Our son is a good kid when he wants to be. with that said... It is to the point that he only listens when he wants to. He won't do chores, he won't do anything when asked unless he is "made" - it always has to be huge fight, where he throws a fit (throws stuff, pounds the wall, slams doors, ect...) he won't get up to go to school unless he wants to and has missed several days because of it. He hates school. All he wants to do is play games and be on the computer. We have done everything that we can think of - nothing works. He is so stubborn - spanking doesn't work, stripping his room of his stuff doesn't work, grounding him from everything doesn't work. We follow through with our punishments, he just waits us out and then goes back to the same behavior - when he's under punishment he is on good behavior... we're at a loss - who to turn to and where to get help - we're in the process of having him tested for a learning disability or adhd - what do we do in the mean time?
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