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Politics - 3 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Shouldn't they be hoofing it instead of releasing more greenhouse gases?

2007-08-03 07:23:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

There has been a lot of progress with adult stem cells but not much with embryonic. Should we funnel money for that research? Also, scientists discovered methods of creating embryonic stem cells without destroying human embryos...would you support this research?

2007-08-03 07:20:42 · 32 answers · asked by Jasmine 5

My fellow socialists, which Democrat candidate will be most sympathetic to my plight?

I won't bother asking the stingy cons.....

2007-08-03 07:16:16 · 25 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

slaughter of pro-American Iraqi's, would you care? Should America do what it can to protect people from mass murder? or is it non of our business?

“Liberals used to be the ones who argued that sending U.S. troops abroad was a small price to pay to stop genocide; now they argue that genocide is a small price to pay to bring U.S. troops home.” —Jonah Goldberg

2007-08-03 07:15:41 · 18 answers · asked by Jasmine 5

1. He is the world's largest single consumer of Hennesey brand cognac

2. He has a private harem of concubines kidnapped from Japan

3. He is a huge movie fan. By the 1970s, his private collection was said to run to 20,000 recordings, including the world's largest personal collection of Daffy Duck cartoons.

4. He is not actually President of North Korea. That position will be eternally held by his late, great dad, making N. Korea the only country on Earth officially ruled by a corpse.

5. He once kidnapped South Korean film director Shin Sang Ok and his ex-wife, actress Che Eun Hui, and kept them captive for eight years forcing them to make propaganda films, one of which was a Communist version of Godzilla.

6. He has a wine cellar with the capacity for ten thousand bottles, holds all-night banquets where overeating and drinking are encouraged despite his citizens eating their children due to severe famine.

2007-08-03 07:14:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've always thought that it is better to have different parties in control of each. What are your thoughts without bashing anyone or any party?

2007-08-03 07:12:02 · 16 answers · asked by Abu#2 4

How could she have been enjoying herself?

2007-08-03 07:09:59 · 46 answers · asked by ? 6

Did you see the debate between O'Reilly and Chris Dodd regarding the Daily Kos website? Who do you think is right regarding this matter?

If you didn't watch it, here is a clip...

2007-08-03 07:08:34 · 18 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

Follow the logic.

He cannot declare a win and walk away. If the country erupts into civil war it is a failure.

He cannot realistically think that he will completely quell the situation before he is out of office.

What's left? Stay the course!

If the next President pulls the troops out and civil war overwhelms the country. It is a see I told you so situation.

If the next President stays the course and succeeds. It becomes a situation of "I laid the groundwork with my leadership and dedication".

Therefore in my opinion and it is only my opinion mind you. The any chance for him to secure his legacy for the history books is to keep the troops in place until the end of his term by anys means necessary.

Thoughts anyone?

2007-08-03 07:07:28 · 17 answers · asked by Bryan 7

History is always interesting! A new twist to a founding father, perhaps...

By Kyle Alspach, Globe Correspondent | July 22, 2007

DOVER -- Bettye Kearse's ancestors had ties to President James Madison -- they were slaves owned by the Madison family. But she thinks there's more to the story.

She says that Madison fathered a child by one of those slaves, producing her family line.

Her assertion is a matter of much debate, and proof hasn't been found. Kearse, 64, of Dover, still believes it, certain there's truth in a story that has become part of her family's lore.

"It's been passed down from generation to generation, from parent to child," said Kearse, a pediatrician who works at Neponset Health Center in Dorchester and has lived in Dover since 1983. "We have a saying in our family: 'Always remember, you're a Madison.' "

Now she hopes that a team of researchers will help her prove a link between her family and the nation's fourth president.

2007-08-03 07:02:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming, liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society based on merit NOT skin color.

