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Adolescent - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent


2006-12-10 13:35:46 · 28 answers · asked by mngvhgvjhmchgcjgvjhjgjhbvjn v 1

Some times I wake up in the middle of the night and sneak out of the house to hang with friends, I do not sleep with a pillow I put my head on my shoe, I am inlove with my face and hair, I want to be a Doctor but everyone thinks am not smart
It feels good to let it out

2006-12-10 13:35:37 · 27 answers · asked by Ryan 1

I think the little 8 year old I watch might be masturbating. She rocks and grunts when she lays down to watch tv. Is this a normal age? And should I talk to her about it or tell her mom? What should I tell her mom?

2006-12-10 13:31:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is only 21, and he is constantly trying to have sex with her. She won't refuse him.

2006-12-10 13:29:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-10 13:22:10 · 31 answers · asked by mngvhgvjhmchgcjgvjhjgjhbvjn v 1

well, i feel really stressed, im getting bad grades... i need help! i really want to go to stanford, and to do that i need better grades..HELP! thanks...

2006-12-10 13:07:26 · 17 answers · asked by Des'ree is how to spell my n 3

I feel like I want to send him to a "boot camp" so he can learn discipline, respect, and appreciation, but he's not a "bad kid". His main chore is to throw the trashes in the house, but when I have to tell him more than once everyday, he comes back with yelling at me about it. I am his mother.

2006-12-10 13:00:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

She has a habit of breaking curfews and not calling when she is running late. Last weekend, she came home over an hour late, no call. I told her she was grounded for a month, no phone, internet or TV. She cried and begged us for anything else saying how one of friends gets never gets grounded but still gets spanked, hinting that was more fair. We told her she is too old for that, but then she started mouthing off so her mom spanked her! It was no big deal, probably a little more than a dozen smacks with a wooden spoon over her jeans, in private. She then thought she was off the hook, but I told she is still grounded two weeks so she announced she would stop speaking to us

She then writes us a long letter saying how embarrassed she was by the spanking, asking us to promise to never ever do that to her again and then saying we lied to her by giving her both punishments. All I want her to do is just respect her curfew and be safe!.. .without the drama. She got what she deserved, right?

2006-12-10 12:32:36 · 23 answers · asked by O'Shea 5

freind wants to nwo

2006-12-10 12:26:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is wondering why he has a penis and his younger sisters don't. He's wondering what the penis purpose is and his sister's vagina. He's not a hormone crazed teenager he just turned 5 in October. I need help from other moms. Hubby is in Iraq right now and I don't know what and how to explain this to James. Mothers and fathers questions are welcomed.

2006-12-10 12:16:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my daughter has been going out with this boy for a month, and it seems they really love eachother. she has had past relationshipd, but none have been as serious as this one. i really like th eboy she is dating. he treats her well and treats her father and i with respect. when i have asked her about having sex she responded with a no. i told her to come and talk to me before she decided to do anything. but i feel that she has. i have noticed that she hasnt gotten her period yet, and she usually gets it around this time. i don't want my child to have a child. i try to talk to her, but she says that she hasnt done anything with him. i will not be mad at her, i just want her to be able to trust me and be abe to come tome and be honest. what should i do?

2006-12-10 11:23:55 · 17 answers · asked by missy29 1

I don't really get it..... I know that a "homer" is when you... you know. but 1st. base, 2nd. base, 3rd base. what does it all mean????

Does age make a difference?? What is it for teens, or like in high school??

2006-12-10 11:18:23 · 3 answers · asked by ariel 2

These are my girlfriend's children, I have no children. Would it further damage the self-esteem of the 11 y.o. if we bought the 9 y.o. a reasonable MP3 player and no IPOD or MP3 player for the 11 or is there a valuable lesson(s) to be learned here- ask reasonable and get it, don't follow the crowd. Please read details before answering. My girlfriend and her ex-husband have not been good about telling their kids "no" in the past. The children and their father live where most of their peers come from quite wealthy families. My girlfriend, et. al. are far from wealthy but the father insists on living there, scraping by, for the "great" schools (nevermind the values the kids apparently learn in junior high). I grew up lacking extravagence (and so did most of my neighborhood) and I am better for it but there was no arguing with your parents about it. I care for my girlfriends kids and it is time to save the 11 y.o. from thinking that possesions are everything. But how?

2006-12-10 10:59:10 · 10 answers · asked by Vonnegutknows 1

2006-12-10 10:57:47 · 10 answers · asked by Latasha S 1

right, im a dad of 4 (13,10 and twins 5 all boys), all my boys where bought teddybears. my twins still sleep with theirs, with my older two at the age of about 9/10 they stoped sleeping with them and they started sitting at the end of the bed.

with my eldest i was exspecting it to be shoved under his bed or into cuboard any moument now, as soon as he discovered girls! and not to be seen again till he moved out.

however my wife was checking up on the kids before we went to bed, and she called me in with the camera, i found him cuddleing his teddybear.

now i have mixed feelings, my wife says she has caught him do this before, but i never have which means its not happening every night. my wife thinks its harmless and if it makes him happy let him.

i have mixed feelings, my dad side says let him, its harmless,
but my man side says 13 year old boys do not sleep with teadybears, i know 13 year old girls do, anyway im not sure. what do other parents think? is it to old?

