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Politics - 7 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

"in God we trust" and doesn't say in "Allah we trust" or "in Buddha we trust" or "in God and Goddess we trust"

what a twisted logic!

does it say "IN JESUS WE TRUST" ??!!


stop shoving your crap down my throat YOU HEAR.

this country was NOT founded on christianity and never will your bible substitute our constitution PERIOD

2007-08-07 13:12:11 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

that new bill that congress just passed helps lower income children (and yes maybe also some of their parents) those who voted against it say that this is a step towards government run healthcare- why is that bad? why do they pretend they would not be good to run it?

2007-08-07 13:08:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let's see if the spineless weasel Liberals can answer this with out changing the subject! When you try to lose this war doing things like telling America we have already lost prosecute are solders for murder , Badmouth America, Push laws threw like making it so Terrorist can sue you for reporting them to the authorities for suspicions behavior ,Spread lies about are President, Take away tools like the Patriot act and make it illegal to spy or even hold Terrorist for questioning ,Have the House speaker travel to other country's badmouthing America electing a Muslim Senator that pissed on the bible and substituted the Coran to be used for his swearing in .Coran is the book that states all Infidels must be destroyed 7 times I could go on if I had more room BOTTOM line is if you are a Liberal Democrat you might as well rap a towel around your head and strap a bomb to your arss!

2007-08-07 13:07:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im especially interested in why African Americans would want him for president. Is it because of his beliefs and what he stands for (if so please tell me what they are) or is it because of the color of his skin?

2007-08-07 12:58:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I support our troops, yet I wonder how they must feel when they leave our wonderful land of plenty to enter the gate of hell.

2007-08-07 12:57:39 · 23 answers · asked by Ms Blue 5

100,000 Offered to Prove Global Warming: Can You Save Al Gore?
As soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore continues to duck every person on the planet willing to debate him about his unproven anthropogenic global warming theories, one well-known skeptic has put his money where his mouth is.
On Monday evening, the website JunkScience.com, owned and managed by Steven Milloy, announced The Ultimate Global Warming Challenge.
As laid out in this video, entrants are asked the following in order to receive $100,000 while, at the same time, saving Al Gore from looking like one of the biggest charlatans to ever walk the face of the planet:

2007-08-07 12:47:21 · 20 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Do you see that day happening since we took the land from the indians and thinking that someones going to take it away from the Americans.

2007-08-07 12:46:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't try to tell me you never supported George W. Bush even for a short time. In the weeks following 9/11 Bush's approval rating shot up to 92%, and it didn't fall to 26% overnight.

I supported Bush for quite a while, as well as the Iraq War because like many Americans I believed his lies.

I kept giving him the benefit of the doubt, and he kept letting me down.

Anyway, I stopped supporting him about a year and a half into the Iraq War. What about you?

2007-08-07 12:38:33 · 28 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3

Doctors should get paid for their services by those individuals they treat. Hospitals and doctors should have the right to deny services to anyone they choose. I believe that if government forces doctors and hospitals to provide services, wage garnishment should be placed on those seeking treatment. If patient is here illegally, treat them and deport them otherwise force payment.

2007-08-07 12:35:10 · 17 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

all people do is wait for the world to end instead of taking action and promoting what the world really needs...peace.
if we spread knoledge of god and history hidden a long time ago than mabye we can creat peace. meditation is the key to succes of ones self and others, if we live in meditation and learn from our mistakes than we can truly be with god. the goverment is full of people who just soil them selvs in usless money and use sin as a benefit. we all need to help eachother and really put our brains to our bronze and help those in need in ways that are unimaginable to those who dont think to much.
if we teach self meditation and healing than mabye we can lead this world away from destruction and create peace. science is magick and magick is science and both are are religion and not many people see that true fact. as long as there is one true god in there can be peace on earth.

2007-08-07 12:34:46 · 1 answers · asked by john constantine 2

2007-08-07 12:34:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about it. If we reduced the overall size of the American military to only five divisons of troops, one aircraft carrier, and one wing of Air Force planes we could still have all our glorious parades BUT all future Presidents would be unable to start a war like Dubya did -- because he'd not have the troops to do it with!!

Wouldn't this prevent military adventurism by the obviously insane Presidents we keep electing every generation or so?

Let's stay home. Keep our troops home.

Is this an idea whose time has come?

