This explains why after four and a half years, the troops do not have good armored vehicles, health care and the love and care when they are hurt and the kids do not have Health Care, day care and schools that educate. We know.
The Conservatives seem to be worried about who pays for the killer bridge and all the other bridges that need repair or replacement. They think that the Feds, the state, the Iraq's or the UN, and anybody but rich and the whealthy should pay for the bridges. It is a sick philosophy, todays Republican Party!
The Conservatives know one thing for sure; they know who is paying for their services.
All this patriotic talk the Conservatives put out is a discusting attempt and poorly disguising strategy to rape the United States and it's people that make up the Country of any right or power to question anything that they do and why they do it!
We have the intellegence, the inside story, because we have spies in your camp! Many of them are related!
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