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Politics - 21 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I am all for keeping America & the world beautiful & healthy but find it a tad frustrating to listen to endless talk & lawsuits sometimes over really silly things just to try to stall this or that mainly in oil drilling but in other things too even in cars or building of buildings & yet people especially the enviromential groups endlessly complaint about high prices & limited resources be it oil or power or again cars or anything else they can paint as evil even cutting trees. Again I'm all for keeping things healthy & beautiful but there has to be some limits after all the cost of the lawsuits do get passed on to us the consumer in higher prices & less supply because it either takes forever or becomes to costly to pursue something. For example oil drilling they complaint about our dependance on foreign oil yet tie up anything oil or energy related in court as long as possible all of which does nothing for adding or solving the supply issue let alone the dependance on foreign oil.

2007-07-21 10:07:21 · 6 answers · asked by bpeter3196 5

Nobody respects a slave.

2007-07-21 09:58:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-21 09:56:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-21 09:47:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

For those of you from a previous post, who think Dubya won't extend his term of office, think again. For those who think any president who cancels elections in the USA to extend their term, will be signing their own death warrant(As someone put it), think again.
The wheels of this have been put in place and will begin rolling if a national emergency arises before he leaves the White House....we could all be stuck with this nutter for an eternity until HE HIMSELF declares the crisis over...
If you do not believe that this is possible...please follow this link and read the document....THIS IS NOT SOMEONE ANTI-BUSH...I AM STATING A FACT...PLEASE READ...


2007-07-21 09:23:54 · 23 answers · asked by lee h 3

Just curious how many people of tired of PNAC-Penolope's posts. I mean PNAC (Project for the New American Century) - founded in part by Uncle Dick (Cheney). Hate to say it but she is out numbered 10 to 1, was just curious how many were sick of "her" posts. Or is "she" just some bald-headed neocon posing? Thoughts???

2007-07-21 09:20:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bill Richardson is the most qualified presidential candidate for '08. He has arguably the best resume, background and experience. He was congressman, UN ambassador, Energy Secretary, and a fantastic governor. But why haven't many people heard of him? Why are so many people supporting the sell-outs i.e. Hillary, Barack? Hillary thinks she king of the world and Barack thinks just because he's black, people will sympathize for him? Don't you think this country needs a true leader especially in times like these instead of a mediocre, popular canidate? This country needs a true, passionate leader and Bill Richardson fits the "Bill".

-My statements and opinions has no intention on offending anyone in anyway. And if you are offended, I'm sorry.

2007-07-21 09:20:06 · 8 answers · asked by SD CHARGERS 2

What is your solution to getting energy needs met?

Remember this

1. We are an oil based economy and it will take decades to switch to something else.

2. As our economy grows, so does needs for energy

Environmentalists have blocked

oil drilling all over the US
new refineries being built
nuclear energy

What is your solution?

2007-07-21 09:09:26 · 13 answers · asked by GOPneedsarealconservative 4

okay if conservaties dont want a solcialist government prying into theyre lives why dont they think bush is a socialist??? he tap our phones and computers thus prying into our private lives.

2007-07-21 09:07:23 · 16 answers · asked by patsfan 3

limited only in that he can't limit another's right to do the same (e.g.,, if there's one loaf of bread on the shelf and you get to the store first, you're not limiting another's right to buy bread by buying the last loaf, but you would be if you passed a law outlawing sales of bread).

How about it - - - - you live your life the way you want, I'll live my life the way I want. I might not like, or disapprove of, something in your lifestyle, you might not like, or disapprove of, something in my lifestyle, but in neither case is it any business of the person who disapproves.

And let me be clear - either you agree or disagree - not "except....." There's no "except" - - - "except" means you disagree, means you see government's role as manager, not simply referee.

2007-07-21 08:58:12 · 25 answers · asked by truthisback 3

Ive seen alot of cons on this site sterotype us liberals. why do they think we're all gay atheists that drink and smoke pot? Im a stright christian thats clean and sober and im also a liberal.