2007-08-07 12:27:37 · 15 answers · asked by Spock (rhp) 7

Democrats - Whenever you finally succeed in removing all things Christian from the public square, education, Court houses, government buildings, Memorial monuments in respect to former Presidents with scripture engraved on them, from grave stones in Soldier Memorial Cemeteries,.......

What will you do if and when you criminalize the bible, How will you teach your children about what is right; and what is wrong, where will they get their Morals; about how to live a decent and clean life?

What do you base your morals on?

Did you ever think about peoples souls?

How can chaos not result from a society without God?

2007-08-07 12:24:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine Owner Rips Media, Liberals

August 7, 2007

RUSH: Cookie worked fast. We have these two sound bites, and the owner of the Murray Energy Corporation, the owner of the mine where the six miners are missing. I had gotten a heads-up that this guy launched against the media today for misreporting what's happening out there by name and that he also started attacking the stupidity of energy legislation in this country. His name is Robert Murray, chairman of Murray Energy Corp. He held a press conference and explained what was going on in the rescue efforts. He started getting questions about things. These are two sound bites from the press conference.

MURRAY: Without coal to manufacture our electricity, our products will not compete in the global marketplace against foreign countries because our manufacturers depend on coal for low-cost electricity, and people on fixed incomes will not be able to pay foyer electric bills. And every one of these global warming bills that has been introduced in Congress today will eliminate the coal industry and increase your electric rates four to five fold. So we are an essential industry.

RUSH: Now, you might be saying, "Why the hell is he talk about this when they got six miners down there that were trapped?" Because he was asked about it, because he was asked, "What the hell are you in this business for anyway?" That was not an exact question, but it was something like, "Why do we have these mines open? They're so dangerous, and coal is destroying the planet and coal's this and coal's that." He fired right back at them, and of course this guy is a corporate interest, so he can't be trusted, according to the left. These reporters had to be asking some of the most clichéd, stupid, uninformed, closed-mind questions. I have to tell you something. He's right. I have to tell you a little story. On one these guy golf trips, and I go on a bunch of them during the summer. The first one was in the middle of June. I went up to a friend of mine's place, I'm not going to mention where because his town will get mobbed with people wanting to find out where I was, and he'll get hassled. But it was in Connecticut. We took his boat. He's got a pretty nice boat. He took his boat over to Fisher's Island and we played golf over there. From Fisher's Island we went up to Newport to see another friend. We were going to play golf there the next day. As we pull out of the harbor with my friend lives, there's this giant ship.

I'm not on the water much, so, I see things like I see tankers and stuff flying over them, like when I went into Dubai to negotiate the ports deal before I went into Afghanistan, but there was this huge cargo ship, and there were a bunch of smaller ships loading off of it. It was off-loading onto those smaller ships, and they were headed somewhere. I said, "What is that?" My friend said, "It's a coal delivery." He said, "Look over there," and he pointed, and there was this giant power plant in Connecticut, and those of you who live there now know where I'm talking about. It has to be fed every day. It's providing electricity. This guy is exactly right. The amount of coal that that cargo ship had to hold would boggle your mind. These are things that most people never see. You just go in the room, you flip the switch and the lights come on, but you don't know how it happens, and this guy is operating a mine along with other people to bring coal up -- it's a dangerous, risky job -- and you've got the global warming people trying to put it out of business. He's right. If you do that, you're going to have to have some other fuel for the power plants to fire their electricity with, and it is going to cost a tremendous amount of money. Here's the next bite. He was just watching the coverage of the disaster, and he said this.

MURRAY: They know nothing about the natural disaster that occurred here. They know nothing about the damage in the mine, and the circumstances surrounding the trapped miners. I caution the media to very much question the veracity of these sources and their motivations. I particularly cite Mr. Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press for particularly bad reporting, and the Fox News network, on what has occurred here. Rather than utilizing the truthful statements that you heard here, Mr. Borenstein chose to use statements from Mrs. McAteer that were totally false and have nothing to do with or have any understanding of what's happened here. And this morning, Fox News network was at it also. I hope you report that.

RUSH: Done, Mr. Murray.


RUSH: By the way, even better is something I left out of the story about that giant ship out there in the Long Island Sound servicing the power plant. That coal was from overseas! It was not American. That was foreign coal, if you will. I love this Murray guy, because finally somebody is promoting the concept of continual access to sources of energy, for the necessity of this country to continue to grow. I love this guy, already.


Read the Background Material...

VIDEO: Mine Owner Denounces Global Warming Bills in Emotional News Conference
AP: Utah Mine Owner: Rescue Will Take 3 Days

2007-08-07 12:13:19 · 12 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

...a 40something group of men with ideas?

