Once a woman is pregnant and if the man wants nothing to do with it he no longet has any options and is screwed for 18 years. On the other hand the woman has plenty of options if the pregnancy is unwanted. She can have an abortion, she can give the baby up for adoption, or she can keep it and have every aspect of it payed for with child support. I think if a man finds out he is going to be a father and wants nothing to do with a child he should be able to go to the courts and fill out some forms giving up all right and legal obligations to the child within the first three months of the pregnancy. That way the woman knows up front that she is gonna be doing it alone. I mean that is basically what a woman does when she gives up a child for adoption. Why should it be diffrent for men? They always say it takes two to make a baby, so how come the man gets screwed when it comes to equal rights, concerning the baby? I for one, will never pay child support for a child I do not want.
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