Wouldn't that make more sense then one on talk radio?..if you don't like what you hear on radio you can simply change the channel...but we pay tuition and have no choice when our kids are being indoctrinated.
Guess what, freshman conservative college student? In a couple of weeks you’re going to have your liberal campus and its professors shove more crap down your throat than Rosie does her gullet during Chili’s Monday Night Nacho Monster Blowout Special, that’s what.
Are you ready?
Now, I’m not trying to make you fearful, sweetie. I just want you to brace for the liberal Kool-Aid crunch that is coming soon to a classroom near you. The stuff mommy warned you about is true. The reality is you are entering the Liberal’s madrasah. Your values, for the next four years, will be violated much like Linsday Lohan’s nose, liver, Mercedes and panties have been for the last five years.
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