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Politics - 25 July 2007

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Do you think he would be more or less popular if he had been a true conservative? And I understand the frothing at the mouth liberals would never support him. I'm just curious what conservatives think.

2007-07-25 06:03:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Airports Warned About Terror Dry Runs. They are to be on the look out for suspecious activities


Democrats Killed the John Doe Amendment which would have prevented radical Islamofascists from targeting people who report suspicious activity when muslims are involved.

What is the point of looking out, if you can't do nothing about it!

2007-07-25 06:00:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Arguably, I think he's the best President America's ever had. In terms of Bush's place in history, he'll be remembered alongside the greatest presidents including Washington, Jefferson, Reagan, and a fellow Republican by the name of Abraham Lincoln. Now, it's impossible for me to list ALL Bush accomplishments with such a short amount of space (and time), but I'll list a couple of things this great man has done.

1) Bush has reestablished good Christian Values in the White House, and America at large (Lord knows we needed it after the Clinton administration).

2) Bush has made us safe from terrorists through his audacious military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

3) Bush has continuously fought for Middle Class Americans by cutting taxes. A move that also saved the Economy!

4) Bush has raised educational standards for our kids by starting the "no child left behind" program.

I can go on & on with Bush's accomplishments. To sum it up, I just want to say thanks Mr President!!

2007-07-25 05:53:41 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iberals, we all know you hate america and our troops, but will you be crying for youre freedoms when we're attacked again? What good are freedoms if you're dead? So who on here is with me and doesn't mind losing a few freedoms for safety, and who as anti american and wouldn't?

I'll start. I'm a republican and I would willingly trade my freedoms for safety.

2007-07-25 05:51:13 · 31 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

They have the lowest approval rating ever recorded!

2007-07-25 05:47:06 · 28 answers · asked by AmericanPatriot 3

"Moral paralysis" is a term that has been used to describe the inaction of France, England and other European democracies in the 1930s, as they watched Hitler build up the military forces that he later used to attack them.

It is a term that may be painfully relevant to our own times.

2007-07-25 05:43:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

That a border wall be built along our Southern border which would lead on to assume that they would do the same if a wall is proposed on our Northern border as well. What are your thoughts?

2007-07-25 05:39:51 · 12 answers · asked by The Real America 4


2007-07-25 05:38:44 · 7 answers · asked by Page 4

Someone else here mentioned the fact that Gingrich was considering running for the Presidency, so I was prompted to post this question. I know that a lot of conservatives find Bill Clinton's private behavior objectionable, but is Newt Gingrich really any better? After all, he dumped his CANCER-STRICKEN wife in her hospital room to be with his mistress!Cheating is bad enough, but it's even worse when you're heartless enough to drop a bomb like that on someone who's dealing with a serious illness!

2007-07-25 05:38:11 · 16 answers · asked by tangerine 7

I read a book in turkish called Metal Storm about USA invade Turkey with the weapon called Metal Storm by Australian company. Do you think this will happen? and why?

2007-07-25 05:35:43 · 12 answers · asked by armine_aksay 2

And how popular would he be?

2007-07-25 05:33:39 · 21 answers · asked by Old Guy 4

I think he was a mindless B movie actor who stumbled through two terms in the White House allowing Iran Contra, tax breaks for the rich, taking credit for the fall of the Soviet Union when it really failed by it's own internal ineptness......

2007-07-25 05:29:33 · 17 answers · asked by amazed we've survived this l 4

If John Ellis "Jeb" Bush were to become the next President of the United States of America in 2009, he would be known as "President Bush." How would you be able to handle the words "President Bush" for Four More Years after President George W. Bush term is over.

2007-07-25 05:28:09 · 19 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7

"As the government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the States never have entered any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

This is a passage from the Treaty of Tripoli, which was approved by none other than one of our Founding Fathers, John Adams. Don't you think this strongly suggests that the United States was NOT founded on the Christian religion?

2007-07-25 05:28:02 · 10 answers · asked by tangerine 7


2007-07-25 05:26:46 · 10 answers · asked by truthisback 3

Honestly, why can't they? It seems odd to me. You would think they would want to discuss their side of things just like us conservatives do. Are they just too busy dumbing themselves down with FM radio than worrying about educating themselves about the world around them?

