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Pregnancy - September 2006

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kind of wierd but I am 25 weeks pregnant and my cervix is open just a little bit. like for the tip of my finger. I check because when my sister had her baby she was dialated to 4 and didn't even know it. Is this ok or should i be concerned?

2006-09-15 07:07:36 · 11 answers · asked by simbah000 2

2006-09-15 07:03:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so I dont understand why people say false labor. If youre having pain and all that stuff ... and your not in labor isnt it just .... being in pain and NOT labor??? Why is it "false" labor just cuz it's not labor? When a woman (who's not preg) throws up they dont call it "false pregnancy" .. she just threw up. I hope this isnt confusing. I just dont get why such a title would be put on something that is normal in pregnancy. What do you think? I guess what I'm trying to say is that they should even put labor in there if it's just pain.

2006-09-15 07:01:51 · 5 answers · asked by Maria 2

My boobs have been hurting really BAD for the past week, i have been getting off and on headaches for a couple of days, i've been dehydrated and I feel like I have a UTI. I'm only about a week late, but I spotted about a week and a half ago. I've been off of birth control for about 3 months. Is this my body just getting used to being off of them?

2006-09-15 07:01:51 · 10 answers · asked by rach 2

Hi. This is the first time I've been pregnant. I go back to my OB one week from today for my first ultrasound. I will discuss my concerns w/her until then I want some advice/input please.

I blew up about a week ago(7 1/2 wks preggo then). My stomach is harder than usual-- no tummy roll-- just bigger and rounder. I thought you dont start showing until month 3- 5 and my tummy being a little harder?!?! I do NOT have morning sickness so my friends say thats why I may be rounder now and showing earlier.

My mothers side of the family has a history of twins-- could that be passed to me and thats why Im bigger?

I only gained 4 LBS in the 8 weeks.

I just think this is weird because everyone says usually you dont show for the first 3 mopnths at least....................

Thanks for your input I appreciate all the answers!

2006-09-15 06:58:49 · 14 answers · asked by bee_neal 4

the first day of my girlfriends last period started on august 8 2006.....and finish on august 15 2006...i did'nt have sex with her at all in august....cauz she went on vacation....i had sex with her only on september 2 2006....and i used a condom....then her next period should come on september 6 2006....but it did'nt come...then on september 10 2006...she took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive....(thats just 8days after we had sex)...her due date is may 13 2007....i think she cheated on me while on vacation...so there's no way in hell i could be the father.....im so pissed...so my question is...is'nt this way too early for her to test and get a positive result if i was the father?..

2006-09-15 06:53:47 · 15 answers · asked by sweetness 1

i lost my virginity on july 28 [the condom broke].On august 3 i vomit then the sleeping alot,peeing,vomitting, headaches,mood swings begin to come.My period had came on august on 11 and it was light and i had mild cramps and it ended in 4 days my periods are always heavy and i stay on it for a week.I went to take a blood test came back negative.I went a week later it came back negative again.During this month i brought a pregnancy test at first I thought a blue line was going to apprear on the positive side because it started out a light blue but it appreared on the negative side.On september 5 it came again but it was just spots and had really light cramps that lasted only 2 days.On the 8 my breasts started tingling so bad something i never felt before and its off and on.My doctor told me just wait and see whats happens.I really want to be pregnant cause i know me and my bf can care and support the child we're old enough.Please can anyway help me and dont lie just be honest.

2006-09-15 06:40:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's the best way to get rid of or prevent stretch marks?

2006-09-15 06:33:39 · 20 answers · asked by neve_freak2001 5

this is sicking women like this should have all there reproductive organs taken out
or am i the only one that thinks this & y ?

2006-09-15 06:22:30 · 17 answers · asked by kimmie 3

I am 39 weeks pregnant, 2 cm, 80% effaced and ready to go...I have tried everything but castor oil, has it worked for anyone? I need some advice on whether it worked and if so how much did it take and how long? Were you already dialated and effaced, if so how much?

2006-09-15 06:17:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive never thought about it really... but does it mean that your open that many cm or that the baby is 6cm away from coming out? or am i totally wrong?

2006-09-15 06:15:36 · 16 answers · asked by Lipstick 4

My wiccan group and my two sisters are helping me do a home birth because they fear that my child would cause disturbances to the hospital. i don't know what to do about it though. I guess i'd need stuff to make it easier but i don't know where to start. Help!

2006-09-15 06:15:08 · 13 answers · asked by juniorteen312005 2

Also I have heard being induced hurts a lot more than natural labor. Is this true??

2006-09-15 06:05:06 · 9 answers · asked by Darci-Lee C 1

2006-09-15 05:58:41 · 9 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2

Hi all,
My due date is today but only dialated 1 centimeter and baby hasn't drop enough. Doctor decided to induce me tomorrow. Do you know how long it gonna take to be in labor after being induced? Does induce help you to feel painless, will labor be shorter than just let it happened naturally? Doc. estimated that i will give birth by sunday.
thank you all

2006-09-15 05:51:18 · 19 answers · asked by Lilly 1

I was friends with a guy for a little over a month , we had sex back in august and now i found out i'm pregnant.. For starters we are just friends ( stuff happened) and decided just to stay friends but when i told him i was pregnant he wrote back to me and said he NEVER wanted kids , he is 12 years older then me and has a life that is stable . WHAT DO I DO ? I already have 2 children that i'm raising alone ( father is involved) but i'm scared to raise a child who will possibly never know his/her father. HELP !!!