2007-08-03 07:01:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-03 06:56:16 · 10 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

I ask this because it seems like a lot of things going on now have been part of our ancient history...and we not only have not learned lessons from the past, but now it seen neanderthal like behavior and policies and attitudes are becoming more the rule than exception.

2007-08-03 06:45:57 · 10 answers · asked by me 1

Between Former President Bill Clinton and Current President George W. Bush, who would you rather trust as the leader of your Bible Study Group?

I would rather Trust George W. Bush over Bill Clinton and here is why;

1. Bush has strong faith in God and relies in his faith to get through the difficult challenges in life.

2. Bush remembers to Speak The Truth no matter what the consequences are and he is not Live In Everday Sin (or lies).

3. Bush is a Public Servant who actually remembers to Serve the Public with Passion.

4. Bush cares about his family.

5. Bush is a strong leader who knows how to be a team player.

2007-08-03 06:45:47 · 38 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7

given the following facts, they are of an ideology that is completely different from your free society ideology. Their ideology is oppression and tyranny and they are sworn enemies of your village because you stand for freedom. So they give weapons to other peoples that hate you to kill your people and make war on you. Meanwhile they sit back, and pretend they want to be your friend and to prove it they offer cheap labor to you so you can lay off all your workers and create jobs and wealth in their village. Their village gets stronger and can then create more weapons to send to your enemies and to threaten you with. And they are in the middle of a great military buildup to threaten your interests. Your are the chief of your free village, would you trade with that village ..given this scenario?

2007-08-03 06:36:59 · 6 answers · asked by bush l 1

After all, it was mostly these "peace-lovers" that voted for Bush and still rattle the sabers in support of militancy, is it not?

2007-08-03 06:35:09 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they ashamed of their Democrat brothers?

2007-08-03 06:31:17 · 11 answers · asked by junglejoe 2

thats right.. since I have turned 21 my feelings have gone to the way of CONSERVATIVISM... i know i know..

is this normal.. will it go away?..

2007-08-03 06:30:21 · 20 answers · asked by death_by_stereo 3

I belive that that the Dems do not want to win this war, and make is seem as bad as possible so they can win the election.

2007-08-03 06:30:05 · 11 answers · asked by TRS 3

A. Lack of funding.
B. Money wasted on projects like new stadiums.

2007-08-03 06:29:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

YA wouldn't post my question that pointed that out.



2007-08-03 06:26:04 · 13 answers · asked by Duminos 2

2007-08-03 06:17:20 · 22 answers · asked by ? 2

Personally, I am an equal opportunity cynic about both party's candidates this election.

2007-08-03 06:07:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

President Bush signed legislation Friday that intensifies the anti-terrorism effort at home, shifting money to high-risk states and cities and expanding scrutiny of air and sea cargo.

But does it covers protection against oil corporate and those who auto atack on sep 11, since it was an inside job should nt we be prepared to protect against people like Bush and chennes's oil greed.?The movie "Loose change" gives us a good picture of treason committed by Bush and other in the name of oil.

2007-08-03 06:06:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe "we the people" are held hostage by power-hungry politicians (both parties), special interest groups, and big businesses who care more about their own agenda than the welfare of the country. How can we end corruption in our government and return it to the people? No matter who I vote for, nothing ever gets better.

2007-08-03 06:01:36 · 13 answers · asked by ben_ashburn 1

interaction, politeness, ....

2007-08-03 05:58:32 · 24 answers · asked by amazed we've survived this l 4

My brother has a friend of his who is a big time democrat. He decided not to go to college and works fishing in Alaska for 6 months out of the year. He makes great money! My brother said he cleared like 80 grand on his last trip. They usually work 6 days a week 12 hours on.

My question is this; When he comes home he heads right for the unemployment office and collects unemployment for 6 months until it's time to go back to Alaska. He doesn't even entertain the thought of looking for a job.

Is this what welfare is for? Do you feel comfortable paying this guys tab for 6 months while he parties his *** off?

2007-08-03 05:53:02 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

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