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Politics - 27 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq! The Senate vote sharply divided Democrats, with 29 voting for the measure.


On Bi-Partisan Vote, Senate passes 2006 Patriot Act

In an overwhelmingly bi-partisan vote (94-2-4), the Senate approved the 2006 Patriot Act.


No Child Left Behind act passed the senate 87-10!


2007-07-27 05:32:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shameless. UnAmerican if you ask THIS partriot.

"Part 2 - Are You An Anti-War , Negotiate With Our Enemies , Always Embracing Christian Democrat ? Are You Sure.."

Are you sure? Bible tells ME the christian thing to do is to:
-Love your enemies
-Forgive your neighbor not seven times, but seven times seven.
-Do unto others as you would have done to you.

The kind of partisan politics used by the Republicans using religion as a weapon will NOT win any wars abroad....

...only start more wars at home.

Your turn.

2007-07-27 05:32:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Specifically Clinton and Obama running for office. Many people say they have no chance because of gender and color.

Would you vote for either of them regardless of their political party and ideas?

Do you think other americans would vote for them?

2007-07-27 05:29:28 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw someone say many people say they are religous when asked just to avoid a confrontation with fundamentalists.

2007-07-27 05:26:16 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would motivate someone to invest more of their money if taxes are raised and they would need to make more gains to actually make more profit after taxes? 1% return isn't really that exciting. john edwards wants to raise capital gains taxes from 15% to 28%. thats almost double. more ways to reach into our pockets.

2007-07-27 05:23:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ecclesiastes put into song :

To every thing , turn turn turn
There is a season , turn turn turn
And a time to every purpose , under heaven
A time to be born , a time to die
A time to plant , a time to reap
A time to kill , a time to heal
A time to laugh , a time to weep

To every thing , turn turn turn
There is a season , turn turn turn
And a time to every purpose , under heaven
A time to build-up , a time to break-down
A time to dance , a time to mourn
A time to cast-away stones
And a time to gather stones together

To every thing , turn turn turn
There is a season turn turn turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven
A time of Love , a time of hate
A time of WAR , and a time of PEACE
A time you may EMBRACE

To every thing , turn turn turn
There is a season , turn turn turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven. ..
So ya thought that being a Christian meant always 'embracing' , peace at any cost , and not killing those who would kill you?

2007-07-27 05:23:08 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

thats why its the federal communications commision,, we listened to people from camp pendleton when i was in the marines back in the 70s

2007-07-27 05:16:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I posted 4 questions today about gay marriage. I didn't bash but simply asked for opinions. I asked a question and it wouldn't post so I'd rephrase it and did this 3 times but none would post. The last one finally did and it's the only one that didn't have the phrase Gay Marriage in the questions title. So... is this topic taboo for Y/A? Why do they always feature questions about this topic or about tolerance but won't post my questions?

2007-07-27 05:15:47 · 12 answers · asked by Jasmine 5

2007-07-27 05:08:56 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think of the decrease in the number of rapists, molesters, and perverts from banning porno... there are other methods of sexual release. what is the freedom of speech worth in the case of something that only harms society? after all, if you threaten the president, you get arrested whether its verbal or not, whether the pres is conservative or liberal. if you threaten a congressman the FBI will pay you a visit, and it wont be for tea and crackers either.

2007-07-27 05:03:42 · 22 answers · asked by privatize 1

There are plenty to choose from; Diebold stole the election. The war is 'ILLEGAL'. I make $10 an hour and Bush's tax cuts didn't help me (psst....you don't pay federal income taxes so naturally you would not benefit from a reduction in federal income tax rates).

My favorite is "Our founders were LIBERALS". Ya Right. Can you imagine;

Jefferson: First of all we need to raise taxes then we need to let the gays marry!

Madison: Yes we need to provide all kinds of free goodies to people who chose not to work. Also, lets make abortion legal.

Hancock: I will fight this revolution as long as we have zero casualties. The Chimp Washington was AWOL during the French and Indian war.

Washington: After the first casualty we need to remind the people everyday about the death count so we can bring the trrops home. We need to raise taxes, did someone else say that already!

Franklin: Tax, Tax, Tax....Everything should be free. Just tax the Rich.

2007-07-27 04:54:27 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know the old saying, your acquaintances will help you hide from the police, but your friends will help you hide the bodies. When the chips are down and the balloon goes up, who will be with the US? I realize that Bush has just about ruined our reputation globally, but I'd like to think we have some friends left in the world.

