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Politics - 6 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Israel's barbaric treatment of the Palestinian people.

The US and Britain make them strong....
The despotic Dictators of the Arab countries dare not complain because they would be found out for what they are to their own peoples.....
We the peoples of the world turn a blind eye because of the collective guilt concerning the holocaust...

Whilst they the Israelis commit worse crimes.

2007-06-06 04:01:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

This article is one more great example of the overwhelming good it can provide. And what do those who are against stem cell research propose we do with the embryos not used for stem cell research? Just throw them away?

2007-06-06 03:53:45 · 14 answers · asked by Eisbär 7

You may be surprised by this . I'm open for ANY logical explanations for this .

Right now , there is a question titled something like " Lovely Americans. . . . .Iran is Your Friend " .

It's on the board right now . It basically says that some guy in Iran wanted to explain what it's really like in Iran . And there are many good people and things there , I know that . But this one ignores and denies his own governments PUBLIC STATEMENTS , easily researched and verifiable . It reeks of propaganda so bad , that I believe even some of the anti-war folks will smell it !!

Then to top it off , I notice that although it's the longest question I've ever seen posted. . . . .. . .THERE ARE NO BREAKS IN IT . Yahoo's question character limit is 1000 characters . I know , my questions get long . But there's no break like 'additional comments' and '6 minutes ago' for example . It's THOUSANDS OF CHARACTERS LONG WITHOUT EVEN 1 BREAK !!

WTF Is Going On ?

2007-06-06 03:38:59 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

since Al Qaeda are freedom fighters.......seeking only to kill americans who buy oil from them...............wouldnt they be open to sitting down for a peaceful chat or would they seize the opportunity to whack a few more heads off for arab tv viewing pleasures

2007-06-06 03:29:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should we use them for OFFENSE? Like when we invade another's country? I know it says in the constitution that the govt should be used for defense...but is it a stretch to call Iraq 'defense', when they never attacked us? I am not asking for justification for the war, I am asking if the constitution REALLY covers gov't using OFFENSE against another's country.

2007-06-06 03:27:04 · 15 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

Conspiracy theories?
National Guardsmen with M16s in the airports and subways?
What's you opinion on what happened that day and everyday since?

2007-06-06 03:19:56 · 24 answers · asked by Incognito 5

Mitt Romney, if elected, will target billion people market in Asia, China in particular. We will sell products to Chinese and prosper, in his opinion.

I am glad to see that Mr. Romney is so optimistic and I sure want to share it. But please don’t call me a skeptic – What are we going to sell to Chinese? We are outsourcing anything we can to the low cost countries in order to compete. Oh, here is a thought – why don’t we export our administration, we produced so much of it?

2007-06-06 03:18:25 · 2 answers · asked by Mr. Beef Stroganoff 6

as an Englishman who has recently returned from the USA ,i was amazed and upset to find that Americans dont drink alcohol.Yes, they do have bars, but they tend to serve beer- flavoured lemonade, which is very sickly.Furthermore most people who frequent these bars, actually act as though they are drunk on one or two of these lemonades.Weird eh?

2007-06-06 03:14:20 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do not necessarily support this reporter or who he works for. I just find it amazing that Rudy will have you arrested if he does not like what you ask him while the camera is rolling. What about the Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of the Press?
What do you think?
Reporters were questioning Giuliani staff members on a variety of issues, including his apparent ignorance of the 9/11 Commission Report, according to Bermas. The staff members accused the reporters of Ron Paul partisanship, which press denied. It was at this point that Lepacek, who was streaming a live report, asked a staff member about Giuliani's statement to Peter Jennings that he was told beforehand that the WTC buildings would collapse.
Giuliani's press secretary then called over New Hampshire state police, fingering Lepacek.......
Freedom to Fascism reporter Samuel Ettaro was also dragged out after asking a question on Giuliani's ties with Cintra and Macquerie, two foreign contractors involved with the contentious Trans-Texas Corridor under development in Texas.

The entire incident took place in a large press auditorium, apart from the debate stages where authorized media were able to question candidates and their handlers.

Since when do campaign operatives have the power to order state police to arrest someone on false charges or arbitrate who has the right to conduct journalism, a right guarded by the Constitution?

