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Politics - 1 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

who does'nt want any other person to rule.

2007-06-01 23:56:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

See my previous question.

2007-06-01 23:15:26 · 21 answers · asked by The prophet of DOOM 5

I personally couldn't identify any Jewish person (other than an Hasidic Jew -- due to the hair and clothes) from Billy Bob redneck. Why I think of a Jew I associate Jews with "Fran Fine" played by actress Fran Drescher -- which truth be told is probably racist on my part. I see Jews on TV all the time they pretty much look like everyone else and come in a variety of flavors brown white and black some have a yiddish accent others do not.

As near as I can tell groups from the The Radical Religious Right and Arabs simply hate them because they exist..

2007-06-01 23:07:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, hey, look at his job on the enviornment and the War in Iraq, plus his "commitment"
to bring healthcare to all. It seem like he enjoys taking life, instead of saving it.

2007-06-01 23:01:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Actaully taking in to consideration the inflation rate we paid more for gas in 1983! Not by much but dollar value yes, veggies, fruit , meat, bread and milk have risen at a higher rate than gas. However taxes in my view are a big issue, did you know the governemtn makes more revenue from the gas taxes than the oil companies? (source abc news)

Aren't companies under a enterprize system allowed to make a profit? Isnt that what their stockholders want?

So who's really to balme, what is the solution?

2007-06-01 22:14:04 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-01 22:08:31 · 6 answers · asked by liberalzzzz 1

Goverment should make a good and quick decession about the voilence spreading in Rajasthan for the reservation by a group, because if no quick decession is taken this will turn in the biggest war between two castes soon.
Why there is so concern for reservation? Why goverment is quite?

2007-06-01 21:52:37 · 15 answers · asked by Sidd 7

Newsweek has declared Gore a 'EcoSavant' though I'm not quite sure why. I go to his website and find not one scientific award or, even a scientific review, only accolades from Hollywood and the press.

It seems that the liberal media along with the libs, are once more allowing Hollywood celebrities to determine what is true.

It's so reminiscent of how the libs let the cast of SNL convince them our current president was an idiot. (I wonder if SNL received a Hollywood award that year.) Do you think they have a right to be upset with what they mistook as a legitimate portrayal of Bush's mental capacities?

Especially now, when it's becoming hard to deny and more and more obvious that we actually have a PoliSavant in the White House?

True, our PoliSavant recently said that Global Warming is legit, but it shouldn't be mistaken for an endorsement of Gore's gross exaggerations.

2007-06-01 20:07:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Health care, taxes also key issues
By Alexandra Abboud
Washington File Staff Writer

President George Bush and Senator John Kerry fielded questions from undecided voters and vigorously defended their stances on health care, the economy and the war in Iraq as they faced off in the second of three scheduled presidential election debates.
The debate, the only one of the three set up in a town hall meeting format, took place at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, October 8.
Bush defended his decision to go to war with Iraq, saying, "Saddam Hussein was a threat because he could have given weapons of mass destruction to terrorist enemies. Sanctions were not working. The United Nations was not effective at removing Saddam Hussein."
Kerry questioned Bush's decision to go to war. "[Saddam Hussein] didn't have weapons of mass destruction, Mr. President," he said. "And if we'd used smart diplomacy, we could have saved $200 billion and an invasion of Iraq, and right now Osama bin Laden might be in jail or dead. That's the war against terror."
Each candidate claimed that a report released October 6 by the Central Intelligence Agency on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq validated his own position.
The town hall forum allowed the candidates to walk around the stage and gesture -- a departure from their first, more formal September 30 debate in Coral Gables, Florida, in which they were required to remain behind a podium -- allowing for a more free-flowing and personal presentation by each.
While the first debate focused specifically on foreign policy, this second debate gave voters an opportunity to hear the candidates' positions on domestic issues that in many ways affect voters most directly, including health care and taxes.
The candidates sparred over one of the most crucial election issues -- the economy -- with President Bush and Senator Kerry defending their differing views on the issue.
"The president was handed a $5.6 trillion surplus...when he came into office," Kerry said. "We now have a $2.6 trillion deficit. This is the biggest turnaround in the history of the country."
Bush defended his economic policies, citing the recent recession and the cost of war. Speaking to Kerry, Bush said, "Like you, I'm concerned about the deficit. But I am not going to shortchange our troops in harm's way. And I'm not going to run up taxes, which will cost this economy jobs."
The issue of health care also played an important role in the debate, with one questioner inquiring about the importation of low-cost prescription drugs from Canada.
President Bush cautioned that the safety of prescription drugs coming into the United States must be carefully considered, and said the Food and Drug Administration and the Surgeon General are currently working to insure that such importation can be done safely. "I want to remind you that it wasn't just my administration that made the decision on safety. President Clinton did the same thing, because we have an obligation to protect you," he said.
In response, Senator Kerry said the administration blocked a bill to bring less expensive prescription drugs into the country. "We're not talking about Third World drugs. We're talking about drugs made right here in the United States of America that have American brand names on them in American bottles," he said.
Polls continue to show Bush and Kerry in a statistical dead heat as they begin preparation for their third and final debate on domestic issues October 13 in Tempe, Arizona.
(The Washington File is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)

2007-06-01 20:06:58 · 5 answers · asked by reem_232003 1

I saw it on the Art Bell website soon after.So it must be true....

