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Politics - 6 June 2007

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This is truly a good reason why NONE OF THEM should be elected. So it's important to make sure a person doesn't sleep with the same sex to serve America. I don't think a Soldier getting shot at is worried if a person of the same sex is trying to GROPE THEM!!!!

2007-06-06 16:33:26 · 17 answers · asked by linus_van_pelt_4968 5

2007-06-06 16:28:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah the new party name is Republic-rats. They are all the same especially the top tier. The Bush family and the Clintons are very close friends as are many others. I know just because you aren't the same party doesn't mean you can't be friends. Their differences are very slim though and the rest is just pandering to the voters. They are all bought and paid for by corporate America. Think about that before you vote for a top tier candidate.

2007-06-06 16:28:09 · 20 answers · asked by Enigma 6

the government has foiled 2 terrorist plots (JFK and Fort Dix) in the past couple weeks. In spite of this, liberals still think that the War on Terror is nothing more than a slogan....or a bumper sticker, as liberal God John Edwards says. The next plot might not be foiled ahead of time, yet taking precautions is considered GOP fear mongering I guess. What will make liberals finally realize that the US is under attack and we are all coming closer and closer to being victims of radical Islam?

2007-06-06 16:08:55 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

...why would they allow the senseless deaths of thousands of young people? My local paper showed the largest group of US troops killed were between the ages of 18-26. Last time I checked, those WERE babies. Sure those soldiers made the choice to serve but they are serving in a worthless, stupid, senseless, moronic, idiotic war started by a worthless, stupid, senseless, moronic, idiotic man. Yeah, I bashed Bush. He's a big boy. If he's hurt by being "bashed," let him send the TWINS so they can serve in this worthless, stupid, senseless, moronic, idiotic war. Ok?

2007-06-06 16:06:01 · 9 answers · asked by LA Law 4


John Edwards spoke about how prayer helped him get through the death of his son and his wife's cancer diagnoses. Barack Obama repeatedly invoked the biblical phrase "I am my brother's keeper" as he spoke about poverty and injustice. Hillary Rodham Clinton credited her faith with getting her through her husband's infidelities.

2007-06-06 16:01:23 · 19 answers · asked by Homeless in Phoenix 6

A good healthy positive debate about real issues is great. The negative ads show us how petty and unyeilding a candidate can be. Candidates are human and every decision they make can be debated and studied for different alternatives. It shows the lack of compassion and an unwillingness to understanding a different point of view. Why do we accept this exhibition as a tool necessary for political leadership?

2007-06-06 15:59:12 · 18 answers · asked by Mike Jones 1

if yes then who is going to be second closest and if no which country is going to replace?

2007-06-06 15:57:46 · 12 answers · asked by coolcal 2

impact point caused the breach.If so were the case then then the top floors above the impact point should have not been pulverized to dust but piggy rode the falling lower floors, contrary to what looked like being blasted apart.
Why did the towers fall?What about bldg 7?What about anthrax? ... and there is a plethora of questions to be answered.
Maybe the real question is are v ready to face the facts and willing to explore the real answers to all these questions?
Hopefully we do.

2007-06-06 15:56:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

George W. Bush can't run again. But if he could, and if he were - would you vote for him?

2007-06-06 15:52:30 · 37 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Whenever I see people (politicians, minute-men, patriotic white people) on the TV speaking against illegal aliens I immediately know that they are racists or "closet racists," meaning they are not willing to admit to their racist views.

How can they go on national television and say such awful things about one race and think they're correct? Why is the media even covering garbage like that? Will racism ever go away?

2007-06-06 15:52:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


if you would like to impeach bush simply say yes if not then simply say no and please give a reason why?

2007-06-06 15:45:43 · 9 answers · asked by duy n 2

That if *we're* not hearing anything about him... maybe *He* isn't either? That maybe he will (if he's even still alive) relax a bit and come out where we can grab him? *PERHAPS* someone finally got a clue and simply kicked the media out of a critical operation, so they can't screw it up!


