Thousands of former leftists in the US have been repelled by the crimes of Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc and shed their 'progressive' worldviews for a wiser, more rational and often, more conservative philosophy
Several courageous leftists even described and condemned the knee-jerk anti-American reaction of many of their fellow travelers to the 9-11 attacks
One philosopher, social critic and lifelong Democratic socialist, Michael Walzer even produced a piece entitled, "Can There Be a Decent Left?"
"Many left intellectuals live in America like internal aliens, refusing to identify with their fellow citizens, regarding any hint of patriot feeling as politically incorrect," Walzer writes. "That's why they had such difficulty responding emotionally to the attacks of Sept. 11 or joining in the expression of solidarity that followed." In their first responses, he notes, leftists failed "to register the horror of the attack or to acknowledge the human pain it caused." Instead, they felt "schadenfreude," that German word meaning joy at another's sorrows, a "barely concealed glee that the imperial state had finally gotten what it deserved."
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