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Pregnancy - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

2006-08-16 09:48:48 · 17 answers · asked by kmoniq917 1

2006-08-16 09:47:59 · 18 answers · asked by kmoniq917 1

i have a 6 month old son, and i just recently had unprotected sex on the 13 and 14th of this month, my next period doesnt start until sept 2.. or thats when its suppose to start, is it possible that the sperm from the day i had unprotected sex could still be inside me because according to the ovulation chart, im suppose to ovulate today...which is the 16? so could i be pregnant? i wouldnt mind if i am, but i just want to know the chances of me being pregnant

2006-08-16 09:39:54 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's not very common I get these problems, I haven't excperinced any problems throughout the 8 months whats with these sharp pains, in my belly and vagina? they hurt like hell!

2006-08-16 09:39:21 · 15 answers · asked by Alexikai 2


How far along were you when you were able to find out by U/S what gender of baby you were having????

2006-08-16 09:35:12 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was just wondering if it is normal to not be able to hold food down at 11 weeks? I ate once today and it came back up, and im scared to eat again. My tummy feels funny and im not sure what to do..any suggestions?

2006-08-16 09:34:37 · 13 answers · asked by xxlilmekristyrae32xx 2

My wife is pregnant, 33 weeks. She just told me she was fine going to work this AM. She was sitting for most of the day. Now she almost falls to her knees when she tries to stand. Describes a sharp pain(abdominal) on her right side. Has anyone ever heard of this?? Thanks in advance for your input

2006-08-16 09:30:31 · 7 answers · asked by Scott 3

I reallllly want to have twins when I get a bit older but I don't even know if that is possible because I do not know of any twins on either side of my family.

2006-08-16 09:27:53 · 22 answers · asked by WVUgirl09 1

what are some more symptoms.. ive been eating normal, i am 2 months late, i had my period once a week for a month. i havent had morning sickness, my boobs aren't tender or anything? how would i know for sure without going to the doctor?

2006-08-16 09:21:58 · 48 answers · asked by am_i_prego 1

alrigthy... im 27 weeks pregnant now.. and im sure me & my bf had sex on the 25 or 26th of feb....we go into this big argument.. and stupid me had a one night thing with my first... i know im stupid well i had sex with him on the 1st and the 2nd i took the morning after pill it didnt affect... but my due date is nov 19th.... & im having a girl... soo i dont know... its beeen telling me that i conceived on the 26th but my ovulution was on the 1st is there a possible was i was already pregnant from my boyfriend or just by having sex on the day of ovulation the sperm dies?.. i need help...

2006-08-16 09:16:15 · 4 answers · asked by Dee M 1

2006-08-16 09:15:39 · 5 answers · asked by kaceywhat2u 1

I was just informed that I will be hosting a baby shower for my daughter and was wondering several different things...
1) Is it appropriate for the grandma to host the shower?
2) What are some fun baby shower games to play?
3) What are some prizes that can be awarded?
4) What to serve?
This is my daughter's first child and I have NEVER held a baby shower and don't know where to turn, so I am turning to you for any information you can give me.
I know that it is a boy and should I decorate in blue??? - - duh, I guess that was a dumb question:)
From what I can remember from baby showers that were given for me , there was food, games, prizes, and decorations. It's been 27 years since I had a shower and I know mine won't be perfect but I want it to be special.
ANY adivse is greatly appreciated for hosting this baby shower.
And I need to keep it under a budget.
Thank you all!!

2006-08-16 09:13:18 · 5 answers · asked by kimmer 3

During the last month we've been intimate (only going as far as making out and oral) but we've never had sex. My fear is that my preejaculatory sperm got from my pants to her vagina somehow. I know i fingered her sometime in the month but i dont know if this contamination could have happened...We've also been stressed out about our relationship, some issues, and heading to our first year of college...what do you think?? is it very possible she's pregnant??

2006-08-16 09:11:53 · 21 answers · asked by JustAQuickQuestion... 1

2006-08-16 09:11:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nothign helps. Not prune juice, not stool softners, not fiber supliments. Nothing What can I don

2006-08-16 09:11:03 · 11 answers · asked by janetsernoh 1

What week did you finally have relief from morning sickness? Is 11 weeks too early/ I started it at 7 and it peaked at 9 and then started getting better after 10 weeks. It's almost gone now.

2006-08-16 09:06:01 · 19 answers · asked by mkk 2

I read and heard that after the 12th week of pregnancy the risk of miscarriage drastically drops. Could anybody tell me if they are talking about 12 weeks after conception or 12 weeks after the first day of your last period? Thank you so much.

2006-08-16 09:05:29 · 8 answers · asked by Blank 3

I am trying to get pregnant. My husband and I have been having sex every day. We had intercourse about 5am and I felt myself ovulating about 5 hours later. We had sex before that and after that as well, but I specifically remember the 5am one and I remember I felt myself ovulating 5 hours later. What are the odds that I am pregnant? My period is due today but there is no sign of it, yet.

