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Politics - 5 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

He is gonna do/say something idiotic, I just know it.

2007-06-05 04:55:44 · 14 answers · asked by scummibear 4


2007-06-05 04:55:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'd like to know what you are taught about the Republic of Ireland both its past and its present.

2007-06-05 04:47:30 · 4 answers · asked by eorpach_agus_eireannach 5

to accept apparently tax-free gifts of almost a million dollars from a corporation — especially a corporation involved in providing lists of vulnerable elderly people to scam artists?

Senator Clinton's reply when questioned about InfoUSA flying her around the world for personal vacations? She said that she had complied with all Senate ethics rules and reimbursed the company for the amount of a first class air ticket — about 1 percent of the cost of the luxurious private jet travel. According to Hillary, “Those were the rules. You’ll have to ask someone else if it’s good policy.”

In other words, get lost.

2007-06-05 04:41:34 · 12 answers · asked by Cherie 6

Do you think they truly represent the people of their states or districts?

Everyone agrees that earmarks are bad for the legislative process, but it's only pork when it's going to someone else's state, right?

Do you think it's possible to effectively reduce or eliminate big money and corporate influence in Washington?

2007-06-05 04:38:30 · 12 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Some argue that the corporate welfare helps these corporations provide jobs to welfare recipients. However, these corporations are already worth BILLIONS, so do they really need all of our hard-earned tax money?

2007-06-05 04:32:24 · 12 answers · asked by tangerine 7

Does anyone here honestly review the issues and are willing to vote across political parties if they agree on a candidate's views, or do you stick to whatever party you associate yourself with regardless?

2007-06-05 04:32:08 · 25 answers · asked by psatm 3

If there was unequivocal evidence that 9/11 was a plot conceived by elected officials right here in the U.S.A, would you want to know the truth? Should the American public know the truth if “that” were the case?

2007-06-05 04:29:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep hearing his name brought up since the conviction of William Jefferson.

2007-06-05 04:29:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

A database company that has showered money on Bill and Hillary Clinton – and is alleged to have aided scam artists – now appears to have close links to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's family as well.

The firm InfoUSA, headed by major Clinton backer Vinod Gupta, has placed Pelosi's son, Paul Pelosi Jr., on its payroll – even though he has no experience in the company's main business activities........so does anyone know what his 'title' is?Also how does he manage to keep his full time job (Countrywide Loan officer) in San Maeto AND this 'part-time', $180,000 year job which is based in Omaha?

2007-06-05 04:28:18 · 3 answers · asked by Cherie 6

I have seen some here argue that MULTIBILLION-dollar corporations like Wal-Mart get government subsidies, because they help welfare recipients get jobs. That being said, though, it's a known fact that most employees of companies like Wal-Mart aren't well-paid and sometimes STILL have to draw welfare even when they have jobs! If the purpose of corporate welfare is to ultimately get welfare recipients back on their feet, then doesn't it make sense that the government should require that these corporations pay their employees a living wage before they receive any subsidies?

2007-06-05 04:25:00 · 19 answers · asked by tangerine 7

It seems that all he does is to insult and criticize people and countries like what he is currently doing to China and Russia.

2007-06-05 04:23:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Same drugs are cheaper in Canada and Mexico, not sure, but I imagine it's the same in other countries. When asked, drug company spokespeople continually reference the high cost of research and development.

2007-06-05 04:23:16 · 10 answers · asked by El Duderino 4


How much you wanna bet that this scumbag keeps his job?

2007-06-05 04:20:58 · 2 answers · asked by Atavacron 5

Belong in American Politics?
Democrats and Republicans alike are people of faith, in fact most of the Dems last night were Roman Catholics or Methodist, and Edwards stated he had been raised a evangelical baptist.

That being said the Founding Fathers might have been deists but they formed a Government on biblical principles.
If we did not have a country based on a biblical foundation wouldn't be like the USSR?

You can force morality laws on people by threats of prison, condemnation by society, lawsuits that will effect there pocketbooks, but dfoes that change the hate in thier heart? NO

Man cannot change a person's heart from evil to decent so wouldn't it be fair to say that some biblical words of wisdom should be said to people from our Politicians...

2007-06-05 04:18:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-05 04:18:15 · 5 answers · asked by Isreal A 1

Basically, you are getting attention not for your beliefs or your stance on the issues, but your star power. We have yet to cast a single vote on the canidates and it seems that the news media has already narrowed the field down to 2 canidates on each side.

2007-06-05 04:16:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Objectively speaking - does Rush, O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, etc. influence what you post on Y!A?

2007-06-05 04:15:52 · 13 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

How did you think of the US before the war was started, what do you think of it now? Do you respect it more or less, fear it more or less, like it more or less? I would especially be interested in responses from Muslim people, although all international responses are encouraged. Thank you very much for your answers!

2007-06-05 04:09:16 · 7 answers · asked by jxt299 7

Considering very few questions have anything to do with actual political issues and more to do with bashing on party or the other. No wonder why people have little faith in government.

2007-06-05 04:03:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say yes.

2007-06-05 04:02:41 · 12 answers · asked by Peace Maker 2


2007-06-05 03:55:41 · 13 answers · asked by Peace Maker 2

I am a christian and have been a truther for a lil over a year

2007-06-05 03:53:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Comments made at last Democratic debate....Is this an indictment of her husbands total neglect of the terrorist menace for 8yrs?

PS: Thanks Pres. Bush and the Patriot Act.

2007-06-05 03:52:54 · 14 answers · asked by WhyAreYouaREMF 3

Shouldn't "Jesus said. . ."
or "The Bible says. . ."

automatically disqualify somebody from commenting on politics? Don't we know how to be decent human beings without a poorly written collection of different writers' interpretations of ancient middle eastern superstitions?

Why is belief, without any basis in fact, some kind of acid test for the presidency? Why do we kill other people for not believing in the right invisible omniscient being that no one has ever seen and no proof of which exists?

2007-06-05 03:52:51 · 8 answers · asked by Schmorgen 6

Shouldn't he be the best authority on the subject today?

2007-06-05 03:44:21 · 10 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

All of the retarded banter I read on this board and hear from their mouths is the same crap that I hear Rush and his cronies spout. Did it ever occur to any of them to read both sides of the story and then form your own unbiased opinion. The republican party feeds them lines, and they go around like robots repeating the one sentence argument for each issue. And then if you back them in a corner by giving 10 reasons why what they say is not right, they jump to Bill Clinton.

Just because your party deems it so does not mean it's so. I am an independent/democrat but I support the death penalty, and am against the government messing with legal gun owners. I am just tired of these human tape recorders who regurgitate what their moronic talk show hosts feed them without ever even researching the topic on their own. Their is my rant, have at it boys and girls!

2007-06-05 03:43:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you any ideas who would make a good president for Britain if it was a republic? Would you vote in the Queen? Would someone from the world of sport, music, film, politics?

2007-06-05 03:43:47 · 13 answers · asked by Spawnee 5

Including Fred Thompson

2007-06-05 03:40:47 · 6 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

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