When I was a child my mother didn't have my ears pierced until I was old enough to ask to get them done, which was around 7. Even then she made arrangements with the store to have 2 employees with piercing guns do both ears at the same time. Very good thing, cause I probably wouldn't have done the second ear otherwise. I have decided to do the same with my daughter, get them done if and when she asks me to. Reason why I ask this is because I saw a woman and her husband at Wal-Mart yesterday getting their small baby's ears pierced. I was horrified when I heard that little baby scream. Why do parents do this at that age? I know that a baby or small child can't be asking for their ears to be pierced. It seems like the parents are doing it for their own reasons, like having people comment about how cute it looks. Is this why some parents are doing this? It seems very cruel to put a baby through unneccesary pain just for beauty.
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