2006-12-10 10:54:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-10 10:51:44 · 8 answers · asked by Lana817 3

I worked hard for the money I got, and my grandfather is always asking me what am I buying and when I tell him that it isnt anything like cocaine or anything like that he will then tell me to show it too him but then he says no. But before that he said "If it your money , oyu can buy whatever you want to.."

Does he have any control over what I buy?

2006-12-10 10:42:13 · 7 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4

I HATE spicy stuff and the rest of my family cant live with out it, so when its time to eat most o fthe food is spicy and there is really anything I want to eat what can they make so they cna have what they want and so can I ?

2006-12-10 10:22:17 · 7 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4

My sixteeen year old (turns 17 in Jan) thinks he can come and go as he pleases, he is quiting school next month and he does nothing to help around the house, he is only working about 15 hours a week and he thinks when he quits school he doesn't have to help or find a job with more hours he wants to do what he wants when he wants and I told him that if he didn't help and get a job with more hours than he was on his own and can't live in my house and he told me that it was against the law to throw him out. Is that true? What are my rights?

2006-12-10 09:54:43 · 17 answers · asked by atwitsend 1

Is it possible that someone could be late on their period from things other then intercourse and being pregnant, like getting fingered or doing some drug(other then birth control)?

2006-12-10 09:47:22 · 6 answers · asked by rockn2350 1

Just recently she dropped out of high school. I am very concerned for her and her daughter, which is only a couple months old. She is not at home with her mother for certain reasons I will not say, but, is living with a boyfriend I really do not see fit for her. I just want to tell her, but I don't know what to say...I do not want to come off in a way that will offend her or make her feel like I am trying to control her or tell her what to do. Can you help me? What should I do and how should I approach her?

2006-12-10 09:35:42 · 4 answers · asked by I♥ny 1

just wondering... oh and this is for people around the age of 15

2006-12-10 09:25:07 · 7 answers · asked by MaculaMaster 3

lol, pls help!!!

2006-12-10 09:23:02 · 2 answers · asked by qtpie16707 3

My 12 yr old daughter best friend has fallen pregnant and is definately keeping her/him as she is almost 5 months gone. My daughter is feeling really depressed about it as she was desparate to my TOTAL disapprovement of her having a baby soon after telling me she wanted a baby we talked everything through and she didnt want a baby anymore as she understood how hard it was now her friend is pregnant shes jealous and im scared shes going to want a baby again HELP please

2006-12-10 09:21:29 · 19 answers · asked by yummymummy 1

i went to this restaruant with my freinds and we were talking about wat we were asking for for xmas and stuff. we were saying how we want ddesinger purses and jewrlry and shoes and we also decied that instead of saddles were going to have our parents make a 5000 dollar donation to cancer and aids charitys. well the waitress was evesdropping on our convo and she told us we were all spoiled b itches, she goes to my school, and then when we were done she told us she spit in our drinks, and then she quit so she wouldnt get in trouble wat should we do????

2006-12-10 08:36:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


like this guy a lot. He is so sweet, he cares about me. He talks to me. We flirt a lot. All my friends like him. They think he is sweet and that he treats me good. I want to be with him but I dont know how to let him know this without having to say to him I like you. Havbe any ideas on how to let him know that I like him without telling him I like him. Thanks in advance for your help.

2006-12-10 08:36:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

what exatly is it, what it does and what its like

2006-12-10 08:09:47 · 12 answers · asked by dudade06 2

A radio station in Australia ran a phone-in competition to find the most
embarrassing moment in listener's lives.
The top four were:
4th PLACE: "While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to
release some pent-up energy and run amok. I was finally able to grab
hold of her after receiving looks of disgust and annoyance from other customers. I told her angrily to start behaving and she looked me in the eye and
told me in a voice just as threatening, "If you don't let me go right now, I will
tell Grandma that I saw you kissing Daddy's Willie last night."
After this enlightening exchange, the silence was deafening. Even the
tellers stopped what they were doing. I mustered the last of my
dignity and walked out of the bank, with my daughter in tow. The last thing I heard as the doors closed behind me were screams of laughter."

2006-12-10 07:54:19 · 15 answers · asked by Unknown. 3

I am a 15 year old guy and I have alot of questions about male development and morning erections. I would like to ask for some advise , and do it over the computer, for it seems easier to ask then in person!, If you are around my moms age can you message me!

2006-12-10 07:36:14 · 5 answers · asked by paul t 1

fedest.com, questions and answers