2007-08-07 12:13:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush's approval rating is at 26% now. That's the third lowest for a US president. Second place is Richard Nixon at 23%. In first is Harry Truman at 22%.

And, yes, I'm well aware of the low approval rating of the Democratic Congress.They suck too, for not having any balls. I'm asking about Bush, though.

It won't reach zero, as long as there's corporate executives and their families making billions off the war on terror.

2007-08-07 12:11:59 · 19 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3


These Global Warming nuts are getting crazier and crazier.

2007-08-07 12:10:48 · 5 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

... of cowardly acts in a "pre-existant" state? And that their black skin is a curse from God?

Mitt Romney as a member in good standing of the Mormon Church believes:

"The official church "doctrine" prior to 1978 was blacks are an inherrently sinful, inferrior race unworthy of the priesthood and temple blessings."

"Church leaders were always explicit in the link between people of African descent and the sin of Cain."


"Think of the Negro, cursed as to the Priesthood.... This Negro, who, in the pre-existence lived the type of life which justified the Lord in sending him to the earth in the lineage of Cain with a black skin, and possibly being born in darkest Africa — if that Negro is willing when he hears the gospel to accept it, he may have many of the blessings of the gospel."


Other churches have been racist but the Mormon Church continues to believe that blacks are born with prior guilt.

2007-08-07 12:06:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-07 12:05:01 · 15 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

They are fighting infidels all over the planet now. From NYC to Amsterdam, to Indonesia, to Bali, to Denmark, to Australia.

Do Muslims really think they can become the dominant force in human history?

2007-08-07 12:03:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-07 11:58:25 · 20 answers · asked by amazed we've survived this l 4

First she says she would like to keep troops in then she looks like she wants to pull out she changes her mind like every four weeks?

2007-08-07 11:54:47 · 22 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

or does he just look like one in makeup...lol,,

2007-08-07 11:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Roaring Economy Started in the 80's

RUSH: Here's Emily in San Francisco. Hey, Emily. It's nice to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hello.

CALLER: Thanks. I listen to you every day. It's something to look forward to, especially on a Monday morning. It was a terrific show yesterday.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you very much. What about today's? I think we're off to a pretty roaring start today.

CALLER: Oh, yes. There are so many topics to talk about. For example, I wanted to talk about the fact that the Clintons want to take credit for the nineties, for the "great economy," which today is the greatest boom in the world we've ever seen in history. All the countries in the world are booming. It's incredible how they took credit for the nineties when it wasn't until 1994, November of 1994 that everything changed because a Republican legislature came in.

RUSH: Actually, to be thorough and honest about this, if there hadn't been Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, then the nineties wouldn't have happened and whatever the Republican Congress did in '94 would not have been as successful because their starting point would have been much different. So you really gotta go back to the eighties and the drastic, the drastic reduction in marginal tax rates which spurred the economy. They had some glitches. The real estate market had some problems because they did change tax codes and behaviors and so forth. When that ironed out, it was "Katie, bar the door." We are still experiencing the boom of the eighties to this day.

CALLER: Exactly. The thing is, though, as President Bush was saying on Saturday, he hopes to balance the budget in five years, within five years. However, the Democrats, almost like blackmail, they have to put in a $22 billion, you know, just overspending in order to ruin it, because within five years, the president explained, that $22 billion could add up to close to a quarter of a trillion dollars just in their overspending. So they are the tax-and-spend bunch. We put them in as a president, you get someone like Hillary, and then you get at Congress filled with Democrats that are left-wing. It's no longer the Democrat Party we knew of the Kennedys. We now have a left-wing party.

RUSH: They do, Emily. They have the left-wing party. We don't. In fact, since you mention that, two things. This business of balancing the budget in five years? I remember the nineties. A balanced budget was a big deal, but I remember Clinton saying (impression), "Well, we could balance in two years, do it in five. We could do it in ten years." It wasn't a priority. I've been hearing this so much. I'm 56. I am a seasoned adult now. I'm not yet a seasoned citizen, but I'm a seasoned adult and I've been hearing about all these financial crises my whole life. "The national debt! Why, it's going to wipe us out! Why, the deficit is going to wipe us out. The budget is not balanced!" Well, I look around, and for how long have I been paying attention? I started paying attention when I was twelve years old, so over 40 years here, and all these predictions of collapse and doom and gloom, and they happen every year, and they happen every day, and some of them recycle. The deficit's going to wipe us out. The national debt's going to wipe us out. The ChiComs holding so much of our foreign debt -- and it never happens. We just keep roaring right along. My advice is: don't panic. Don't let 'em put you into panic. As for the Democrats and overspending, they are tax and spend party. They're redistributionists. They want to control you. They want to control as many people's lives as they can.