2007-07-25 05:26:23 · 19 answers · asked by AmericanPatriot 3

1. Treble damages to the insured.
2. Treble damages plus refund of treble the premium.
3. Quad damages plus punative damages.

2007-07-25 05:25:03 · 3 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

Thousands of former leftists in the US have been repelled by the crimes of Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc and shed their 'progressive' worldviews for a wiser, more rational and often, more conservative philosophy

Several courageous leftists even described and condemned the knee-jerk anti-American reaction of many of their fellow travelers to the 9-11 attacks

One philosopher, social critic and lifelong Democratic socialist, Michael Walzer even produced a piece entitled, "Can There Be a Decent Left?"

"Many left intellectuals live in America like internal aliens, refusing to identify with their fellow citizens, regarding any hint of patriot feeling as politically incorrect," Walzer writes. "That's why they had such difficulty responding emotionally to the attacks of Sept. 11 or joining in the expression of solidarity that followed." In their first responses, he notes, leftists failed "to register the horror of the attack or to acknowledge the human pain it caused." Instead, they felt "schadenfreude," that German word meaning joy at another's sorrows, a "barely concealed glee that the imperial state had finally gotten what it deserved."


2007-07-25 05:23:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have noticed that a lot of people ask this. But if you think about it does no good or shows any proof of what you are saying. Most will call the link biased, distoted or read it differently than than what someone else has. In most cases you can find a link that shows just the opposite of someone else's link. Finally there is the human factor, no matter what you post some people are set in their beliefs and you cannot change their mind or convince them otherwise.
Your thoughts?

2007-07-25 05:23:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fact: Your child can pray in school.
Fact: Teachers can no longer force a child to pray to a god they do not believe in.

Nonfact: Fundies should be allowed to interpret law to suit their own martyresque agenda.

2007-07-25 05:20:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Gas price's are so high, and oil companies are going to do their best to keep it that way.
They're record profits are not because consumption is growing and growing.
I keep hearing that a refinery hasn't been built in decades, with these record profits, I don't hear anyone saying any will be built!
I guess there's nothing we can do, Is there?

2007-07-25 05:19:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The question has nothing to do with, "anyone is better than Bush".

2007-07-25 05:16:26 · 22 answers · asked by make room for daddy 5

2007-07-25 05:13:48 · 17 answers · asked by Joe D 2

It seems to me that everyone is ready and willing to give all control to the government.

2007-07-25 05:08:12 · 7 answers · asked by Bob J 5

Now that Tony Blair has left office, should there be a General Election held within the next 3 months?

I have issues that Gordon Brown was sworn in as the new Prime Minister without being democratically elected by the nation.

I think that there should be a General Election held before end October 2007 so the people of the country can CHOOSE who they want to lead them.

Yes, I know that a General Election is used to elect a party rather than an individual but, along with a new leader comes new beliefs and ideologies which the public may not subscribe to.

What do you guys think?

2007-07-25 04:55:58 · 7 answers · asked by Gary M 1

How long do we have to go without it being as hot as it was in 1998 before we start calling it global warmth, or, if it starts to cool down, before we start referring to global warming in the past tense?

2007-07-25 04:51:03 · 24 answers · asked by truthisback 3

1. Gas prices increased by 300% under the Republican Congress.
2. Jobs were outsourced to India and China.
3. Grocery prices got skyrocketed although wages were falling down.
4. Hypocrites. Look at Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Senator David Vitter.
5. Their main constituents are the big oil companies. They don't care about the American middle class families.

2007-07-25 04:49:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If she is Democrat, why doesn't she act like one?
If she's Liberal, why is she running away from that term and calling herself a Progressive?

Does she really know what she stands for at all?
If she isn't a Democrat, why doesn't she start a new party and leave the REAL democrats alone?

I know Newsmax is a conservative leaning news source, but this story has been in all the papers.

2007-07-25 04:45:54 · 20 answers · asked by scottdman2003 5

I've always fancied bein' a dick-tater!!!

2007-07-25 04:44:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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