We've all heard the Michael Vick story and now cock-fighting has hit the mainstream media . Seems that it's illegal in every state except Louisiana . Governor Blanco has proposed a new law that would make it illegal there too . . . but not until next summer ? What ? What would be the delay ?
And obviously , SOMEBODY is going to these events . So who the heck are these 'somebodys' ? Do you know any ?
BTW , the roosters are equipped with razors on their claws to rip their opponents to shreds !! Nice 'sport' huh . Oh btw , a little checking will show you where this is a so-called tradition. . . . . . . .seems our peace-loving , compassionate , friendly , 'only here for a job to support their family' immigrants are very much involved in this . I don't want anyone to think I'm blaming them entirely , cause I don't . But it is worth noting .
Do You Know Anyone Involved In This Barbarism ?
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