2007-08-07 11:36:57 · 15 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Should the federal government take the responsibility away from local government for spending money unwisely?

It took a collapsing bridge in Minnesota to alert people across the country to the fact that many other bridges in many other places have been allowed to deteriorate without adequate maintenance.

If this were just a matter of poor political leadership at various levels of government, we could at least hope for better leaders in the future. But the problem goes deeper than that.

It is not just the people but the incentives that are responsible for the neglect of infrastructure, while tax money is lavished on all sorts of less urgent projects.

In other words, when there is a complete turnover in political leaders over time, the same problem will remain because the same incentives will remain when new leaders take over.

Some people claim that the problem is how much money it would take to properly maintain bridges, highways, dams, and other infrastructure. But money is found for other things, including things far less urgent and some things that are even counterproductive.

The real problem is that the political incentives are to spend the taxpayers’ money on things that will enhance politicians’ chances of getting reelected.

There may be enough money available to maintain bridges and other infrastructure but that same money can have a bigger political payoff if spent building something new instead of maintaining and repairing existing structures.

When money is spent building a new community center, a golf course, or anything that will be newsworthy, there will be ribbon-cutting ceremonies and the politicians who cut the ribbons can expect to see their pictures in the newspapers and on TV.

All that keeps their name before the public in a positive role and therefore enhances their prospects of being reelected.

But there are no ribbon-cutting ceremonies when bridges are being repaired or pot-holes are being filled in. These latter activities may be more valuable than a community center or a golf course, but they are not nearly as photogenic.

The preference for showy projects that will enhance a politician’s career prospects is not peculiar to current politicians. Adam Smith pointed out the same thing about politicians in 18th-century Europe.

We can vote the rascals out but the new rascals who replace them will face the same incentives and in all likelihood will respond in the same way.

A pattern that has persisted for more than two centuries is likely to continue unless something fundamental is changed.

What really needs to be done is to change the incentives.

While most bridges in the United States are owned and operated by government agencies, there are times and places where bridges have been owned and operated by private companies, just as numerous other goods and services are provided through the marketplace.

How would that change the incentives?

A company that has to get the money to build and maintain bridges or other infrastructure through the voluntary actions of people in the financial markets, instead of being able to extract money from the taxpayers, is going to find financiers a lot more finicky about what is being done with their money.

People who are putting their own money on the line are going to want to have their own experts taking a look under the bridges they finance, to see where there are rust, cracks, or crumbling supports.

When people know that the lawsuits that are sure to follow after a bridge collapses are going to drain millions of dollars of their own money — not the taxpayers’ money — that keeps the mind focused.

Those who like to think of the government as the public interest personified may be horrified at the idea of turning a governmental function over to private enterprise.

Politicians who want to hang onto sources of patronage and power will of course encourage people to look at things that way. But the track record of privately run infrastructure will compare favorably with government-run infrastructure.

But that is only if we stop to compare — and to think.

2007-08-07 11:26:18 · 5 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

No such thing has being English?

2007-08-07 11:20:15 · 35 answers · asked by Michael o 1

I've lost count of how many "Is Bush the worst president ever" questions posted here on Y! Answers.
Invariably, someone posts "oh yes, absolutely, no question there". Great! Well, we certainly have learned something new today, made progress promoting our cause, and certainly didn't waste anyone's time. The back-and-forth was top notch. Here's how it goes:

"Bush is HITLOR (sic)"
"Bush is the Greatest EVAR (sic) and all you LIBTARDS (sic) can go to hell"
"You dum conturd" (sic)
"Only REPUGS would thin dat Bush is smrt" (sic)

Yes, it's all very enlightened discourse. I don't know which is the most appalling, the lack of proper spelling or grammar, the self-important and self-congratulating tone, the absurd attacks on the opposition, the lack of any substantive argument, or the disturbing inability to recognize the trolling pattern and learn NOT to respond to such questions.

I actually feel like I am in hell reading some of these questions. Yahoo! is where reason goes to die

2007-08-07 11:11:25 · 16 answers · asked by askthepizzaguy 4

It sure seems like it, on several issue's

2007-08-07 11:06:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers