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Politics - 27 July 2007

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lights out? All America would cheer. I HATE men who lie.

2007-07-27 11:14:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

That is the whole deal, no conspiracy, no government plot to take over Iraq. Just crazy terroist that hate the U.S.A. and want to do harm unto us. As for you who think we should just pull out right now how long do you think it will be before another Saddam takes over and we are back where we started. Get a clue people. War is ugly and terrible, but at times it is necessary to protect our country and its citizens ( even you far left libs).

2007-07-27 11:10:49 · 17 answers · asked by Sarge Boston 2

anything from the US government?
As in Iraq?
Like start a world wide petition to the UK to stop helping the US. and other countries that have a meager following at best. The coalition of the willing.

2007-07-27 11:06:28 · 2 answers · asked by Eyota Xin 1

I think I'd go with Obama, Hiliary just scares the crap out of me.

2007-07-27 10:54:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

WASHINGTON - Congress sent President Bush legislation Friday to intensify anti-terror efforts in the U.S., shifting money to high-risk states and cities and expanding screening of air and sea cargo to stave off future Sept. 11-style attacks.

The bill, passed by the House on a 371-40 vote, ranks among the top accomplishments of the six-month-old Democratic Congress. The Senate approved the measure late Thursday by 85-8

2007-07-27 10:52:00 · 9 answers · asked by bbbbriggs04 3

bed they made?
If more countries did that would it affect the US longevity there?
Maybe since the US congress wont follow through with what it sold to voters and end this war the american citizens should contact other governments and ask them to abstain from helping America. Maybe that would help the President Bush end his war.

2007-07-27 10:48:45 · 12 answers · asked by Eyota Xin 1


What ever happened to our national sovereignty? What ever happened to the rule of law? Heck, what ever happened to common sense?

According to the mayor, he was asked if he called the president of Mexico to see if it was okay to crack down on illegals.


I hate liberalism. It's going to destroy this country.

2007-07-27 10:45:21 · 9 answers · asked by Daniel A: Zionist Pig 3

Talk to enemies or talk with pre-conditions.

2007-07-27 10:45:20 · 13 answers · asked by Triumph 4


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign has sent out a fundraising letter calling a Washington Post fashion writer's column on Clinton's cleavage "grossly inappropriate" and asking donors "to take a stand against this kind of coarseness and pettiness in American culture."

2007-07-27 10:44:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


This is very interesting information

2007-07-27 10:40:54 · 15 answers · asked by Antiliber 6

And then blame it on Iran and Al Qaeda?
Here's the inside story...

2007-07-27 10:32:10 · 23 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

As a Republican, I acknowledge that President Bush has only held his current set of beliefs for "relatively" short period of time.

In contrast, the president of Iran has been a member of the violent "Death to America" crowd for 30-ish years.

As the dems have been so unsuccessful at changing the heart and mind of a relative newbie like Bush, how do they plan to change the heart and mind of a die-hard wacko who's held his beliefs for decades, and has only grown more radical and powerful over time.

Bush should be easy-sell for democrat charm compared to Akmadamouminininajamedajad. Would the dems be more credible as "power-lifters" if they weren't impotent against what they would call a "lightweight dumbell" like Bush?

Are they saving their persuasive charm for the big game with Ahcknadimenimoumaneijabajib?

2007-07-27 10:30:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

...10's of thousand's of innocent people have died in vain,including our SOILDER'S!

2007-07-27 10:26:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Americans can bla bla all they want but more and more people see that YOU are the power hungry.How many countries will support you in 10-20 years?Even your "best friend" Saudi doesn't want anything to do with your messes....

2007-07-27 10:22:17 · 11 answers · asked by RX 5

2007-07-27 10:20:44 · 8 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

2007-07-27 10:01:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you mention Bush your an Idiot

2007-07-27 10:00:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you mention Bush your not answering the question

2007-07-27 09:59:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

instead of wasting it on a political campaign, would you check yes?

That's assuming you could look up the agencies' budget on the net and know they were accountable for spending.

I hate to quote certain people, but...
"Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day... you know the rest"

2007-07-27 09:59:35 · 22 answers · asked by doubt_is_freedom 3

I am a Republican and I hate Bush, but please, he is not smart enough to have cooked up such a plot. Give me a break, Mooreheads, you are as bad as O'Reilly fans.

2007-07-27 09:54:20 · 24 answers · asked by doubt_is_freedom 3

I would say yes. I have long believed that people that subscribe to outrageous conspiracy theories are suffering from some kind of serious self-esteem issues.

By believing that they know "the truth" they can empower themselves in some way and make themselves feel as if they are smarter.

It is terribly sad, and I really think that if you believe in 9-11 type conspiracy theories you should consider why it is exactly that you would espouse something so outrageous.

2007-07-27 09:50:02 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

From both sides of the aisle. If the act doesn't hurt anybody else why make a law against it? Im a conservative and that would include gay marriage. And if I don't want to wear a helmet when I ride that should be up to me etc. There are way to many laws that interfere with personal choice. And neither liberal nor conservative is free from guilt on this. What do you think?

2007-07-27 09:47:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do we still need to practice discrimination in our society today? If civil rights leaders took a stand to denounce any form of racism, favortism and "getting even for past sins", wouldn't that bring people together and help heal wounds? By promoting class envy, reverse racsim and selective "hate", these leaders lose their credibility to everyone excpet those who exploit the poor and minorities for persoanl gain.

2007-07-27 09:36:19 · 27 answers · asked by ? 7

Better watch what you say or he'll have you arrested!

2007-07-27 09:34:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean we allow partial birth abortions.....since we don't care about human life, why do we care so much about a couple of ruthless pitbulls????????

2007-07-27 09:33:09 · 18 answers · asked by james_r_keene 2

When you make a law about something you believe in that you are forcing your views on others who may not feel the same way as you do?

2007-07-27 09:30:50 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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