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Adolescent - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

last night i had this dream tht my class and i where at some contest thingy and we had to decorate a piece of card board and then had to go up on stage and put it in front of us and share something interesting. well every one wuz finished except 4 me and i started crying and this 1 boy tht i used to like went up there and this gurl asked if i could go up there w/ him and he said yes. we didnt get to present cuz it wuz time to go so then we end up at my house nd i go to my room and the tv is changing channels by it self and i call devin
(boy i used to like) and i wuz like it haunted in there and hes like wut? and he goes to check it out and hes like yup its haunted and he wuz turning to leave and i wuz like wait dont go and we stood there 4 a sec and i run to hug him and he kinda backs up some and i try again and he backs up and then on the last try he hugged me and it felt so right.

what does tht mean?

2007-04-15 15:30:02 · 8 answers · asked by ☺LOCA☻ 1

my cuzin went 2 the doctor cuz he was feeling sick...they diagnosed it as food poisoning so he would be okay....2 days later he died...when they did an autopsy, they found out that he had pancreatic cancer....im taking a class in high school to help me with my future career as a doctor....we learned that if the doctors misdiagnose something that can cause harm to u, u can sue them...what i want 2 know is since they misdiagnosed him, can his family sue...**if sum1 has pancreatic cancer there is nuthing u can do about it...u will automatically die, but i still wanna know if the family can sue......by the way, its not like we actually are, but i just wanna know this 4 educational purposes since i am going to be a nurse practioner...

2007-04-15 14:42:24 · 3 answers · asked by Blue 4

I'm 25, so this isn't about me. My 17 year old brother Andrew is going to be a father. HE'S 17!! His girlfriend found out a few months ago, but he just broke the news yesterday. I don't know what to think. This is my little brother, the "baby" of our family. He's only a junior in high school! I want to help him, but I feel like all the advice I've ever given him about girls/sex/life has just been thrown away.
I'm in a state of shock. I know my brother isn't ready for this, neither is our family or his girlfriends. And who knows? They might end up just another seperated couple with a child out of wedlock.
He's a good kid, and I just wish this wasn't happening to him.

2007-04-15 14:15:39 · 15 answers · asked by Tucker 1

Does the baby have really severe problems? I'm not pregnant but I just wanted to know.
Please be kind, I know it's wrong, I really just want to know.
I'm not asking judgement about the pair, but about the baby.
Thank you.

2007-04-15 13:21:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay well one of my best friends is a guy his name is dave. we were talking on the phone like 2 or 3 times a day. And then i told him i like him and he told me he likes me back, and the next day he asked me out then like 8 days later we broke up, he promised me wed still be bffs. but that was like 3 weeks ago we broke up and weve had like 2 short conversations. Im worried we wont ever become friends again. what do you think, i kinda think it could be his gf telling him not to talk to me, but idk. And im completely over him, i even have a new bf, i just wanna be his friend again.

2007-04-15 11:58:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everytime i try to talk to my mom about him she just says she doesnt want to hear it. He is really sweet and he wants my mom to like him. He is my age, but sort of has a trouble maker reputation. I am only 14 and i know that is kind of young, but i really like him and want my moms approval. Is there anything i could say to try to get her to listen to me?

2007-04-15 06:14:56 · 23 answers · asked by karina 1

i mean like only if ur butt is big [37]......n da rest of u is thin....do guys like dat

2007-04-14 22:34:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 13 and have a bedtime of 8:00. I think this is too early. What bed time should a 13 year old have if any?

2007-04-14 18:50:18 · 43 answers · asked by monkey9071 1

I'm so confused! I was talking to my boyfriend on Xfire (sort of like AIM but you can play games.) He asked my why he felt like such dirtbag, and I said, "Idk. How should I know? Lol." Then he said, "Because you are one." I haven't even said anything to make him mad or anything, so I don't know why he said that! Then he didn't talk for a while and said he had to go. Then about 10 seconds after he logged off he logged back on, and then logged off again. We have been best friends for two years, and he asked me out in the end of march. What did I do? I didn't even SAY anything that would make him mad one bit. Why did he say it and why would he be mad at me? He has NEVER done ANYTHING like this in the two years I have been friends with him. I have NO idea what I did wrong. Is it just a phase or what?

BTW: We are both 13.

2007-04-14 17:19:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 14 and at school i guess i'm kinda known as the rich kid. Its not my falt that i have nice stuff cool technology and cars. I used to have a friend and we've been friends for about 3 years and 2 days ago i found out he was using me to become cool and popular. What should I do?

2007-04-14 14:09:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom like dosnt like any of my friends. she only likes one only cause shes a good little girl. she like hates all my other friends. she said i cant hang out wit them, but i still am cause they are my friends. she said my friends are the people who infulence me to be bad, i think thats total crap. im probaly the worst behaved out of all my friends so they rn't making me do the stuff i do. how can i make her like my friends and stop thinking they are bad and crap.

2007-04-14 13:56:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could i be a slow grower or am i destined to be this height. Thank you for your time.

2007-04-14 09:54:35 · 11 answers · asked by Manny 1

Hey, im 13 and I'm really bored today! Right now no ones home but my dad gets home in about an hour. So any ideas what I can do till then or when he does? Thanks.