2006-09-15 05:44:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 4 weeks pregnant. I have been having some very mild cramps on and off for couple of weeks now, nothing particuarly painful, similar to period cramps but lighter. I wasn't too worried about them but called a doctor just to check everything was ok. What he said has now terrified me and I'm really worried. He says that there is probably something wrong with the pregnancy and i have a high chance of misscaraige. When I said that I have been having these little cramps for a while now but not constantly, and could it be just my body adjusting to the pregnancy, he told me that is an old wives tale, and u don't get cramps in early pregnancy????? I am absolutely terrified now. I have had a misscariage a few years ago and am really worried. Has anyone out there experienced cramps in early pregnancy?? and if so, what were they like and how long did it go on for??

2006-09-15 05:35:14 · 15 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

my mom says This is what happened when she was pregnant with me...is it possible?

2006-09-15 05:29:28 · 9 answers · asked by someone 5

2006-09-15 05:26:25 · 26 answers · asked by didi 1

I'm 36 wks...I'm at work right now and boy am I pissed!!! It's just a mood swing .... I'm in such a bad mood and I dont know why. The phone rings and I wanna yell, my co-worker talks and I feel like kicking him in the crotch. What makes it worse it that they can tell I'm a little tense (even I try not to show it) and they make a joke out of it. I even picked a fight w/ my baby's dad. I asked him to do me a favor that I knew was impossible (while we were both on the way to work and I asked him to drop off food at my job...even though he has a farther drive and there's a food joint down the street from my job) What's wrong with me? How can I calm down? Am I being unreasonable or do i just wanna be pampered during my last week of pregnancy .. is that too much to ask?

2006-09-15 05:25:17 · 8 answers · asked by Maria 2


Once I go on meternity leave my fiance and I plan on spending at least 3 weeks in Colorado with his family. Is it safe to fly with a newborn that is 2-3 weeks old? The flight is a little over two hours.

2006-09-15 05:24:06 · 7 answers · asked by Kenya 3

im almost two months pregnet im not showing yet but i dont wanna get stretchmarks when i get bigger....does anybody know how to prevent them?

2006-09-15 05:17:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 1 child who is now 4. With that pregnancy, I had almost no symptoms except really bad headaches and fatigue. I had sex during ovulation and started showing classic signs of pregnancy. Extreme nausea, dull backaches, extreme fatigue, food cravings, heartburn, severe mood swings, cramping, tinges in my breasts and nipple sensitivity. My fiance and dad 2 my 4yr old just knew there was a baby.

I had these symptoms for about two weeks and then my period came on yesterday. The flow was alot lighter than normal for the first day and was bright red in color ( usually starts off rather dark) but heavier today with many small clots ( also ususal) and still bright red.

These arent my normal pre-menstral/menstral symptoms. One day 1 of the bleeding I was really weak and very crampy. This is day 2 of the bleeding and the pregnancy symptoms continue,the nausea especially. I took a test last week which was neg but there many not have been enough HcG to tell so soon.

Any thoughts

2006-09-15 05:13:46 · 3 answers · asked by MWD 1

I had a baby about 4 months ago. I was brestfeeding for only the first month. Around August 9th I had my first period that lasted about 3 days. About 4 weeks ago my husband and I had unprotected sex but he didnt finish until we put a condom on. Now I am only 5 days late, but my mind is going crazy!! I dont think I can afford another baby right now. What should I do?

2006-09-15 05:01:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so im doing this research in class. and im trying to find out how off girls periods are. like lets say one month it will be on the 5th and the next month it will be on the 12th. and does anything effect girls periods like sex ? thank you

2006-09-15 05:01:13 · 8 answers · asked by kevinemt 1

I woke up to the most horrible leg cramp in my left leg. I'm 36 wks. It was horrible!!! Since I cant reach my legs anymore...I grabbed a hold of my hair and had it in a tight grip, that's how much it hurt. Anyway of relieving them?

2006-09-15 04:46:30 · 13 answers · asked by Maria 2

I live in Canada, Ontario to be exact and im not getting an abortion but im wondering how far along you can be and still legally get an abortion. My boyfriends mom keeps trying to quilt me into it and I want to tell her I cant, she already knows I won't but if im past the time I can tell her that too. I always thought it was 3 months. Can someone please help me?

2006-09-15 04:43:40 · 10 answers · asked by instilleddistress 3

Is the metallic taste everybody is saying happens like a wierd taste on the back of your tongue? I have this bad taste and I can't get rid of it. I brush my teeth then within 5 minutes it's back. What can I do to get rid of it? Anything or just deal with it♥

2006-09-15 04:43:32 · 7 answers · asked by ♥USMCwife♥ 5

When a woman is pregnant how much can she drink before it's too much?

I've heard rumors that you can drink a little bit while you are pregnant and it can actually be good for the child. Is this true?

I've also heard that if you drink just a beer while breastfeeding it will increase the quantity of breast milk. Is this true?

2006-09-15 04:39:22 · 23 answers · asked by .vato. 6

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