sure, in some places there are few human rights. but in america and in the eu, its gotten insane. while watching the european RTL news, i noticed them saying that only one EU nation has a life prison sentence, and none have the death penalty. sounds good if youre planning to walk into a club to start knifing people in the stomach, or rape a 5 year old. the average max sentence is only 20 years.
in the US you can get released if they dont mirandize you. there are so many technicalities by which a guilty person can be set free, even if the evidence against him is overwhelming. some organisations goes so far as to blame the victim of the crime, or make excuses for the suspect. where is the moderation?
if someone commits murder, he/she should be handed over to the family that suffered the loss. that family should have the right to do whatever they want with him. even torture him for years and years.
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