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Politics - 29 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Our do you try to find people to hide behind?

2007-07-29 05:21:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-29 05:13:39 · 24 answers · asked by Page 4

We've all heard the Michael Vick story and now cock-fighting has hit the mainstream media . Seems that it's illegal in every state except Louisiana . Governor Blanco has proposed a new law that would make it illegal there too . . . but not until next summer ? What ? What would be the delay ?
And obviously , SOMEBODY is going to these events . So who the heck are these 'somebodys' ? Do you know any ?
BTW , the roosters are equipped with razors on their claws to rip their opponents to shreds !! Nice 'sport' huh . Oh btw , a little checking will show you where this is a so-called tradition. . . . . . . .seems our peace-loving , compassionate , friendly , 'only here for a job to support their family' immigrants are very much involved in this . I don't want anyone to think I'm blaming them entirely , cause I don't . But it is worth noting .

Do You Know Anyone Involved In This Barbarism ?

2007-07-29 05:00:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you believe in...
* Temporary help while someone is down on their luck
* Job training and education "assistance"
* Requiring all able bodied people to work and contribute to society

OR do you believe in...
* Generational welfare (they need us - they can't do it alone)
* Rewarding bad behavior such as drug abuse with social security disability
* Requiring someone to work for their welfare check is akin to slavery (that was in a Milwaukee Journal article las year)

2007-07-29 04:58:35 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

but the Iraqi soccer team recently won a game that united the Sunni ,Shea's and Kurds.......why hasn't our major media picked up on this story. All we we is turmoil over there and everything WE are doing wrong there.

2007-07-29 04:52:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you take a look in the books, you'll realize that no other nation caused so many destruction, genocides, massive murders and pollution like USA. Stop doing it. Help the humanity! I'm not anti-american, but we see all this horrible behavior of your country (it remember Nazism).

2007-07-29 04:44:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you think of statements made by Gonzales that (basically) full justice is not for everyone and that it is the Executive's call on who receives it


2007-07-29 04:40:07 · 6 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7

Because some of the news outside of America, even in small third world countries, have very graphic and serious news. They are basically just showing everything that's happening in war-torn countries around the world, no family-friendly censorship. I mean, I used to think it was illegal to see a real dead person on television.

2007-07-29 04:37:36 · 18 answers · asked by Paperdoll 1

2007-07-29 04:31:59 · 8 answers · asked by Michael P 1

What if they were sent to live in India, Pakistan, Africa, South America, or the Middle East etc... Would they beg to come back? It is ok to complain and to protest and to strive to have your voice heard, but there is a growing population of Americans that whine about everything as they sit with so much. Have we become politically fat as a nation?

2007-07-29 04:30:02 · 22 answers · asked by Ms Blue 5

They start wars for their self-benefit.They oppose family planning,abortion rights,are for illegal immigration,destroy the envionment all in the name of HIM! This is what the Zionist plan for the whole world.why don't we hang the pope too as well.

2007-07-29 03:59:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know about Dems but I'm a Republican and I think there are 5 sub-groups within.

1) Normal, just down home, traditional blue collar people
2) People who are 50/50 but the Republican side means more to them
3) Crazy religious types
4) Bushies (I'm with the libs on this one, these people are blind as bats)
5) CEOs

I didn't include rednecks because the difference between blue collar and redneck is that blue collar votes, rednecks 9/10 of the time, don't... though that may change if Obama wins Dem primaries.

2007-07-29 03:48:37 · 5 answers · asked by TJ815 4

Do you agree that if a phone call comes into or goes out to a terrorist nation we should be listening to it?

2007-07-29 03:44:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-29 03:44:42 · 9 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7

...to put an end to republican's un-necessary wars?

2007-07-29 03:42:50 · 12 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7

Are they smart enough to get Americans money?

2007-07-29 03:40:03 · 7 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

2007-07-29 03:31:42 · 7 answers · asked by cptadam031969 1

con egos become *hilariously* inflated. But when they subsequently go online, parading the latest delusion offered to them by Rupert Murdoch, they get slapped down by a cold, hard serving of reality courtesy of the libs.

What is it about the con's need for fantasy that Fox News propaganda so satisfies? Does Rupert Murdoch suck up to the silly, fragile egos of the weak in order to get viewers?

2007-07-29 03:28:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush/Cheney ....puppet heads, corporate thugs, freedom assassins...
How can anyone in this room defend the policies of this administration?


don't fear truth, wish for more of it..

2007-07-29 03:12:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do they just make assumptions based on his name and heritage? Or do they actually know and could identify here which religion he practices?

2007-07-29 03:12:36 · 10 answers · asked by some_guy_times_50 4

If you are truly an "American" how can you justify the Bush administrations total failure to safeguard the American people or our Consitution, they seem to be nothing more than corporate elitist vampires feeding off the blood of the American people.

2007-07-29 03:12:23 · 11 answers · asked by blogbaba 6

on park benchs and under trees near the war memorials they helped create? Shouldn't Bush at least allocate some of the billions spent on "foreign aid" to actual Americans, or at the very leat acknowledge them?

2007-07-29 03:09:10 · 20 answers · asked by blogbaba 6

Are Blacks really the chosen people instead of the Jews?


2007-07-29 03:08:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

reveal that their party is teeming with thugs, hooligans, and sociopaths.

How did the GOP evolve to such a pathetic state? Is it the efforts of Fox News? Did they amass an army of the deviant to fight the republican party's losing war against progress?

2007-07-29 03:08:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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