Being induced is not all bad. I was induced with all three of mine, so I don't really know if it hurt worse than going naturally. I did also have the epidural all three times. When I went in, they hooked me up to the IV, and I just waited for contractions. My first labor was 11 hours, my second was 7 hours, and my third was 9 hours. I was not at all unhappy with my experiences. Good luck with yours!
2006-12-15 02:04:08
answer #1
answered by momof3 5
I was induced twice. The first without an epideral the second with an epideral. The labor is faster, but the pain was pretty much unbearable at least for me. I had four kids and my last one was not induced but she was just as hard as the first. I think if your other two were quick, you will go quick with this one and the petocin will only speed it up more. You will do fine. Sounds like you have a good attitude about it. Good luck to you and your little family.
2006-12-15 10:10:53
answer #2
answered by Lost in Maryland 4
Well, the contractions are harder. You will still be able to move around, but you will have to take your IV pole with you. You will not be able to take a shower or bath during labor. Hmm, delivery still depends on the person and baby. My daughter was still not engaged after 8 hours of hard contractions (we ended with a c-section) but my friend was induced with her first and her daughter was out within 6 hours. I would think baby would go quicker (by your past) but be prepared for everything....including c-section. If you max out on the pitocin, they will give you an option of going home (if labor is not far enough along) or a c-section usually. Also, inducing does carry higher risks for c-sections because of distress, blood pressure and a couple other reasons (it's been 14 months since mine, so I don't remember everything). It's usually very relaxed and you will probably spend the first hour on the meds confined to bed with the monitors on (make sure baby is responding okay). Email me if you have any more questions, GOOD LUCK!!!!
2006-12-15 10:08:22
answer #3
answered by angie_laffin927 4
Hey, your babies are late just like mine (first-7 days, second-8 days, third-14 days)! Honestly, it sounds like you won't be having a full induction, which is supposedly painful and lengthy. Chances are that you will get some pitocin to get the ball rolling and the labor should follow the same time schedule as your other two (unless, your current baby is exceptionally large). Pitocin is a the synthetic hormone, Oxytocin, and it can make your labor faster and possibly more painful (but, then again you have gone through natural birth--you know what I mean). I went without pain intervention with my older two. My third baby was sunnyside up and weighed over 11 lbs. and I went to 9 cms and finally begged for mercy and got an epidural. I say go for it, if , you really need it---a third time mom deserves it!
Remember, it is said that late babies sleep through the night faster and are generally good natured babies! Good Luck!
2006-12-15 10:22:03
answer #4
answered by lynnguys 6
All 5 of my labors were induced so I can't quite compare it to a "natural" birth. I was with my 2 daughters when they gave birth so by that comparison I would say that the contractions do seem to come faster and that often they have a double peak (where you rapidly go to a second contraction before the rest period, but, never an epidural with any so it wasn't that bad). No matter what, within the next 48 hours you will have your beautiful new the best of luck and congratulations!
2006-12-15 10:20:38
answer #5
answered by slknspphr3645 3
They usually break the waters first. Thats probably the only thing you need. After that, you 'll go on your own. The contractions will start. If you don't react to that, they will start pitocin. Its IV and the medication doesnt hurt at all. You will not feel it. The contraction will start and they will increase the drip until your contractions are 2 minutes apart and lasting 60 seconds.
You can cut the time in half of your last delivery. So you can think of 2 hours of pain before delivery. Its always easyer then the last one.
Good luck
2006-12-15 10:17:44
answer #6
answered by nursymee 1
I was always given pitocin with my regular births because my contractions were really close but I was not moving along far enough in other areas when they induced me they used some sort of pill and placed it in my uterus. I had a very quick and intense labor. Pitocin is just a slow process It probably wont be more intense that your other 2 labors. They say it always gets easier anyways. Good luck God bless
2006-12-15 10:03:53
answer #7
answered by Catie 5
I was given petocin to induce my labor too, it's a life saver. Fair warning ask for an epiduaral right after they hook the IV up this way you won't feel any pain at all. Don't be nervous you'll do fine!
2006-12-15 10:02:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
When I was induced with my son I was 3cm/80%effaced. I got the pitocin at 1:15pm and by 7:26pm I was holding my son. The contractoins were painful, but not nearly as painful as the ones with my daughter whom I went into labor with naturally.
2006-12-15 10:10:35
answer #9
answered by alexis73102 6
ok heres the thing. most induced babies take longer to deliever the pain is the same. however alot of induced mothers end up having to have a c-section. i would learn now all i can about a c-section just so you know just in case. good luck and let me know how it is having three. im pregnant with my third too and not due till may.
2006-12-15 10:12:59
answer #10
answered by littleluvkitty 6