I am sick and tired of the constant liberal bashing around here. I'd like to share something about my predominately Liberal/Independent family.
1. We support our troops. The only reason you say we don't is because your political party tells you to feel that way. Every Liberal or Independent I know, supports our hardworking men and women overseas. Your accusations are full of cold hearted ignorance, hate, and bigotry which seem to be predominant ideals fed to you by your political party.
2. I do NOT agree with everything Liberals and Independents say---I have my OWN mind, and I use it. You neocons might want to try that sometime. You don't have to agree and nod like a zombie because a political party (or religious sect) tells you to.
Quit bashing Liberals, Democrats, Hippies, Environmentalists, Scientists, Catholics, Pagans and EVERYONE else for 2 seconds and look in a mirror. Ask yourself WHY you feel the need to harbor so much hate for people you don't even know.
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