2006-08-16 09:04:28 · 7 answers · asked by brookeaconte 1

I'm 11 weeks pregnant. In the last week I'v had a heck of a time trying to fall asleep. My nose plugs up as soon as I lie down and I need to breathe through my mouth, but even so, I sometimes feel like my chest is really heavy. I don't feel sick in any other way. Just wondering if anyone else has had this and that you do about it. Thanks

2006-08-16 09:03:23 · 17 answers · asked by mkk 2

this is a true story, this is my first pregnancy, i'm 21, and i haven't told anyone about it, i didn't tell the father cause he was cheating on me and just had another baby around 6 weeks ago. it's not like i'm be embrassed cause i'm 21 and i have a very good job in computer information and i have my own apartment. i just didn't tell anyone, how do you guys think i should tell my mom, dad and brothers. the worse situation is that i was sneaking around with my babies father he is my brother's friend, and they didn't now. i do love him even though he treated me wrong, i don't want my brothers or mother to be mad at him. what do yall think i should do. i mean i do have to tell them, causae my due date is in nov, i don't think i can hit this anymore

2006-08-16 09:02:57 · 14 answers · asked by stephanieroundtree20 1

I know pg ladies aren't supposed to change a cats litter box cause of it but i can't remember what it is and can non-pg people get it too? I know it is extremely dangerous to the fetus but don't remember how.... What is the name, and signs and symptoms. NO i do not think i have it i am just curious:)

2006-08-16 09:01:02 · 14 answers · asked by siropson 3

I just resently gave birth to my 2nd child my husband want to start trying for number3 and they baby i just had is a month old how soon can we start for #3

please anyone that can help im me on yahoo messanger.

2006-08-16 08:58:38 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a normal day these days. Breakfast: decent sized bowl of Total (the cereal with all the vitamins and folic acid, exc.) A banana, and a medium sized glass of Orange Juice. Snack: A pure protien bar (I dont eat much meat, so I have to get protien from these) and 1 1/2 cups of dried mango. 1 liter of water. Lunch: A bean and cheese burrido (spelling?) with added chicken and lettuce from Taco Bell, and a caffinee free small soda. Snack: a big bowl of raw spinich and broccolli with italian (fat free) derssing and a Gatorade. For dinner, I am having a big plate of whole wheat speghetti with garden veggie sauce and a salad. I will probably eat a bag of popcorn or a bowl of oatmeal later tonight. I'm 15 1/2 weeks and I've gained 6 pounds, putting me at 124. I'm still walking 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week, and my job requires me to stand up all day. Am I eating ok so far, and where do I need improvements. I'm open for any positive suggestions... thanks yall! : )

2006-08-16 08:57:21 · 17 answers · asked by Island_Girl 2

I have a beautiful 3yr old daughter, and i had no problem getting pregnant with her. But, me and my husband got pregnant a couple months ago and ended up losing the baby at 9 weeks. We waited a month, and now we have unprotected sex all the time, and still no baby. I dont want to fuss with ovulation tests but im worried that maybe im not fertile or if he has a low sperm count. Can anyone help me?

2006-08-16 08:52:39 · 7 answers · asked by JustMarried 1

Ok i have been on the pil for 4 years and rearly ever miss any especially this month. How ever about 4 days after intercourse i experienced some light spotting and some cramping. After a few hours the bleeding stopped and i just had cramps and the cramps lasted about 3 days and then i had spotting again only heavery and it lasted longer. I have been under a great deal of stress the past few months and ia m also in mind cycle when this all started and when i had sex it was 1 day after my peorid stopped . Now that i should have stopped ovualtion the pain and bleeding have gone away. This is not the first time this has happened to me it happened a few months ago from stress and i was wondering if ne one had any advie b4 i seen my doctor about could it be pregancy/stress/ovualtion...?

2006-08-16 08:52:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you personally do an abortion under any sircumstance?
Or if you did one, how did you feel afterward?

2006-08-16 08:50:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

So my little sister thinks shes pregnant but she doesn't know for sure....she is having some, in her words, "Major cramping", but she's not spotting... she's taken two different tests and they both have come back inconclusive...she won't go to the doctor...can she be pregnant if she's cramping, or could it be she's just late...

2006-08-16 08:46:58 · 32 answers · asked by Mandi 2

I am only 5 weeks along and I am terrified of everything. Gaining weight and mostly becoming depressed...I was on anit-depressents anyways, but is there a chance that it might make me happier?

2006-08-16 08:44:33 · 10 answers · asked by Heather T 2

2006-08-16 08:36:42 · 30 answers · asked by me -n-the middle 2

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