Since March I have been complaining about serious butt, low back pain that seems to be mostly on the right side. Everyone said that's what happens in pregnancy. I am cuurently 20 weeks. I spent 200 dollars at the chiropractor, and bought a maternity bel for support. Neither of these options worked. I continued complaining. I am allergic to acetiminophen so my ob gave me oxycodone. She prescribed this 4/29/06, it is currently 6/16/06, and I still have a pill left. So I only take it if I can't stand it anymore. At night my husband has to carry me to the bathroom. Finally I made an appt with an orthepedic dr, who discovered I have broken cartilege in my hip. There's nothing they can do why I am pregnant, so after labor I will be having surgery. Until then I can take a cortizone shot, or stay on the oxycodone. I am scared for my baby and me. And my husband is so worried.
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