Ok... so now I am 7 days PAST my due date... AND SOMEONE does NOT seem to want to come out. (although if she will be anything like me she is waiting for the nice weather, lol) I have had my membranes stripped TWICE and nothing. She moves around in there still like she's doing aerobics! Her head is down... I am about 2 cm dialated & 50% effaced... this is my 3rd child.. first one came on his due date and took total of 6 hrs, second was exactly 2 weeks LATE and took 4 hrs total (but was NOT induced went on own). Both of those were completely natural.. no drugs, epidural, nothing. They have scheduled me to be induced on SATURDAY Dec. 16th! (YAY!!) My questions are: "What do I expect from being induced?.. harsher pain?.. quicker delivery?" They said I will be given Petocin (sp?) and then they will pop the water. My other pregs have gone on own and went super fast, so I am a bit nervous about Sat. What should I know? Thanks for any info! ♥
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Just me