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Adolescent - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

like sleeping beauty was my favorite ?

2007-04-06 01:20:33 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-05 17:37:56 · 15 answers · asked by dondrob 1

omg i was sitting in the office earlier today cause they called me in there again. and i heard i think i vp and some other lady talking about how they are going to start doing saturday detentions. can they even do that, thats so unfair. that would like ruin my weekend if i had that, even though i probaly wouldnt go anyway. can the skool have that on a saturday?

2007-04-05 12:13:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

why ?

2007-04-05 11:39:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

omg i didnt even kno that we didnt have skool tomrrow i was just expecting to go to iss all week. thats so cool does anyone else have no skool or is it just me.

2007-04-05 09:58:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

This morning my 9 year ole son went for a bike ride; he usually turns up after about 25 minutes, but not today. When he hadn't come home after 1½ hours, my husband took the route they usually go by, but didn't find him. By now, near frantic, I tossed my 5 yr old into the car and started criss-crossing the streets to look for him. When I had checked all the usual spots, I turned the car around, came home and let my husband continue the search. 45 minutes later he called me to tell that he had found him - alive and well, but almost 10 km away. He had remembered a long trip we all made well over a year ago, and had decided to retrace it. How do I mete out the punishment if any?

2007-04-05 09:37:38 · 53 answers · asked by Malene P 2

wont work wen i try to stick my finger down my throut i tryed a tooth brush and everything
but i'll stop when im like idk 86 pounds right now im 95-97pounds and my height is only 5'0" and i feel really big. but i know im not fat im normal but i dont wanna be normal im lik on the heavy side of normal.
my question is: im 95-97pounds and my height is only 5'0" am i fat?
and my other question is: why cant i throw up after i eat??

2007-04-05 09:34:14 · 13 answers · asked by Gloomy Princesess 3


Ok so I'm 15... I friended this really hot guy who goes to my school on myspace and he REJECTED my friend request. It's just so awkwaerd because he does know me, just not THAT WELL. H'es 17, but he knew my older brother who is 20 and in college. He's "friends" with all these girls who dont even know him.

ok the reason i have a problem here is cuz I see him in the hall a lot and it will be so awkward!

What can I do because I'm mortified!!!

2007-04-05 09:03:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok me and my boyfriend have been dating for a while now like 7 months and recently like in march we had started to have sex unprotected and i end up startin my period like one day and we had just got through havin sex the day before that and then when i came off my period we had sex and that was like last week but now i have a strong feeling that im pregnant btw he never pulls out when he cums what should i do its kida too early to take a pregnancy test and i really dont kno what to do please help

2007-04-05 07:09:12 · 10 answers · asked by Miss.King 1

In my (large) family all of us kids stand out for one reason or another: Noah the baby, Zoe the dancer, Jake the skateboarder, Kyle Mr. Science Geek, Maddy the adorable pre-schooler, the twins, Sylvee the drama queen, and me, the sarcastic teenager. We all have our different personalities except for Jason, the 7 yo ordinary oddball of the family. He's really shy and most of the time you don't even realize he's there. Some of the other kids leave him out of stuff (not necessarily on purpose) and I'll admit to telling him a few times to but t out when I'm busy, but lately he's not his "come home do homework and chores then go outside and (try to) shoot hoops till dinnertime" self. He doesn't smile as much, or try to make up corny jokes that aren't even funny and nobody laughs at anymore. Also, he won't even pick up a basketball (but i think that's because everybody but our family tells him he's horrible at it). Can 7 yo get depressed? How can I help him?

2007-04-05 02:36:00 · 16 answers · asked by Sk8er Chick 2

Is this a good weight for a 14 year old that is 5'4 112?
I think i need to be skinnier

2007-04-04 20:46:17 · 16 answers · asked by teenmodelhot 2

No, I dont have a daughter, and I am not pregnant, I just think up random questions and like to hear peoples views:P

If you had a 16 year old daughter, who became pregnant by a 25 year old man. And this man offered to pay for the baby, marry your daughter, and be there 24/7, would you report him? Lock him away?

2007-04-04 11:37:24 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 14 year old son told me he wants to join a gang ,i am thinking of letting him join one but first i need to know what do street gangs do ,what is there moral code ,what do they believe in ,are they similar to the boy scouts ??,also my son said if he wants to join they have to "gang bang" him what does that mean ???

