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I think I'm a fairly good parent but I just can't seem to resolve this problem. I've tried stopping her money, I've tried taking her mobile phone off of her for a week at a time, I've tried grounding her, I've tried telling her what its doing to her health and nothing seems to get through. Help!

2007-03-13 00:50:37 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

40 answers

When my sister was 14 she was caught smoking by my mum ..she took everything away from here grounded her for months she let her out after 4 months then caught her smoking again...this time she took her fone for good plus she sat her down to make her eat a whole pack of 20 she didnt even get past a whole one before bein sick everywhere she has enevr touched one since...my sister still has no mobile fone shes 16 now....

2007-03-13 01:14:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

At 14 they tend to think they know it all. I know I did! I started at 14 too and my parents couldn't stop me either..didn't help that THEY were smokers themselves! You can just keep up what your doing and hope she see's the light. If your a smoker yourself she will be less inclined to take you seriously. It's the old do as I say, not as I do thing. Show her my answer. I started at 14 and have had pnemonia several times and have wasted so much money on it! I truly regret ever starting and am really STRUGGLING to quit now. It would have been so much easier if I had never started or at the very least quit a long time ago! It's a rotten, filthy habit and very hard to break once it's established. You could ground her for a month to her room. By then the withdrawals would be gone and maybe she'd be smart enough not to start again. Good luck!!

2007-03-13 02:07:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

ground her for at least a month. take ALL possessions away from her for just as long.
ensure she is monitored at school so cant sneak round the 'bike shed' for a sneaky ***...this may mean her being kept in or chaperoned by older kids like prefects or whatever they called thesedays!
take her to hospital, show her those sites others mentioned. give her more chores to do but dont pay her! no magazines, no junk food, etc etc.
put lock on house phone, or a code so she cant use it. forbid internet except for supervised homework.
tell her if after a month she agrees to not smoke til shes left home and an adult, she can earn back her priviledges(for thats what they are, not rights, as i've said to my teen many times!!) slowly, but any falling off the wagon, then back to basics.

2007-03-13 05:16:55 · answer #3 · answered by hedgewitch 4 · 2 0

I have heard from a friend of mine who had a similar problem with a 15 year old was to buy a large pack fo strong cigarettes and make them smoke the whole lot, it made them feel so sick after that they gave up.
the other way would be to perhaps try and get her to see your GP together. that way they can lay down some pretty nasty facts and figures and sometimes pictures which should be enough to put off anyone and they may also be able to offer some help with the quiting i.e patches etc.

2007-03-13 00:59:46 · answer #4 · answered by Barefoot_Ben 2 · 3 0

Hi I realy don t think there is any way of stopping your daughter smoking as the more of an issue you make of it the more she will do it it is a viciouse circle I am not saying buy her cigs or anything like that or evan let her smoke in your house but just leave her to it and if she brings smokes in your house simply rip them up and put them back where you found them she is more then lkely to bore of it before long

2007-03-13 02:03:44 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

not bein bad take her to the hospital n show her someone who is not livin life they way he should cause of smockin
show her pictures inside the lungs whats happens when you smocke tell her the right way of life give her the right advice as long as she listens to your point i'm sure you wont have to cut out everythin in her life makin her go and smocke a 40deck instead of jus one ...if your bein lazy your bein lazy but if you active you gettin up the same goes when your smockin n when your not smockin two different things ..i'm sure she will learn from her self oneday ...these dayz kids dont understand n think their livin the life just cause their friends are there their jus there cause their idiots oyu know what i mean tell her to fix up plan where she's goin on that boat away n not down the other side of the river save her while she has time !!

2007-03-13 01:44:37 · answer #6 · answered by THUG LIFE 2 · 1 0

I think it might help if you are able to let her see how badly people can be affected by it. She will know what damage it can do but if she actually met people suffering from smoke related problems it might change her mind.
Also an idea Ive had. Sit her down and make her smoke a full packet one after the other. She will be sick of them after about three. It might work. Failing that ask the doctor he might be able to help. Hope she stops
Fiona x

2007-03-13 01:02:57 · answer #7 · answered by Fio 1 · 2 0

Take everything away. Take her to school and pick her up. Advise the school that She is not to leave the building at lunch, Be at the school during her lunch to see if she does, All schools have what they call smokers corner. Its an area right off school property that the kids all smoke at.

Go volunteer at a local nursing home, take her with you. Make her see what life living with breathing problems are like.

2007-03-13 01:02:39 · answer #8 · answered by tammer 5 · 2 0

You can't, one of the hardest things we have to do as parents is accept the fact that our children are individuals and we won't always like the choices they make. If there aren't any other smokers in the house then it's not unreasonable to enforce a no smoking in the house rule. But if you smoke yourself or your partner does, that's tricky, particularly as she could be smoking in the next room and you wouldn't know. But as far as stopping her, only she can make the choice to stop and you can't force that.

2007-03-13 10:17:22 · answer #9 · answered by gerrifriend 6 · 1 0

Google this: Alan Carr 'the easy way'

Book her on to a course ASAP, its unbelievable. Me and my brother did a course 2yrs ago and both quit. 8 of my friends have now also done the course and all but one has quit.

You dont quit you get your money back, no questions, no tests, they rely on your honesty.

UK courses cost £220 and last around 4 hours - The fact that the NHS dont offer this is criminal, but where would the government get back the 18 billion they make from smokers if everyone quit!

Good Luck

2007-03-13 06:52:05 · answer #10 · answered by ollie101 2 · 1 0

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