Now first let me clarify your concepts about the 70 virgins which people talk about whenever they have nothing to say to support their answers/reasons.Actually Most of them say it bcoz they have been misguided about it. Allah(name of God in Muslims) promises Muslims some gifts for good deeds as well as some punishments for the bad ones and I hope in the Holy Bible too, He promises some gifts as well as some punishments. Now note it that GOD HAS FORBIDDEN US TO KILL OURSELVES IN THE HOLY QUR'AN. yes buddies. it's the truth. when something is haraam, it is a "never forgivable sin" to do it and suicide is called HARAAM by GOD in the Holy book of Muslims. yes killing yourself is haraam in islam It's written clearly in the Holy Qur'an and the Muslims believe it. Those, who die through suicide will directly go to HELL as they have done a strictly forbidden sin. a haraam sin. Well , now the question comes into our minds that "then why is it said and being told that Muslims believe that suicidal death is a direct path to heavens and even people tell that Muslims believe that they shall get 70 virgins for it?"
Well. it is being said because,
in the Holy Qur'an , Allah promises Muslims that those who die in the name of God for the sake of humanity and for the truth and rights, they shall be rewarded. Now among those rewards, God has promised that they shall be rewarded with 70 virgins of the Heaven. God also promises in the Qur'an the reward to good men(those who did nice deeds here) of their wives as virgins in the Heavens. e.g if I you are married man and go to Heavens, your wife will be there for you as a virgin.
Now you see that the 70 virgins were promised to be rewarded to those who die in the name of God for the sake of truth and humanity AND THOSE WHO DIE THROUGH SUICIDE WILL DIRECTLY GO TO HELL!. but it was preached and spread amongst you people that these Muslims think that they shall be rewarded with 70 virgins for killing themselves as they think they are doing so for the truth. it was spread amongst you to make you hate Muslims and think that they are fallacious and totally on the wrong side and hence, gain your approval and sympathy for the Iraq and Afghanistan war. And plzz plzz don't think that whatever you are being told is 100% true until you go through the facts and figures yourselves. Whatever I have said is clearly written in the Holy book of Muslims, the Quran. And you can check that that I have said the truth about it.
11 answers
asked by
Fahad Ahmed