks pregnant, and my husband asked me to describe how Im feeling regarding the baby, not my health. Im overjoyed, but cannot explain to him the feeling (not the physical feeling of it, that's easy!).

2006-12-15 02:37:27 · 9 answers · asked by Juwist 2

After sex a girl start to have more thicker vaginal flow and having to use bathroom more often. Does this mean that she is pregnant? This is was her first time, and niether her nor her boyfriend remember about his sperm been put in her. What are the signs of pregnancy other then stop of period? Can a girl be pregnant with little sperm entering her or does it require a lot? What are the common first sign for those who are having sex for the first time? Ex: using bathroom more often, or more thicker vaginal fluid...does any of this happen after having the sex for the first? Please answer...thanks

2006-12-15 02:35:38 · 5 answers · asked by mike 1

Ok, I am 35 weeks preggo. I have been having tons of lower stomach pains, they feel like strong period pains. I've also been having a stringy gak thing thats been coming out when i wipe. Should i be concerned?

2006-12-15 02:33:47 · 5 answers · asked by connie45331 2

I know that i'm male, and eating fast food doesn't involve intercourse or anything... But after reading all of these stupid pregnancy questions on here, I think that there might be a chance that i'm pregnant... Is it possible??? I'm so excited, yippeee!!!

2006-12-15 02:32:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-15 02:31:29 · 12 answers · asked by Carol C 1

Everyone tells me that I am doing so good and they are shocked when they ask me how far along I am and I tell them any day now. However I have gained 40Ibs. I may look only 8 months preg but I don't feel like it. I seemed to have gained weight in other places than my belly and I don't think this is water weight. I am praying that I am able to fit into my old clothes not long after i have the baby. I am planning on breastfeeding and lot's of walking, yoga and pilates. LOL

2006-12-15 02:17:56 · 18 answers · asked by volcomgrly23 3

I am 18 weeks pregnant , i am 26 . This is my third child ( i had 2 in a previous relationship). The father of this baby is 38 , he has no children and we are just friends. we had sex and i found out i was pregnant . we talk all the time about the baby but when i asked him if he wanted to go to the ultrasound the other day he all of a sudden seemed scared. when i asked him what was so scary he said we've talked a lot about it , even picked names but it doesn't seem real to him yet and seeing the ultrasound would make reality set in and that seemed to frighten him. I called him after the ultrasound to tell him we are having a boy and he was excited ! What is going on , he knows but how can i make him realize this is very real ? And he will have to either find a way to deal with it or spend his life missing out on his child due to fear !

2006-12-15 02:16:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had lot of bleeding during my period abd it was all a dark brown my period lasted 2 weeks, I'm sexualy active and I don't take birth control

2006-12-15 02:02:28 · 2 answers · asked by LaDawn 2

ok how do you know if its your mucus plug? with my first baby it came out all at once. what does it look like when it comes out a little at a time? i have had some slimmy thick stringy stuff but its only a small amount each time. last week, tuesday and had more last night. and is there any other reason i could have thick stringy discharge? i have been going to all my dr. appointments and every thing i know i dont have any stds or yeast infection or anything. so if you could please tell me if this sounds like my mucus plug or if its something else. oh and im only 33 wks along is why im worried.

2006-12-15 02:01:34 · 13 answers · asked by cute redhead 6

Ok...here is an update: I am almost 39 weeks, I had my membranes stripped monday ( I was 2-3 cm and about 80% effaced). I lost my mucous plug Wednesday. I haven't really been having any pains...since last night I have been getting like a sharp pain down there(right below the pooch)...I'v had it for the past month though on and off. Do you think labor is soon or do you think I have a little ways to go? What's your experience?

2006-12-15 02:01:06 · 11 answers · asked by volcomgrly23 3

Ok... so now I am 7 days PAST my due date... AND SOMEONE does NOT seem to want to come out. (although if she will be anything like me she is waiting for the nice weather, lol) I have had my membranes stripped TWICE and nothing. She moves around in there still like she's doing aerobics! Her head is down... I am about 2 cm dialated & 50% effaced... this is my 3rd child.. first one came on his due date and took total of 6 hrs, second was exactly 2 weeks LATE and took 4 hrs total (but was NOT induced went on own). Both of those were completely natural.. no drugs, epidural, nothing. They have scheduled me to be induced on SATURDAY Dec. 16th! (YAY!!) My questions are: "What do I expect from being induced?.. harsher pain?.. quicker delivery?" They said I will be given Petocin (sp?) and then they will pop the water. My other pregs have gone on own and went super fast, so I am a bit nervous about Sat. What should I know? Thanks for any info! ♥

2006-12-15 01:58:44 · 15 answers · asked by Just me 2

im 37 weeks pregnant and im planning to have an epidural.... my oby didn't encourage me to do so because you lost the ability or the urge to push but i dont think i have that enough pain tolerance so i still preferred to go for it and try it... its my body! i know. but its that true about epidural? who here have an experience of taking epidural...? can you share ur story?>

2006-12-15 01:57:47 · 15 answers · asked by mysweetart18 1

its a boy and a gurl

2006-12-15 01:57:17 · 11 answers · asked by Video Phone 4

is this possible? i KNOW that i am not any further along than that. is it possible there is more than one baby???

2006-12-15 01:56:21 · 26 answers · asked by Sarah 1

my boyfriend is 17 im 18!and 5months pregnant he doesnt seem interested in talking about the baby!!!!could this be that the pregnancy isnt real for him yet e.g. when baby comes he will feel things?????????please help

2006-12-15 01:55:46 · 22 answers · asked by mum-2-be 3

i mean how long can you tell

2006-12-15 01:50:54 · 19 answers · asked by ~~~~brit~~~~ 1

I can it feels so neat =)

2006-12-15 01:41:17 · 17 answers · asked by skw1559 1

Did you have a feeling you would have your baby that day or did it just happen suddenly? Was it your first baby and how many weeks were you? I am 39 weeks now and so anxious....this is my first and I don't really know what to expect other than a lot of pain.

2006-12-15 01:39:52 · 17 answers · asked by volcomgrly23 3

Is it safe for me to ride any of the rides. Or should I stay off all of them?

2006-12-15 01:37:01 · 20 answers · asked by Amanda Leigh 3

Im 13 weeks pregnant tomorrow with my third child. Ive ben feeling these flutters like below my belly button for the past few days, mostly when im up walking around being active and such. I think its the baby.....its for sure not gas. Anyone feel them this early????

2006-12-15 01:33:34 · 22 answers · asked by jess_n_flip 4

I am going to the doctor today and they are probly going to do an u/s, and I was wondering if you can see the baby then or just the sack. I know at 8 weeks you can see the baby, but not sure about 5 weeks. and also, Is the heart beating yet? Would I be able to see that? I have had a miscarriage before and for me to see a heartbeat is the most important thing, that way I know everything is ok so far. Thanks

2006-12-15 01:28:25 · 19 answers · asked by kristin h 3

I am excatly 8 days late today. I feel mild to little cramping, I took a pregnancy test last night and it was negative. I have tender breast, backaches, and food craving. Do you think its to soon to tell if your prgenant or should i just wait it out till my period comes??

2006-12-15 01:24:40 · 14 answers · asked by Oh Boy!! 2

2006-12-15 01:18:03 · 21 answers · asked by skw1559 1

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