2007-06-06 03:10:26 · 17 answers · asked by citizenjanecitizenjane2 4

How can he say that news reporters who are getting killed/wounded (just like US troops in Iraq) trying to report on the battles in Iraq aren't getting an accurate view of what is happeing in Iraq? They get inbedded w/ US troops in Iraq, has Rudy ever done that? So how the hell would he know what is happening in Iraq & how can he question the media that are risking their lives to give viewers accurate reports on what is actually happeing in Iraq?

2007-06-06 03:02:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Global warming, health care and oil prices are all very good issues to deal with. But we do have a more pressing issue at hand.

I must agree with Rudy Giuliani that the Dems are indeed living in the nineties. I would even say that the Dems are living in a Sept. 10, 2001 world.

Terrorism exists, whether you like it or not, Dems.

There are a bunch of people who are out there who want to kill us regardless of political affiliation. You would do well to keep that in mind. There's this huge 16 acre hole in lower Manhattan that could attest to that.

And FYI, these people hated us LONG BEFORE this stupid Iraq war.

Bash me if you must because of my question and comments but it is the sincere truth: Republicans take terrorism more seriously then Democrats.

2007-06-06 03:00:41 · 11 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

2007-06-06 02:59:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep hearing the accusation that Dems won't do anything about illegal immigration because they want more votes at the polls, and the illegals give them that.

What kind of hokey polling systems ARE there in this country? When I go to vote, I have to present my driver's license (with photo) and sign next to my name on a huge printout of all the registered voters in my district.

In order to register to vote in this country, if my memory serves, you have to prove that you are a U.S. citizen.

So I don't really understand the allegation that illegal aliens are voting in our elections, unless the polling places aren't being more careful.

If that's the case, shouldn't we be calling for a major overhaul of our voting process, rather than accusing the Democrats of trying to promote the voting by illegals?

2007-06-06 02:57:35 · 9 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

2007-06-06 02:57:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are you going to vote for this soon to be President???
If you are Democratic,will this man change your personal voting party preference;at least for the time being????...Tom Science 4

2007-06-06 02:54:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are humans becoming restless and their way of thinking changing and becomming more negative?

2007-06-06 02:54:46 · 10 answers · asked by Pawan 2

For Those Who Fought For It Freedom Has A Flavor the Protected Will Never Know

2007-06-06 02:50:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's leadership role in science and medicine?

If parents don't acknowledge to their children the fundamental tenets of science, where will our future scientists and doctors come from?

If future doctors and scientists come from places like India and the far east, are we willing to accept and integrate their cultural and religious beliefs into ours?

Where do you think we will be as a country in the area of science two generations from now?

2007-06-06 02:47:12 · 7 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Is the Bush administration attempting to revert back to the good old days of the “Cold War”, because the American public is not buying into this so-called “War on Terror”?
“Well that didn’t work Dick, back to plan A!”

2007-06-06 02:43:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most Americans think so. Then why isn’t President Bush held to the same standard? Clearly, he is borderline illiterate.

"Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?"

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein."

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

"Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die."
"You're working hard to put food on your family."

Too many ob/gyns aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mential losses."

"They misunderestimated ..."

2007-06-06 02:38:46 · 16 answers · asked by Hemingway 4

For that matter why don't they actually use it? Is was a big topic in the last Democratic debate. Hillary said "What diplomacy? They send Condaleeza out to a few places and once in a while they send Dick Cheney and thats not what I call diplomacy."

Its funny that they don't even bring it up in the republican debate. Why?

2007-06-06 02:31:04 · 9 answers · asked by Enigma 6

1st Bush pisses off 1.3 Billion Muslims in the world w/ his occupation of Iraq & now he doing his best to piss off Russia who happen to have the 2nd largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world (& 1/4 of the world's oil).

Bush should just stay in the US for the rest of his term, let his generals handle the war in Iraq & let Condi handle all foregin policy matters before he inadvertently starts WW3 because of his ignorance in world affairs.

2007-06-06 02:30:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-06 02:29:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does he know....His foriegn policy, or lack there of, is so out of touch. I can't wait for 1/20/09...

2007-06-06 02:25:13 · 7 answers · asked by jim 6

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