2007-07-21 08:56:35 · 11 answers · asked by patsfan 3

2007-07-21 08:54:12 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most people believe that the Bush administration invaded Iraq strictly for political reasons. Going to war and killing thousands of people for political reasons would be considered by most Americans to be extremely evil. But there is another possibility. George Bush and his decision makers may have TRULY believed that Iaq was a threat, that Saddam planned 9/11, and that Iraq was planning a nuclear strike on the US with its highly advanced nuclear weapons capabilities (despite the fact that everyone else knew none of this was true). Bush could truly be a good guy acting in America's best interests. If this is the case, then the administration is not evil, just blitheringly incompetent and stupid. So which do you think it is? It has to be one or the other. Evil or incompetent?

Of course, it could be both, but we'll save that possibility for another question...

2007-07-21 08:34:21 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

and its because thats what they are trained to do?

and is it not true that military people throughout history tend to view government more from a dictatorial point of view?

2007-07-21 08:25:38 · 12 answers · asked by ningis n 1


Regarding the Belgrano sinking in 1982

2007-07-21 08:17:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


Go to Baghdad now and fulfill, finally, your military service obligations. DO NOT BLAME those who whistleblow your illegal actions for the mess you are in

2007-07-21 08:16:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

united states?????????????

2007-07-21 08:15:13 · 13 answers · asked by hola a 1

Pelosi and Reid emasculating the John Doe legislation that would have inoculated an American citizen from the rapacious trial lawyers?

The bill was murdered by Pelosi and parroted by Reid at the behest of CAIR and the American Trial Lawyers Mob.

See, if you or I were to spot Mahmoud acting squirrelly and notify a law enforcement officer, said acolyte could sue us.

Thanks for another gem, Libbies.

2007-07-21 08:10:22 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2

I never understand this. I would think that the world would love us Americans. I mean we help countries, we are the leading food nation and we send food to other countries, we help other countries in wars, we aid other countries in tragedy, we contribute to so much in the world, we try to make the world a safer place.

Okay don't get me wrong. I know as an American that our government interferes with outer nations, but I think that is for ther own good. Like when countries want Nuclear weapons. They have unstable governments and if they need to, they WILL use those weapons. Thats why we have tried to stop North Korea and Iran. If we have to, I know sometimes we may use force but still. I don't think we need Nuclear weapons in the world anyway, too dangerous. I know we are the only country to use a nuclear weapon with Japan, but that was to END the war.

I think my country is a great country despite the things we have done in the past. What do you think?

2007-07-21 08:03:50 · 34 answers · asked by UCLA kid, Go BRUINS!!! 1

Dan Patrick and thousands of others support pardons for these men.
I do not necessarily agree with the ENTIRE article and nether should you but this is SO WRONG!

2007-07-21 08:02:01 · 12 answers · asked by acct10132002 4

OK, I get in my car at 2am leaving work and hear talk of an exectutive order signed by bush on the 17th of July that has something to do with the governments' right to seize all property and monies from anyone "helping Iraq" but it is supposed to be so loosley worded that it actually includes protesters of the war as well. Does anyone have more info on this or know where I can read this for myself?

2007-07-21 08:01:43 · 15 answers · asked by kaisergirl 7

a) CHP (My favourite)
b)MHP ( My second favourite)
c) AKP (I hate it)
which one ?

2007-07-21 07:50:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay i'm going to tell you the truth and then ask you the question! first i'm a conservative before you call me evil listen please. i'm a very nice person and i know many conservatives who are nice people too i do a lot of things to help out my neighbors and yes i do believe in protecting our country to the core but one thing that puzzles me is if we listen too talk radio and don't watch your monoploy of the media on tv and newspapers then why must you attack us and say that were evil we have control of everything or were evil for believeing in capitalism not greed but capitalism and yet you liberals call up on the radio stations and call us hate mangers and start screaming and swearing at all of us when were listening to you all make really big fools of your side and getting angry and you call us the hate mangers do you think your the hate mangers?

2007-07-21 07:50:42 · 18 answers · asked by vttrucking 1

When it come to answering questions, that is.

2007-07-21 07:38:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was driving the kids home from the playground the other day and I had AC/DC on the car stereo. I looked in the rear view mirror and my 3-year-old daughter was sitting in her car-seat, with her head moving back and forth to Back in Black. I didn't get her into it, didn't tell her to do that - - it just came naturally.

Most 3-year-olds you have to play Barney to get them to stop whining - - mine is happy with AC/DC.

2007-07-21 07:19:49 · 12 answers · asked by truthisback 3

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