2007-06-01 19:28:48 · 18 answers · asked by ak6702 7

I read daily people bashing presidential candidates....I believe every person has the right to state how they feel I may not agree with them but I'm not going to take it personally...Our constitution gives us all that right....some get a lil carried away but I overlook it.....

Yesterday in responding to a question from someone bashing Bush and praiseing the democrats stateing they would win the election ..

I made a simple statement " lol a democrat winning ...thats funny!!!!

in the process the asker reported me for abuse....I didn't attack them I made a silly statement she took serious....So where does her freedom..... take away my right to state how I felt??

I have had some pretty rough answers to some of my questions...but I have never nor would I try to stop someone from passing on their opinion....

So do we truly have freedom of speech?? or is our freedom limited to what someone else feels, like you should say things only if you agree??

2007-06-01 19:05:07 · 19 answers · asked by snickers 3

John Edwards - Do you really beleive he can win the election ? and if he has no chance as many people have said , then why is he using his wife who is knocking on deaths door to get the sympathy vote ? I'm not trying to bash the man just want to understand this .

2007-06-01 19:02:46 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-01 18:48:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

India's current political parties have repeatedly failed to provide responsible government at all levels. Inspite of the alleged economic gains the quality of life in India remains poor. Our governments are not doing their basic job let alone prepare to meet the challenges of environmental catastrophe, water shortages, internal anarchy and the like. A new political party at the very least can influence the national debate, or even put our failed politicians on notice that their days of taking the people for granted may be coming to an end, and they need to move over if they can't deliver. Surf to www.bdpindia.net for more. We need people to help with constructive ideas.

2007-06-01 18:47:27 · 10 answers · asked by been there 2

i pose this question because liberals just dont know which to choose i guess. I mean on one side hes called a "Criminal mastermind!" that perpetuated 911 with his evil cohorts Dick Cheney! & the enemy of the state "Karl Rove!!" and fooled the entire world just so he can start wars and profit on oil!!

and on the other side, they call him this fumbling idiot who cant even phrase a sentence together, and makes up words while his administration is full of incompetent dopes who cant get anything right...
i mean, it makes no sense to me... you cant have it both ways wheres your credibility. its like the people who say he completely orchestrated 911 with his secret bunkers and laser beams, using CIA agents posing as Bin laden to cover it up...

let me ask you this... if hes such an evil genius that he perpetuated 911 to go to war.... why didnt he just go and plant WMDs in Iraq so he doesnt come out looking like a complete jackass to the entire planet...? where your logic on that one guys.

2007-06-01 18:33:21 · 28 answers · asked by Aldo G 2

2007-06-01 18:28:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Politics being politics, will the GOP fess up and admit that G.W. is a P.O.S. – just to “win”?

2007-06-01 17:23:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


1) Halliburton billed taxpayers $1.4 billion in questionable and undocumented charges under its contract to supply troops in Iraq, as documented by the Pentagon’s own auditors.

2) Parsons billed taxpayers over $200 million under a contract to build 142 health clinics, yet completed fewer than 20. According to Iraqi officials, the rest were “imaginary clinics.”

3) Custer Battles stole forklifts from Iraq’s national airline, repainted them, then leased the forklifts back to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) through a Cayman Islands shell company — charging an extra fee along the way.

2007-06-01 16:49:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its easy,

If you don't want to die, don't do the crime.

Anyone stupid enough not to realize this simple rule deserves their fate.

My opinion.

2007-06-01 16:42:16 · 32 answers · asked by The Great Northern 2

2007-06-01 16:21:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-01 16:09:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since when is it ok for anyone to use violence to get their way? I think we have reached a point that people are intelligent and can figure other ways besides a bombing threat to get their point heard. Bush date raped the united states while we were still high from the tragedy of the 911 attacks. He took advantage of everyones enraged sorrow to pass bills ridiculously soon after the attacks, like the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. A.C.T. and take our families to war while redirecting the target and trying to finish the job his father couldnt. Yes i think its really good that hussein is no longer dictating iraq, there have been victories.. well ok, that one victory, but, as the intoxication from 911 has well worn off, isnt it time to grow up and handle these situations like the adults we all are? Maybe if they were treated like the kings that had to go to war with its soldiers.. THEN we would have no war. But instead its a room of over the hill politicians sending our teenagers from war.

2007-06-01 16:07:38 · 25 answers · asked by Bobbi 2

Is it possible to divide Nations with walls ?
Is the USA a strong military and diplomatic democracy? So, why don't they build bridges instead walls?

2007-06-01 15:57:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read that baby bush has a 23% approval rating. Not trying to be mean or anything, but who are these people? I'm serious. 23% isnt a big number, but i thought it would be lower. Please dont just leave mean answers, I really want to know who these people could be? Are they the rich people getting all the tax breaks? Any ideas?

2007-06-01 15:46:10 · 23 answers · asked by ♥willow♥ 7

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