2007-07-27 04:52:02 · 19 answers · asked by joshcrime 3

2007-07-27 04:50:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

At the rate that conservatives are deserting Bush, when he leaves office will they, quite literally, turn thier backs on him as he leaves the White House?

2007-07-27 04:43:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will you call him a liberal, anti-American, or claim he sides with terrorists for pointing out Gonzales lied? Comey said he lied. Ashcroft said he lied, and now the director of the FBI said he lied. Will you Demonize all of them?

2007-07-27 04:43:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sorry just had that song on my mind...

My question (based on my earlier question re why people sue one another and what's wrong with America) now is this, and ok I'll eventually get to what the question is in my roundabout way:

It got me thinking...I'm trying to figure out why Americans are like no other human species on this planet...you're a very intersting "culture" you know...because you really have uniquely developed a way of living that is unlike any other.

Patriotism...I haven't really come to understand that yet, is primarily linked to the military....the fact that government runs it, and judging by the huge split and division in politics...makes me wonder if it's not the Republicans who really have control over the military....that is just one of my takes on this (and please feel free to comment on that...)

But that's not really what I wanted to talk about here. When I asked about people suing each other and why and what's wrong with America...I concluded this:

2007-07-27 04:40:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

By banning marriages they don't like - stopping embryonic stem cell research that could save lives - attempting to force our children to pray in school - telling a woman what to do with her body - and basically impose their "beliefs" on those of us who don't believe the same as they do.

2007-07-27 04:39:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

and hire HB1 workers from India?

I heard that you can save a ton of money that way.

I will be buying a business from a retiring owner soon, and will have about 50 employees or so that I want to replace with foreigners.

2007-07-27 04:33:32 · 4 answers · asked by ez f 1

...but he flew a fighter onto an aircraft carrier four years ago with the sign "Mission Accomplished," what the hell are we still doing in Iraq?!

2007-07-27 04:30:08 · 9 answers · asked by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7

Wow, listen to all you YA conservatives desert Bush! You call him a liberal. Now them is fight'n words partner. They talk alot about loyalty. Is this thier definition of loyalty? Desertion?

2007-07-27 04:30:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does religion have a place in politics?


2007-07-27 04:24:01 · 8 answers · asked by Page 4

Aside from the support of slavery and seccession... states rights and the like?

2007-07-27 04:21:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad says because of Bush's tax cuts he can send both my brother and I to college without us taking out any short term loans. Thanks Mr. Bush!

The tax cuts have to be responsible for this smoking economy!

Economy Grows at 3.4 Percent Pace, Best Showing in More Than a Year!


Dow 14,000!

Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains VERY low at 4.5 percent.

It looks like the tax cuts benefit everbody!

2007-07-27 04:20:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How is the us going to make up for all the suffering that has caused? And there are still people that think the gvmnt is doing a great job. What do you think? Is it a wise thing to be in iraq?
1.No WMD
2.No terrorism prior and after the invasion- Would you call yourself a terrorist if somebody invaded your country and you defended it?
3.The majority of the iraqi wants occupative forces out!
4.The puppet goverment of iraq does not represent the people who have protested against the occupation

It's been for years of war, what has been achieved? Murder and chaos.


2007-07-27 04:19:14 · 4 answers · asked by QUESTIONER 2

arent these sex offender laws just another right-wing plot to take away freedoms from minors? just like back in the days when homosexuality was legally and socially banned. thanks to more open minded people it is now slowly becoming more accepted.

2007-07-27 04:10:28 · 12 answers · asked by whatever 1

as an Englishmon who is currenttly on buziness in the USA i was just reading a survay which says that most Americans cart read proper like wot we does in this cuntry.
Why carnt Americon read proper, is is becauase they are allways in Mcdonaalds?

2007-07-27 04:01:48 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most of the identifying factors are there, aren't they?

2007-07-27 04:01:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

List them, give details, explain why they are issues, and give your solutions for each of them.

Sign your post by stating which party you"mostly" vote for.

Considerate analysis and well thought out solutions is the goal here....and of course the party that you lean towards.

2007-07-27 03:57:48 · 11 answers · asked by ron j 1

Or have you all forgotten what went on in those Inquisition torture chambers? I know the Catholic church would like you to forget, but maybe we should just stay true to history instead. How about it?

2007-07-27 03:57:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-27 03:54:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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