2007-06-06 15:41:55 · 10 answers · asked by MotherBear1975 6

I am very liberal on all issues. I am however Pro-Israel and most of the people I know find it strange that I am liberal and Pro-Israel.

2007-06-06 15:40:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of boys died that day.

2007-06-06 15:31:59 · 34 answers · asked by John 2

he hasnt done a good thing for our country! sure he has lowered taxes, but then he raises it up due to the war in iraq! then he says he will get the terroist well so far i havent heard a thing about bin laden! what the hell is wrong with people!

2007-06-06 15:30:38 · 36 answers · asked by Leslly A 3

I can't wait for the first folksy "Well gosh darn it".

2007-06-06 15:19:47 · 7 answers · asked by flushles 3

The United States has lost 3500 soldiers in 4 years in Iraq. This comes out to 875 deaths per year. In the United States, the murder rate is 16,000 per year. I wonder, which country is safer, Iraq or the United States?

2007-06-06 15:18:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is so ridiculous . A Yahoo News story says that a Bush war advisor expressed doubts about troop surge .. . . . . Big Friggin Deal !!!

I Wonder . . . . .How many of you know that many Generals disagree with EVERY decision made by ANY President ????

And they routinely disagree with other Generals just. . like .. them .

Anyways , believe what you want , and have whatever political affiliations that you want , but please. . .Please recognize pure propaganda and agenda .

Thank you . I'm Earnest T Phd/THC , and I endorse this question .

2007-06-06 15:17:29 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous


Jeesh, 10 years for oral sex?

Would it be unpopular with his GOP base to pardon this young man?

2007-06-06 15:14:11 · 2 answers · asked by powhound 7

Is that good, or bad?

2007-06-06 15:11:27 · 7 answers · asked by flushles 3

2007-06-06 15:01:13 · 37 answers · asked by jazz_devotee 2

2007-06-06 14:57:28 · 8 answers · asked by jazz_devotee 2

is he dead or alive?

2007-06-06 14:48:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The point of the questions was to show that our founding fathers were the liberals of their day...they were not not conservatives, as the corporate media and right wingers spin.

I wanted to witness conservative reactions to the actual words of our founding fathers.

I also wanted to introduce the words of a couple of other conservatives...to show how what passes for conservatism today is not conservative, but rather right wing extremism camouflaged by corporate spin to represent American values and conservatism. It’s a fraud. The conservatives are a fraud

2007-06-06 14:39:34 · 4 answers · asked by Peace Warrior 4

So I heard today that Bush is starting something with the Russians. He has got to just stop his trigger happy ways and go stick his head in the sand until the elections. I am from Canada and I seriously haven't talked to someone who likes Bush. Does the same hold true in the states? What do you think?

2007-06-06 14:37:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

do either of these two men mean anything in the scope of current politics?
does the fact that Joe Wilsons report that yellow cake was not sold to Iraq by way of Niger, remotely resemble Clintons sexual escapades?.. can you right wingers really compare trumping up info to bring a country into a war it would never have gone for were it not for blatant and "criminal" information suppression and creation really rate with Bills *******?
Fact, Valery Plame was covert! Scooter Libby was ordered to release her name to Robert Novak by the Vice president, and that George Bush said if anyone turned out to be involved that he would personally see them prosecuted as he is now talking about pardoning their scape goat Libby?

Flip Flopping, big oil swilling "murderers" walk .. and you guys want to talk about Bill Clinton??????????

2007-06-06 14:05:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

He had 37% approval rating in NYC prior to 9/11 just like another ineffeciant politician did 'i wonder who that is 'prior to 9/11 also! So what does it take terrorism to like a bad politician?This country will be foolish to vote in this LIBERAL REPUBLICAN that sounds like a contradiction well so is Rudy G. ! No more NeoCONs please esp.that cousin lovin drag queen perv. in office!

2007-06-06 13:49:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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