I have 1 child who is now 4. With that pregnancy, I had almost no symptoms except really bad headaches and fatigue. I had sex during ovulation and started showing classic signs of pregnancy. Extreme nausea, dull backaches, extreme fatigue, food cravings, heartburn, severe mood swings, cramping, tinges in my breasts and nipple sensitivity. My fiance and dad 2 my 4yr old just knew there was a baby.
I had these symptoms for about two weeks and then my period came on yesterday. The flow was alot lighter than normal for the first day and was bright red in color ( usually starts off rather dark) but heavier today with many small clots ( also ususal) and still bright red.
These arent my normal pre-menstral/menstral symptoms. One day 1 of the bleeding I was really weak and very crampy. This is day 2 of the bleeding and the pregnancy symptoms continue,the nausea especially. I took a test last week which was neg but there many not have been enough HcG to tell so soon.
Any thoughts
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