2007-04-04 08:01:00 · 11 answers · asked by BestMummy007 1

I have a 12 yr old daughter who is in 6th grade. A 13 yr old boy has asked her to the movies. I told her i would let her know by the weekend if she could go or not.
My initial reaction is H*** NO!! I feel she is to young.
Am I being to protective? Would you let a 12 year old go on a date??
H E L P !!!!

2007-04-04 07:59:29 · 11 answers · asked by tlaven2 2

My boyfreind and my best friends boyfreind are always trying to get us to make out in front of them. We have before but i dont understand whats so hot about it. Can ya please explain this to me?

2007-04-04 07:00:16 · 34 answers · asked by Billie 1

i live in texas my daughter is 17 and now her boyfriend is 18 they been having sex for 4 months know startrd when he was 17 is it legal still in texas

2007-04-04 06:40:32 · 11 answers · asked by sharon_fontenot@sbcglobal.net 1

I was in baby names recently and there is alot of animosity towards what people are naming their children. Now don't get me wrong, people can name their children whatever they like. It's the parents choice, right?

Well there are some who are worried that if a child has a unique name, basically something new, whether its just spelled different or totally new, that the child will have to endure painful teasing going through school. Now kids are already teased at school for whatever reason kids can come up with. We all went through it at some point, I am sure. I pose this to everyone. Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends, and to the teens here, what is your opion on this topic.

This really spiked my curiosity. I would like to hear some feedback.

My children have unusual names and they are not teased for it. They are even spelled different.

2007-04-04 05:56:11 · 10 answers · asked by sunshiner26 2

a fan of members here? like i'm so in love with cowgrl3611s' comments and i wanna be her fan lol!

2007-04-04 03:47:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


And there are hundreds of more articles on the internet like it. I honestly find the drinking age in the US pointless, and it is the highest drinking age in the world. It should be lowered to eighteen once again, but more steps need to be taken to insure younger drinkers are safer. Allowing the eighteen year old to buy only if they are out of highschool? Limit the amount they can drink untill 21?

If the drinking age was 16, but only around adults, parents could teach them how to drink properly, and to know how much is too much, but because it's considered the forbidden fruit, most teenagers go off to college not knowing how much is too much, and end up dying. For every one person under 18 that this "21" age has saved, someone over 21 has died. And increasing the drinking age isn't going to save anyone, it's just going to make a bunch of 25 year olds not know what is going on. We need a graduated drinking law. Like driving.

2007-04-04 02:33:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's 18, going to community college, not doing very much homework, has ADD, works 3 part time jobs making ..not much, and has no clue how much things cost. To me she's acting immature instead of mature like she thinks she is. We just want her to find a career to go towards so she can support herself and move out when she can afford to. This is causing major fights..cuz she thinks we are nuts.

2007-04-04 01:39:34 · 16 answers · asked by Happy 1

omg my little brother matthew wants a cell fone. i didnt even get one till 6th grade. hes in 4th. that would be so unfair if he got one and i had to wait. wats a good thing for him not to get one. cause i dont want him to get one before me.

2007-04-03 11:12:56 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I walked in her room and she didn't know i was there. Her entire top was off, and her pants were pulled down to her knees, showing her bareness. She had no bra on. And she had the sheets of her bed balled up under her, and she appeared to be humping the sheets. How do i put an end to this?? And why does she do it?

2007-04-03 07:12:54 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have NEVER had my period, & i am thinking about having sex. dont tell me not to cuz im too young cuz i dont care about that. i just wanna know if i can have sex before i have my 1st period (& can i still get pregnant then?)

2007-04-03 06:06:59 · 32 answers · asked by i make hell look cold 1

just asking because i was real close of having sex and the boy was only 1 year older but i was scared and my parents was home so that made it even worser he had told me that if it hurt he was going to leave and go home and we will try it another time the way he had said had me wondering does it hurt when you do it for the first time? he had also said he had 2 condoms so that wasnt bothering it was just the way it feels so please answer my question i need to know before i go through with it

2007-04-03 05:28:03 · 32 answers · asked by Chante T 1

Does it matter how old they are? Does it matter how smart they are?

2007-04-03 04:25:08 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous