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Politics - 15 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-07-15 09:38:12 · 7 answers · asked by xscarredapplex 1

2007-07-15 09:35:55 · 24 answers · asked by K. Marx iii 5

2007-07-15 09:33:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What could be more against the Bush war effort than helping farmers.

Bush wants those farmers broke and joining the ARMY.

2007-07-15 09:30:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

...it seems like we have alot going on here that is never even mentioned when he makes one of his famous television appearances?

2007-07-15 09:25:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they going to hijack our military planes when the troops leave, or are they going to fly commercial? Seriously, how are they going to get here?

2007-07-15 09:21:01 · 14 answers · asked by Shane 7

Is Alquaeda the ones blowing up innocent civilians in iraq as Bush says or is Alquaeda responsible for less than 10% of the attacks as the pentagon says,

Seems like we often here contradictory things from people who are supposed to be on the same team.

So who or what do we believe?

2007-07-15 09:04:28 · 16 answers · asked by me 3

It doesn't seem fair that Bush can just shoot down anything Congress passes. How in the hell is anything going to get accomplished?

2007-07-15 08:59:50 · 16 answers · asked by David 2

The negative opinion that a vast majority of AMericans have about the media is most likely well deserved. The media is consistently anti-American in its reporting. I have often wondered why that was and what is the objective of twisting the public opinion. I have my opinions obviously but found a couple of articles that seem to shed some new light for me on the subject.


2007-07-15 08:54:23 · 13 answers · asked by rmagedon 6


2007-07-15 08:51:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then what do they call Saddam and his army?

2007-07-15 08:40:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

People complain that the patriot act takes our rights away, but doesn't it serve to inhibit the terrorist from using our rights against us?

2007-07-15 08:39:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

"BAGHDAD — Although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out at Syria and Iran, accusing it of helping insurgents and militias here, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from a third neighbor, Saudi Arabia, according to a senior U.S. military officer and Iraqi lawmakers."

"About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15% are from Syria and Lebanon; and 10% are from North Africa, according to official U.S. military figures made available to The Times by the senior officer. Nearly half of the 135 foreigners in U.S. detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis, he said."


I thought Iran and Syria were supposed to be the bad guys according to Bush and the Pentagon.

Interesting bit of left out information huh?

2007-07-15 08:35:15 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

because the answers about things that happened since 1990
are irresponsible and demonstrate clearly..most have a limited grasp of the foundations necessary to grasp why al'Qeada on two seperate occaisions attacked the WTC

2007-07-15 08:31:37 · 9 answers · asked by UMD Terps 3

2007-07-15 08:28:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

record illegals influx, record outsourcing of jobs of our fellow americans to overseas sweat shops including commie china, record influx of slave wage earning scabs with legal visa programs such as HB1 visa, a war on terror that will last perpetually, a war in afghanistan with no end in sight, a war in iraq with no end in sight, health care costs increasingly prohibitively unaffordable, social security crisis, medicare crisis, the lack of energy planning, catastrophic climate change looming....

How are all these things or the way way we deal with them linked???????

2007-07-15 08:23:05 · 8 answers · asked by ningis n 1

"Bush Seeks To Re-Impose Mandatory Minimums
June 13, 2007
WASHINGTON --AP -- The Bush administration is trying to roll back a Supreme Court decision by pushing legislation that would require prison time for nearly all criminals."

One more question: Why didn't the so called Liberal Press mention this at the time of the commutation?

2007-07-15 08:09:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

They choose who will be presented favorably or unfavorably.

2007-07-15 08:05:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

after we bring our troups home?

2007-07-15 08:00:25 · 11 answers · asked by Amanda K 4

What is your opinion of abortion, and what are some of your reasons? I cannot decide yet if I am pro-choice or pro-life.


2007-07-15 07:45:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Politicians have merged both concepts to the point that people are very very confused....

Climate Change is an inevitability..... whilst
Global Warming is inconclusive and a means of Politicians taxing us with impunity....

2007-07-15 07:29:22 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask because while there are more liberals than conservatives who oppose Bush, his approval rating is at 26%, and I know that 74% of the country is not liberal.

2007-07-15 07:20:54 · 14 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3

...listen to the reports that Government positions of power shouldn't be sought by the masses.

...I believe we middle and lower classes need to take our government back.If they (elite,a.k.a.the rich)want to slander U.S. along the way then let them.It seems like they always want to demonize and slander everyone interested in the good for all...

2007-07-15 06:47:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't think of a single kid who was in the top 1/2 of my class who became a teacher.

I went to a large university. The kids used to make fun of the kids in the "College of Education." It was widely viewed that future teachers had the lowest SATs on average.

Does this have something to do with why teachers end up being Democrats?

2007-07-15 06:46:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will be getting into a government class next year and will be voting next election and I know this may sound stupid but I have no idea which "side" I am on. I am pro-choice, I don't care if homosexuals get married and have kids, pro-gun, pro-death penalty so any help?

2007-07-15 06:39:10 · 21 answers · asked by Gio 2

JFK does it for me.....

"If by 'Liberal' they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then we are not that kind of 'Liberal.' But if by a 'Liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal."'

John F. Kennedy
September 14, 1960

2007-07-15 06:38:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

& if you are a liberal or a conservitive.

1. at no time in human history has there been long lasting peace or a time without war.

2. although many of the ideals of equality are Noble and pure the reality is that we all deal with some weakness and strength in life.

3. scarcity of goods are always a constant

4. everybody hates the winner

5. there is a global power vacuum; if not the U.S then who? would you prefer the Chinese?

6. some people are just bad and are no good for society and so they must be put away.

7. love your country and your military

8. pay for your own medical

2007-07-15 06:34:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do they get it so mixed up???

2007-07-15 06:29:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't see any news reports about Iraqis celebrating but I sure saw lots of happy Zionists.

2007-07-15 06:26:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

George W. Bush be president for life?

2007-07-15 06:24:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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