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Politics - 29 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-07-29 17:00:51 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

were all stupid for thinking he was stupid!?

wouldnt it be wierd!?

2007-07-29 16:54:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

a "surge" for what?
So they find a few weapons. Everyone in Iraq has weapons. Sort of like here in the U.S. 'cept we have licenses; some anyway.
So what is this "SURGE" anyway?
anyone know?

2007-07-29 16:53:29 · 5 answers · asked by rare2findd 6


2007-07-29 16:50:43 · 6 answers · asked by and socialism 4

the left accuses bush of trying to scare people into thinking we need the patriot act, blah blah blah. but what about the left trying to scare america into thinking that america is a third world country with 50% unemployment and a billion % this and that. to them, america is sooo poor and we all need to pay 120% of our income to the government.

2007-07-29 16:36:43 · 13 answers · asked by ♦ 1

2007-07-29 16:28:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

In all seriousness, what has this illegal invasion and occupation accomplished ???

2007-07-29 16:25:13 · 9 answers · asked by rare2findd 6

2007-07-29 16:21:24 · 12 answers · asked by Shaun R 4

or is it just a form of fascism? dont tell me i dont know what fascism is, just to try and cover your up your faults.

2007-07-29 16:04:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do leftists in america think hitler (or bush) was the worst mass murderer in modern history? hitler killed about 12 million, bush killed no one(the iraqis killed themselves with their suicide bombs and used the US invasion as an excuse to do it), staling killed around 60 million. and if we look at leftist politics in general, lets not forget other communist leaders in eastern europe and in east asia. yes liberals, give me some leftist website that somehow proves how hitler AND george bush both killed 7 billion people in some part of the world and that a right-wing conspiracy is covering it up. ya. george bush even destroyed the universe already. the right is covering it up.

2007-07-29 15:56:03 · 8 answers · asked by privatize 1

Frankly, I put Hillary's qualifications in the same league as Dumbya's.
Both made it on the reputation of an ex-President in the family who has all the power and connections.
That's not a good league for America to be getting its leaders from.
As for Hillary - how can she claim to be experienced?
She has been an elected official for 6 years, with zero executive experience ever running anything.
So-called (by her) "naive", "green" Barak Obama has been an elected official for 10 years.
And her leadership?
She is best known for two things: her disasterous health care fiasco, and her disasterous Iraq vote.

Honestly, I think there are literally thousands of people who are more qualified to be President than her.

2007-07-29 15:52:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there really anything wrong with it?

2007-07-29 15:51:53 · 20 answers · asked by Tyron 2

environment? Like will he do stuff to help stop global warming, or be ignorant like Bush?

2007-07-29 15:51:15 · 7 answers · asked by thinkGREEN 3

Ultimately they will face off and the gloves will come off. What punches will they pull and who will win?

2007-07-29 15:46:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

All to many posts from females talk about how men do not like Hillary because she is a woman. Nothing could be further from the truth for most men. The reason not to like her is her socialist agenda. One need go no further. It is not a gender issue.

2007-07-29 15:39:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

When it's a plain as the nose on your face? Hell even one of your own has this to say: “Congressional Democrats have had a pretty strong quarter,” said Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Ill.), who praised [the legislation expanding SCHIP] as “creative” and suggested the homeland security bill would pass overwhelmingly. “The first quarter was not so good, and that’s why they’re not looking so good in the polls, but this quarter is looking very good for them. They can send their members home crowing about their accomplishments, and they’ve done it in a bipartisan way, which is exactly what they promised to do,” LaHood said.

2007-07-29 15:32:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please explain your thoughts, personal experiences, even just opinions, etc with communism in India. Is it popular? How does it organise itself with so many confliciting ideas? Is it a problem? Is it violent? How can you compare it to western ideas of communism?

Thanks for your input!

2007-07-29 15:25:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

there ae so many lies told about WW11 and the Germans I don't know waht to believe, so I just wonder what effect it would have on our lives had Germany won? could it have been any worse than now , the Zionist own our country , they would not if Germany had won but , how would we be treated now by the Germans???please don';t come up with how evil the Germans are as half of our citizens in America are German , do you claim the are evil? as a rule Germans are very strick and good god fearing people, contrary to what our news media has told us,

2007-07-29 15:20:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-29 15:16:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah, Bill Clinton deserves some of the blame for 9/11 for his actions on terrorism, and passing on chances to get Bin Laden but what about Bush?

Don't give me any crap about "he didn't have enough time." He was in office for seven and a half months before 9/11. How much time did he need? If 9/11 had been 2/11 I'd be a bit more sympathetic.

Plus, Bush's pre 9/11 actions regarding terrorism don't exactly argue in his favor.

Reducing Counterterrorism czar from a cabinet level job.

Refusing to be briefed by Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke, who had requested to brief him on Al-Qaeda.

Ignoring a memo that Clinton left him entitled "Strategy For Eliminating the Threat of the Jihadist Network, Al-Qaeda."

Cutting anti-terror funding.

Taking the month of August off.

Not holding any cabinet level meetings on terrorism until September 4th.

Focusing on missle defense even though the attack on the USS Cole was carried out by suicide bombers.

2007-07-29 15:08:32 · 17 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3

2007-07-29 14:57:26 · 17 answers · asked by kallen 2

after an extremely unpopular President?

2007-07-29 14:50:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am! I am sick of both Democrat's and Republican's lies and scandals. I am sick of how they are both leaning so far to either the right or the left. Who else is fed up with these corrupt parties?

2007-07-29 14:41:31 · 16 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5

25%. Lower than Carter, and far lower than Clinton ever was.



2007-07-29 14:36:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why will they control all 3 branches of goverment after the 2008 elections????

2007-07-29 14:33:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been watching a little fox news lately to see if it's as bad as I always hear, and was wondering this.

Is he just too lazy to say all three syllables? Is he trying to insulting? I mean you don't call Americans, AMs or Christians Chris, so what is it?

2007-07-29 14:15:18 · 14 answers · asked by crushinator01 5


No wonder his approval rating was 65 percent, all criminals liked him.

2007-07-29 14:10:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

A top contender would have to be "trinity." When you start worshiping Jesus instead of God "Himself," you have less in common with all the other religions that also worship a Creator of the Universe called by a different name. The same problem happens if people get too hung up on Mohammad, Buddha or Joseph Smith. A top reason why the Jews so rarely persecute anybody is because they are true monotheism (with just a dash of Moses reverence thrown in.)

2007-07-29 14:09:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

we can say Goodbye to Impeachment Hearings and Hello to Tijuana...

2007-07-29 14:06:56 · 6 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5

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