2007-04-14 08:59:39 · 8 answers · asked by Sexy♥Sky 2

If a girl has a hairy back? My little sister is freaking out over this. It's not like she looks like a monkey and has hair everywhere, it's not thick or anything, she just has fine, noticable hairs on her lower back, is it really a problem for guys when she's older? I mean are guys really gonna look at her and go "Ewww!"

2007-04-14 06:04:22 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 12 and I was adopted when I was a baby. My parents said you need to be 18 years old to try to contact your birth family. WHY do you need to be 18? Why? they could be dead the time I turn 18! I want to do it now!! Why won't they change this dam rule? It's just so stupid. I'm sure other people feel this way. It makes me feel that i'll never be able to see my birth family ever. What should I do to make this feeling go away. And why do they have this rule.

2007-04-14 05:51:19 · 8 answers · asked by BeatlesFan13 B 1

im compiling a list, some of my ideas:
get drunk at a park
have a massive party
get kicked out of a mall
get the cops called on u (before sprinting away)
i dunno, im kinda stuck


2007-04-13 19:20:19 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think my freind is. I've known her for 4 years and lately she hasn't been acting like herself. She used to be really outgoing and now she's not, she comes to school with un explainable bruises on her body, but she won't tell me when or how she got them. She won't really talk to me anymore or any of our other friends, but she sort of just sits alone now. I want to help her, but how can I help her if she won't even talk? What should I do?We're 15.

2007-04-13 16:40:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 17 and I've never had a part time job. (except for babysitting my cousins & other family friends)

I'm very lucky to have parents who support me. But there are some things they are not willing to pay for completely, for example a laptop (they said I need to make a contribution). Which I think is fair.

But what I think is not fair is that expect me to make a contribution yet they will not let me get a part time job.

I'm in my last year of high school and my school prinicipal said he believes I am a very capable student and that I will be dux of the school this year (top achiever). I would really love to achieve this, more than anything. He also told my parents that if i'm serious about this then I should not get a part time job as it'll take time away from my studies.

Do you think I should work hard possibly get dux ($5000 NZD scholarship) or beg my parents to let me get a job?

By the way I'm not one of those spoiled brats who is afraid of hard work or getting my hands dirty.

2007-04-13 14:11:03 · 9 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

Here is a very thoughtful article on the topic.


2007-04-13 12:50:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a date next saturday should i get condoms just in case or not , what would you do the girl is kinda on the mood ??

2007-04-13 12:49:16 · 15 answers · asked by zyphler16m 1

Here is an interesting article about the topic.


2007-04-13 12:49:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend named Pat. Pat has a friend named Joe. I've seen Joe once or twice but I never got to talk to him that much.I want to get to know him better. Pat keeps saying, "If I tell Joe that you like him, he is going to kill me!" Pat says that Joedoesn't like girls. (He's not gay, though)So I asked Pat to tell Joe that I like him. Pat is really bugging the hell out of me. I saw him yesterday and he was like, "Joe doesn't like girls they uh, distract him uh, from his sports." So then I said, "He's probably just afraid to get rejected." So then Pat was like, "Uh, I mean a girl stalked him last year. His older brother went out with this girl, uh, Mary But um, she dumped his brother and asked Joe out, but they didn't go out."

Yesterday, Pat kept brushing up against me and flirting with me. My friends overheard him telling his friends that I'm freakin hot and other crap like that. Pat has lied to me before so I wonder if hes lying about Joe not liking girls. What should I do?

2007-04-13 10:40:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What privileges and legal rights does a sixteen year old have?

2007-04-13 10:27:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to see how it's like. Will they allow 14 year olds spend the night there? Plus it will be soo hot to show other kids my mugshot! Do you get to keep the cute little orange outfits?

2007-04-13 09:15:34 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

(not to make this a gross question) when i first started getting pubic hair, i never shaved it..but before i started having sex i started shaving it all off. Now im 17 and 18 1/2 weeks pregnant and i can still see down there to shave, but i was wondering how do you shave when you cant see down there anymore?? ( i cant stand hair down there and i like the feeling of no hair at all)

2007-04-13 04:28:35 · 8 answers · asked by CvMamii 1

2007-04-13 02:16:55 · 34 answers · asked by Pretty 1

Age 11. In order to do any homework, he must be have an adult - help him although it is more like we are doing it. It doesn't matter that his group in class will get less points since his part is not done. It doesn't matter about anything! We've tried niceness, bribery, meanness - denying priviledges, ransom, taking away computer and games....everything! He will just do the 'grounded' time and go on with life, without homework obviously. Any suggestions?

2007-04-12 18:22:10 · 17 answers · asked by sandi4990 1

I am 12 years old and never had my first period yet and I been getting alot of disharges which i wake up 2. I asked my grandmother and she says im probally gonna be gettn it. Do u think she is right and when do u think I WILL BEGETTN THIS.

2007-04-12 18:18:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to lose 21 ponds by two weeks pleaz give me some exercise positions and foods to eat and how much calories I should eat a day.

2007-04-12 14:08:26 · 14 answers · asked by *á?¦eMo gAlá?¦* 1